Seth's Nightmare | Teen Ink

Seth's Nightmare

January 21, 2013
By obsessedbookworm28 BRONZE, Mansfield, Texas
obsessedbookworm28 BRONZE, Mansfield, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I almost groan when Seth asks me to explain it again.

“There’s a dimension parallel to ours,” I tell him for the fifth time. “It’s full of monsters. They’re only goal is to escape to our world. They attempt to escape through doorways. These doorways are small and heavily guarded. They’re your mind. You unconsciously let your guard slip when you sleep though so the monsters have opportunities to break through into our dimension. Whenever you have a nightmare, it’s because a monster is trying to come through your mind to our dimension. Got it so far?”

Seth nods, his bright green eyes focused. He really is trying to understand what I’m trying to tell him. I feel a pang of pity for him as I remember that he’s old to just be getting his Hunter’s mark. Most of us had them before we were ten. Seth was sixteen. His family wasn’t Hunters either, so he had thought he was going insane when he saw a Nightmare that no one noticed appear in his small hometown. Luckily, we found him. Unluckily, he was assigned to me.

“But Jenna, why does it matter to us?” Seth asks.

“We’re the only ones who can see them. Mortals can’t because their minds are programmed to only experience things from this dimension. It’s our duty to protect them.”

“So how do we do that?”

I really do groan this time. “We go to school.”

My Hunter’s mark itches. A lot.

That wouldn’t be a big deal if I wasn’t sitting in math class. My Mark always started itching before a Hunt. Then it glows bright blue. So much for staying inconspicuous, I think frantically as I try and catch Seth’s eye from across the room. But of course he’s actually paying attention to his worksheet. Come on Seth, haven’t I taught you anything?

It’s been three months since Seth was assigned to me. He is making really good progress, and I’m impressed. But I still haven’t taken him on a Hunt. Today that was going to change.

I throw my hand in the air in an act of desperation. “May I use the restroom?” I ask.

Mrs. White frowns. “I guess, but hurry back.”

I drop the note on Seth’s desk as I walk out the door. The crash of it closing seems to echo throughout the empty hallways. I can easily hear the sound of each step I take. No one stops me as I walk out the door.

I jog over to my silver car and open the trunk. I unzip the black duffle bag. The bright afternoon sunlight sparkles on the two daggers concealed there. I glance around, reassuring myself that the parking lot is empty, and strap them to my upper arms. All of a sudden, sharp pain lances through my left wrist and I cry out. I look down and see that the black infinity symbol that is my Hunter’s Mark is now glowing blue. I swallow hard and try to forget about the pain, letting the adrenaline run through me, preparing to Hunt. This was my purpose.

But where in the world was Seth? It had been at least ten minutes since I had left the room. I put the key in the ignition and start my car. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. Be patient with him Jenna, I remind myself.

A knock on my car window startles me out of my thoughts. I jump and pull out a dagger, brandishing it at the window, but it’s only Seth. I relax slightly. He pulls open the door and climbs into the passenger seat.

“You know we’re going to be in huge trouble right? I’m supposed to be looking for you,” he tells me as he buckled his seatbelt.

I make a sharp right turn to get us out of the school parking lot. I shrug. “It’s not that big of a deal. We only go to school to give us a cover story.”

I take a left turn, going twenty miles over the speed limit, and wince as my Mark grows brighter. I show it to Seth. “Look how bright my Mark is. We’ve got a really big Nightmare on our hands.”

He frowns. “You know I’m new to this. Maybe I shouldn’t be here.”

“Shut up,” I advise him. “You’ve been training for this nonstop since I was assigned to you. This is just learning on the job. What’s better than that?”

Seth rubs his mark nervously.

We pull into the parking lot of the community college. “It’s here,” I say. “Get your sword ready.”

Seth buckles his belt with a scabbard around his waist. “Aren’t our weapons going to cause a scene? I know the Mortals can’t see the Nightmares, but I’ve never heard anything about them being unable to see us.”

I grin. “Mortals tend to forget the things their rational minds can’t explain. And if they told anyone, people will think they’re crazy.”

Seth’s face darkens. “Tell me about it.” I remember that he was shunned in his hometown for being born a Hunter, and I cringe.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

He shrugs and climbs out of the car. “No big deal.”

I get out and stand beside him, surveying the parking lot. It’s surprising void of Nightmares. The breeze tosses my blonde hair around my face. “Where is it?” I ask, dumbfounded. It should be right here!
What happens next is like a scene from a movie, only it’s deathly real. I hear Seth make a weird noise and realize he’s looking behind me. “Crap,” I mutter, realizing in a split second what’s going on. I pull a dagger out of my left arm sheath and turn fast, hurling it at the same time.

I miss.

The dagger clatters loudly as it hits the pavement and I realize that the Nightmare actually dodged my weapon. How can that be? They’re never that fast! The monster lets out a growl and shows its five inch ivory fangs. It has the sleek body of a black panther, but it’s ten feet tall and twenty feet long. I pull out my second dagger and prepare to throw it, but it suddenly lunges at me. And it is fast. Incredibly fast. It startles me and my dagger fumbles. I close my eyes. I won’t be able to throw fast enough to kill it.

But it’s been too long. I’m still alive. At least, I think I am. Who knows what being dead feels like?

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes hesitantly to see Seth grinning at me. A pile of gold dust is lying on the concrete.

“I did it Jenna! I killed a Nightmare!” Seth’s sword is dangling from his hand and he looks so thrilled that I have to start laughing.

“You did it Seth!” I cry. “Now you’re a real Hunter.”

“Yeah, I’m not just a wannabe anymore,” he says sarcastically. We high five.

“You!” someone shouts. We immediately attempt to shove our weapons behind our backs as a blonde college kid comes running toward us. He points frantically, first at Seth, then at me. We try and look confused.

“I’m sorry, do we know you?” I ask. Not waiting for a reply, I say, “No? Okay then, let’s go Seth.” I grab Seth’s arm and start to drag him away.

“Wait, Jenna!” Seth says. He walks over to the man. “Hold out your left wrist,” Seth orders. The man does. I gasp. He has a Hunter’s mark.

“What was that thing? How did you kill it? How come you can see it too? Why do we both have the same birthmark? Who are you?” The man finally runs out of questions.

Seth shoots me a coy look as he says, “Let me explain. You see there’s a dimension parallel to ours…”

And I just laugh and shake my head as I watch Seth explain the Nightmares to him, like I had done so many times.

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This article has 1 comment.

Egill said...
on Jan. 26 2013 at 6:48 pm
Great story! Is there more?