Federal Thief | Teen Ink

Federal Thief

December 6, 2011
By Anonymous

I started to understand why he had gotten the chance to solve this problem; he was working against time, and the thief had the advantage. Meanwhile we had nothing other than a few items like a computer, a USB and some kind of gloves. He got special Intel from the police about the investigation; he had many ways to gather information, and he was an ace at camouflage. As soon as we got close to a mayor clue in the investigation, he always had a way to escape, a way to become invisible once again.
The phone rang; so I picked the phone up and heard some mysterious noise, like a ghost, very freaky. The mysterious voice was from the captain in charge of the leading investigation force, the ones who saw the crime scene first. So I greeted him and then went towards my seat in the office; he told me it was very urgent. He told me I was in great danger, that all my progress was eventually a clue, for the robber, I wasn’t going any further. He also mentioned a spy, someone close to me that was actually making us think that we were progressing. I was just walking in the same spot like someone trying to keep moving on quick sand, only going deeper into the sand. Then the phone call ended. I stood there in shock, dead frozen; thinking who could be responsible for such a crime and who of the people I knew could be suspects. Someone was betraying us but we just didn’t know who.
From that day on I didn’t trust anybody at work. Days went on by and we still didn’t have any suspects. I went to my office and sat there for hours, not knowing how to work out a solution. So I decided to change the tactic, the team didn’t quit, but at the office, I started looking the case from a different point of view, a different perspective, mine. Then with another day or so I came up with a list of three suspects whom were the most probable to be the spies of the investigation. Manuel was likely, but he was never near a laptop, and was with me when we searched for clues. So then I thought, and was thinking on the call the last person in charge of the case, the captain whose name I couldn’t remember, how he got that information, and warn. He was warning me of something very big, something I had been informed of, many suspects will try to give you wrong information to keep you looking the wrong way trying to make you frustrated, for them, it is kind of a joke. This is sure one good thief, he knows how to work, but I´m not sure of how this had to do I couldn’t make the connection between a possible spy and that one of my suspects was actually the one giving me information, and for the amazing surprise this incident was done during the day, not normal for a robber, but at the same time the only witnesses are dead, they were shot. There wasn’t anything that could be used in my favor until know, literally, I started to get frustrated, something all thief wants, they want you to reach a desperation point. I finally remembered and said out loud. So it couldn’t be a hacker, who passed the firewalls, but it could be a group of terrorists, but the laptop was from an American company, but it belonged to the Federal Reserve. Well, the USB, three GB, a Kingston with a deadly virus that in half an hour emptied all the keys on the how to make dollars, and all the money the Federal Reserve had and the materials they invested on. This dude was a serious person, because he didn’t left a clue, or any finger prints. That wasn’t helping neither, I didn’t want to quit, and Never Quit was my logo, my principles, my theme, my motto. My girlfriend, that same day told me to be careful, and asked me to come early for dinner, what was usual for her except for that she asked me to give her some money. I gave her twenty dollars and then I had hard time thinking on who was the one that did this, I felt stuck, alone, in the middle of a huge and deep fog at night, not able to see beyond my nose and sometimes even less. I didn’t know what to do.

The author's comments:
This was part of my homework, and i thought it would be nice to publish it as well.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Dec. 20 2011 at 7:52 am
Tongue_Blep PLATINUM, ????, Ohio
40 articles 1 photo 769 comments
no problem! I really liked this! :)(:

on Dec. 18 2011 at 4:14 pm
Alomexican BRONZE, Escazu, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
I`m glad you liked my story, I hav part 2 and three, but before i published them, i really want some people to like it. Thank you

on Dec. 12 2011 at 4:48 pm
Tongue_Blep PLATINUM, ????, Ohio
40 articles 1 photo 769 comments
this was great! godd job! You should make a second part! Do you think you could check out one of my stories? thanks and keep writing! :)(: