Working as a Team | Teen Ink

Working as a Team

December 16, 2009
By Madison Brammer BRONZE, Moore, Oklahoma
Madison Brammer BRONZE, Moore, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 21 to 13. We were up by eight points and the match would end if we scored four. Our coach called time out and we all went to the sidelines. She told us to relax and we would be fine. “You guys have way more talent and ability than them.” said Coach. If you play strong and work as a team you can win this and become the champions of the whole tournament. The ref blew the whistle and the timeout was over.

We got on the court and Sam said “Three hits ladies. Pass to the setter.” The ref blew the whistle and a girl on the other team served the ball. It came right to me and it came hard. I passed the ball perfectly to the setter. Sam then set it to Tasha and she hit the ball as hard as she could. It went straight to the ground. “Point Moore” said the ref. It was now 22 to 13. Lindsey was our next server. We all knew she was nervous, but we all believed in her.

She served the ball with great power. A girl on the opposing team yelled short and they all cheered and thought the ball was going to hit the net. Swoosh! It skidded right across the net and landed in the center of the court. Ace! It was now 23 to 13. We were up by ten. Lindsey went back to serve after we all gave her a high-five. She served it to the girl in the back left corner. The girl passed it to their setter and their setter tipped it over. I dove as fast as I could and popped it up. Sam yelled for help and Jordan set it to Tasha. Again Tasha hit it and it went right to the ground. No one could even touch it. It was 24 to 13. We were so close and we were not going to give up. One point and we were the champions.

Their coach called a timeout to try to mess up Lindsey’s serve, but we all knew that that was impossible. Lindsey never messed up her serve. When the ref blew his whistle ending the timeout we all gave Lindsey our encouragement and she went to serve. The ball went straight over to the girl in the right corner. It was so hard that when the girl hit it, it went flying into the stands. Shank!

We won 25 to 13! We were now the champions of the Skiatook Volleyball Tournament. We couldn’t have done it alone. Working as a team won the game for us and we knew it. We were all so proud of each other and couldn’t be happier.

The author's comments:
Part of this essay is true. My team reall did work together and win this game, but we didn't win the whole tournament. I love Volleyball


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