unique pink | Teen Ink

unique pink

December 16, 2011
By ailice spencer BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
ailice spencer BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Alice. Alice was a pink little lady. She had purple hair, and was 5’6. She always wore a purple sparkly dress. Alice was 19 years old.

Alice had a dream and her dream was to be a doctor. There was only one problem Alice was different everyone else was yellow…so it was a little hard for Alice. Also one other thing Alice did that she should not. Alice was what you called a follower. This meant that Alice always was behind someone. And did whatever some told her to, she was too nice. But there was one good thing Alice did she never gave up on what she believed in. which was being a doctor. Being a doctor was her dream but now was her goal.

Alice was a c+ average, so it was going to be harder on her to pursue her goal. But that didn’t stop Alice. She kept trying.

One other thing Alice does well is make friends VERY EASILY. She could just sit down with a random person and start a conversation and become cool with that person.

Back to the follower thing Alice’s mom hated that about Alice. But Alice would never listen to her mom. All Alice wanted to do was make every one like her. It was hard for Alice’s mom to watch her daughter do this but she let Alice do what she thought was right on that situation.

Alice became a doctor at 24. She now is 25 and has 2 childern.


The author's comments:
this is about a unique women trying to pursue her dream.

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