horse | Teen Ink


December 19, 2023
By Anonymous

On a beautiful sunny day in the eastern United states there lies a large city ridden with crime. This city has almost no police force, so they can only rely on one person. That person happens to be a superhero named Horse Puncher, who fights most of the crime in the city. Then there's me, just an average guy trying to get through life in this crime ridden place, and unfortunately due to financial circumstances I simply cannot move anywhere else. Well one day when I was walking to get coffee down the street I saw a cowboy on a horse ravaging groups of people on the street and being very violent. I saw no one do anything about it, until I heard a loud neigh in the distance, and all of the sudden something flew by me super fast, then I saw the horse get punched in the face, and it flew into my direction. That's when I knew Horse Puncher was here to save the day. The cowboy had been thrown to the ground and as soon as he got up Horse Puncher came flying in the other direction heading towards the cowboy, he was punched so hard he flew across the city very far away never to be seen again. Horse Puncher saved the day once again. The only issue being the horse, which no one has seen. I went on with my day like usual and went home, and when night came I couldn't sleep due to a strange noise coming from above my apartment. This was weird because I live on the top floor, so there shouldn't be anyone on the roof at this time. That's when it clicked, I heard a faint neigh, and that's when I knew that it was the horse from before. I called the fire department and told them about the horse and they helped get it down from the roof using a helicopter. It was very late at this point and I had such a crazy day that I fell asleep instantly after the horse was gone. This is a day that I'll never forget.

The author's comments:

cool story bro


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