PR | Teen Ink


September 6, 2023
By Anonymous

Jake trying to hit a new personal record on bench. He had always been passionate about weightlifting and dreamt of competing in a powerlifting competition. But first, he needed to hit a new personal record on the bench press.

Jake spent countless hours at the gym, pushing himself to the limit. He followed a strict training regimen and fueled his body with healthy food. Every day, he added a little more weight to the bar, determined to surpass his previous best.

As the days turned into weeks, Jake's strength grew. He could feel himself getting closer to his goal. His friends and family cheered him on, impressed by his dedication and drive.

One sunny morning, the day of the powerlifting competition finally arrived. Jake stepped onto the stage, surrounded by other strong athletes. The atmosphere was electric, filled with excitement and anticipation.

With a deep breath, Jake positioned himself on the bench. The weight felt heavy, but he knew he had trained for this moment. The crowd fell silent as he unracked the bar and began his descent.

With every ounce of strength in his body, Jake pushed the bar up, inch by inch. The muscles in his arms strained, but he refused to give up. The cheers of the crowd fueled his determination.

Finally, with a triumphant yell, Jake completed the lift. The bar was raised high above his chest, marking a new personal record. The crowd erupted in applause, recognizing his incredible achievement.

Jake's hard work and perseverance had paid off. He had not only surpassed his personal record but had also earned a spot on the podium. The powerlifting competition was just the beginning of his journey, and he couldn't wait to see how far he could go.

Jake, a determined young boy, hit a new personal record on the bench press and achieved his dream of competing in a powerlifting competition.

The author's comments:

I like it since I like the gym.


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