A day off | Teen Ink

A day off

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Daniel Guerra                             

                                                            A day off

There was a boy named Naruto he was someone most people in the hidden leaf village looked up to. One day Naruto went to his favorite noodle place in the village he would go there almost everyday after his training because of his love for noodles he would eat the noodles like a pig. Most of the time when he goes its late at night due to his training. After so many days of working hard in his training his sensei let him have the day off. Hearing this news Naruto took this to his advantage to go eat at the noodle place. However, on the way to the place he came across some little kids in the village he knows the two boys named Sasuke and Itachi and the girls name is Sakura. When the kids came up to him, they asked him for training because he was more ascended than the students. Naruto not wanting to but this being his one day off he said maybe another time. The kids look up to Naruto, so this made them a little upset. Naruto telling them bye and carrying on his way to the noodle place with only enough for one bowl of noodles happy as ever. As soon as he walked in the chef already knew what he wanted because he was a daily customer. Once Naruto got his food, he put his hands together and reached back with his eyes closed for a good stretch. Opening his eyes after stretching realizing his bowl was gone looking around, he sees the students running out the door with bowl. Chasing them out the door Sasuke jumped at Naruto to slow him down for Sakura can run and hide his noodles. Naruto being fast moved out the way in time to dodge Sasuke. Chasing Sakura and Itachi around the side still after Itachi realized Naruto was getting closer and closer, he decided to jump at him next to attempt to stop him from getting Sakura. Yet again Naruto moved out the way in time before one of the students can stop him. Lastly chasing Sakura around the back with his noodles still in her hands. Running from Naruto, Sakura fell spilling his noodles on the floor. Naruto being frustrated but wanting to make sure she was ok gives her a hand to help her get up. Sakura seeing what her and the kids have done she apologizes to Naruto. Sasuke and Itachi then come and apologize as well, Naruto being upset says its ok maybe I should have given you all training. The chef of the noodle place seen them outside and said if the kids cleaned up the noodles they dropped and if Naruto gave then training that all four of them can have noodles on the house. After they were done eating, they had an austere training and after a long day together they all went home and hoped to have another day like this one.

The author's comments:

Naruto the main character has trouble eating at his favorite noodle place on his only day off


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