Ocean Experience | Teen Ink

Ocean Experience

September 30, 2022
By 4moseler GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4moseler GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt of a calm morning dew in the little corner of Cape Cod. 

It was shiny olive green like the Atlantic Ocean, 

Or an ice cold sweet green tea. 

I saw 65,000,000 green shell crabs, 

They had all the shades of a sliced avocado.  

I had water clogs on as I sauntered along the water, 

Thinking what would happen to the carbs if a loch ness monster was real. 

I could hear the words follow me back to Louisville. 

Then, out of the blue, Annie Murphy, Emily Dickinson, Tom Hanks, and Don Williams,  

But they said: “Wir werden nicht weit gehen, but BTDT. 

And watch out, people will break your eyes out, 

For they too want to be an interior design administrator.”

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by Lilly Lake in Dunbar, WI. 


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