Adults Should Help Children Play | Teen Ink

Adults Should Help Children Play

January 23, 2014
By tinita BRONZE, Warrington, Other
tinita BRONZE, Warrington, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be who you are, dont change for people who dont like the real you.

It is important for adults to be involved and to intervene in children’s imaginative and creative play because if children are playing or doing something inappropriate then the adult will have to encourage the child to play something which is suitable for the children involved to play.

It is also important for adults to be involved and intervene because they will be able to encourage the children who are a little bit shy to take part in the activity, and also to allow the children to get used to being around other children whilst taking part in an activity. For example, if a child is using inappropriate language or threatening language that they have overheard it is important for the adult to tell, or ask the child not to use that language in the nursery or school.

Adults should only have to be involved or intervene in the children’s imaginative and creative play when the children ask or need help to complete a task in the activity, or it may be if some children involved in the activity are behaving or playing inappropriately in the group which will have to be dealt with appropriately. Otherwise adults should follow the children’s interests and the places and settings they may need during their imaginative and creative play without the adult intervening or taking control of the activity taking place, as this may distract the children from what they are thinking.

If the adult does intervene in children’s play when necessary then it will allow their imagination to flow freely without them have to do inappropriate things. It will also allow them to gain more independence, communication and co-operation skills for their later life when they are older.

Adults should get involved in children’s imaginative and creative play by allowing the children to start playing or doing the activity that has been set on their own first. Then, if it is needed, the adult should sit with the children for a while whilst remaining quiet unless intervention is needed. In that case the adult should talk to the child that needs helping on their own whilst trying not to disturb the other children taking part in the activity.

The adult can also get involved in children’s imaginative and creative play if a child comes over to them and asks them to aid them through the activity that they are trying to complete with the other children, (if they are completing it with other children). For example if a child is trying to cut a shape out of paper so they can stick it to a picture they have drawn then they may ask you if you can help them, or show them how to cut it out so that they are able to do it the next time they want to do that type of activity.

Adults should intervene or get involved in children’s imaginative and creative play when they are in the classroom completing an activity that the child has asked for assistance on.

Adults can also encourage children’s imaginative and creative play by setting up a safe play area for children to get involved in the activity that is set up. Adults can also encourage them by ensuring that the area they are playing in is clean and tidy for the activity to take place in.

The author's comments:
i am currently studying childcare level 2 in college and i wrote this for my assignment 6 part 1.

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