A Christmas Miracle | Teen Ink

A Christmas Miracle

December 12, 2018
By Anonymous

It was December 18th and my whole class was so excited for Christmas. Our class room was decorated with snowflakes and small ornaments. If you didn’t know I’m Derek and I’m in seventh grade. Seventh grade is pretty good so far but I have a couple weird things about my school. One of my teachers who is Mr. Barkley is a gorilla, weird right. That is mostly the only thing that is weird about my school but I really like Mr. Barkley he is extremely nice.

Anyways me and my friends that day after school were going to play football. As the bell rang I walked out and saw Katie, with a smug on her face. She hates everyone and is really annoying. Katie is always looking to do something to get me and my friends mad. My friends and I walked out to the field and started throwing around the football. Oh and by the way, my friends names are Fred and Jack. So, on with the story. My friends and I could not wait for Christmas, after all you do get a ton of presents. The only thing was that the days were going by so slow and It was making me very impatient. My friends an I played for about an hour and then I walked home. This went on almost every week. I’m not saying the same thing always happened but it felt like nothing had changed. After school I would play football with Fred and Jack and Katie would always have a smugg on her face. This went on until about December 23. Now everyone was extremely excited for Christmas and all me and my friends could think about was walking down to see all of our presents on Christmas. The school was decorated in snowflakes and everyone just had a wonderful feeling that Christmas was going to be amazing this year.

It was finally Christmas eve and I could not wait to open all my presents. That night I could barely sleep. I tossed and turned but I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Then I heard something. Almost like someone had fell on our house. I thought about and realized that it could be Santa Clause. I slowly walked down the stairs and I looked not to see Santa, but I saw Mr. Barkley.

“Mr. Barkley!” I said, “What are you doing?”

“I’m, um, just checking up on you Derek, I just want to make sure you are okay.”

I was very confused and did not understand what was happening. Suddenly, we heard a loud thump, and there he was, Santa Clause.

“Oh, um, hello Derek, you should be sleeping” he said. “You need to go to sleep Derek, ok” Santa said. But then Mr. Barkley dove forward into Santa and tried stealing my presents. Then he ran right out the door. I thought that all my hopes and dreams had vanished but little did I know we were going to fix it. Santa and I hopped on to the slay and off we went. We had finally found Mr. Barkley, and of course I got all my presents. Mr. Barkley had ended up going to jail because he did have a criminal record.

“Hey Derek, Next time it’s Christmas just stay in your bed if you can’t sleep” Sant said with a chuckle. And as the snow blew through the air, and the snow blizzard went on, I heard Sant in the distance, “Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas.”

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