Lost In The Woods | Teen Ink

Lost In The Woods

October 26, 2021
By williamsc123456 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
williamsc123456 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Nicole!” announced Charlotte, “Elizabeth and I are going for a quick hike, wanna come?”.

It is a crisp October afternoon, Halloween day, a beautiful day perfect for a hike. The leaves were filled with colors and the smell of pumpkin and spices filled the air. The four thirteen year old girls Charlotte, Elizabeth, Nicole and Sara were getting ready for their friend's Halloween party. Nicole got up from straightening her natural curly brown hair. She got Sara who was getting on her Clown makeup and her red wig she would put over her silky strawberry blonde hair. The two girls headed down stairs to Charlotte and Elizabeth. 

“Nicole and I still have to finish our makeup and costume, we want to make sure we are ready for the party,” exclaimed Sara.

 “Ok, we'll be back in about 40 minutes¨, shared Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth and Charlotte put up their dirty blonde hair and tied up their sneakers. 

“Make sure you bring your phones!!”, Shouted Nicole. 

      They grabbed their phones and headed on their adventure. The crispy leaves crunched on their shoes as they headed toward the entrance of the trail. As they entered Noanet woods they could already tell it was getting darker. 

“Orange or blue trail?”, asked Charlotte.   

“Wanna do the blue trail? I think it will be shorter so we have plenty of time to get ready”, said Elizabeth. 

“Sounds good” smiled Charlotte, “I'll put the directions on my phone since we haven't been on this trail in a while”.

 As the girls walked through the trail they admired the beautiful bright leaves in shades of yellow, red and orange. It was cool but not too cold, the perfect fall day. 


  Back at the house Nicole and Sara were finishing up their makeup and getting on their costumes. Nicole was a clown with frightening makeup painted across her face. Sara was a vampire, with white powder and fake blood covering her skin. Now the clear blue atmosphere was fading into a dark black, filling the sky. 

“Woah it's starting to get pretty dark” said Elizabeth. “Lets head back, turn on the flashlight” said Charlotte. But when Elizabeth pressed the on button the flashlight did not turn on.It didn't even flitter the smallest bit of light. 

 “Oh gosh, here, turn your phone flashlight on” said Charlotte.  As Elizabeth was turning it on the phone screen was now pitch black dead.

 “Oh my gosh, now it's really dark and great it's dead” Said Elizabeth, both frightened

and shaking. 

 “Well be ok, don't worry we still have the directions, Now we turn right,” pronounced Charlotte. 

  As the girls were turning right suddenly the directions on the phone faded into the screen. They both screamed in dismay. The two girls stood there, frozen in fear. The only light was from the full moon that peaked out from the tips of the trees. They were now screaming, scared out of their minds, especially after remembering the story Nicole told them last night about how werewolves came out on Full moon nights.

Meanwhile at the house, Nicole and Sara started to get concerned.  “An hour and 30 minutes has passed, and they said they would be home forty minutes ago,” said Sara. They both knew something was up, they grabbed their shoes that matched their costumes that they were already wearing and headed into noanet. 

    Back in the woods Charlotte and Elizabeth were cluelessly trying to find their way out. As Nicole and Sara wandered through the woods, with their bright lanterns and helpful directions they were now stuck with the choice to go on the blue or orange trail. Before they could decide what trail they think Charlotte and Elizabeth went on they heard muffled voices. Nicole and Sara

looked up the hill of the blue trail and there were Charlotte and Elizabeth stumbling down the hill. As Sara opened her mouth to call out to them she was stopped by Nicole. Nicole covered Saras mouth and pulled her behind a tree. ¨What was that for?¨ whispered Sara.

 Nicole shared with Sara her plan to scare the girls as they passed by. Nicole and Sara camouflaged behind the tree and waited as Charlotte and Elizabeth made their way down the hill.

  As the girls trembled down the hill they made their way out of the blue trail. 

As they walked out, all of the sudden there was a huge ¨BOO!!¨ shouted Nicole and Sara in sinc. 

Charlotte and Elizabeth jumped out of their skin in fear, as they see two shadowing figures awaken from the darkness. The girls are huddled up together horrified although the unknown clown and vampire started laughing. ¨Nicole, Sara?¨ gasped Charlotte. It was Nicole and Sara indeed. ¨We got you guys good¨ laughed Sara. All the girls were now laughing although Charlotte and Elizabeth were still in shock.

           As the girls strolled out of the trail they headed back to the house. Nicole and Sara waited down stairs while Charlotte and Elizabeth headed upstairs to do their makeup and get their costumes on. ¨I can't believe they scared us like that¨ exclaimed Charlotte. ¨I know right!¨ responded Sara as she powerders up her face with makeup. Charlotte and Elizabeth join Nicole and Sara down stairs and they all head out to the halloween party. 

As the four girls walked down the darkened street they could hear howling in the background. They look back at the woods and then up at the moon as the howl of the unknown animal fills their ears. 

                             THE END 

The author's comments:

Caroline lives in the United States with her mom, dad, sister, cat and dog. She loves soccer, lacrosse, writing and her favorite subject this year is English. 


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