A Letter from Heaven | Teen Ink

A Letter from Heaven

March 21, 2013
By AngiePotWriMo58 BRONZE, Croydon, Pennsylvania
AngiePotWriMo58 BRONZE, Croydon, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

235 S. Olds Blvd.

Fairless Hills, PA 19030



Dear reader,
If your brain was mind boggled about what had happened that night, I made a dumb mistake. One of the dimwitted older officers made the mistake of thinking that my Nokia flip phone was a hand gun, a weapon, a killing machine. The same lanky, tall, white haired, officer screamed, “It’s a gun, fire!”
The next thing I knew I was standing in a no man’s land filled with bullets flying in every direction. That was the end of my confused quest for closure.
Ever since I was a little boy, in and out of foster homes, I have been pondering on ways to fix my life. During my final moments I realized that the family that I thought I had lost in the horrific car accident was with me the whole time. Throughout my life, they helped to guide me. When I was shot down that night, god lifted me to my feet and took me to heaven. When I arrived, both of my magnificent parents were waiting for me.
When I first saw them, I saw peace in my mom’s eyes, I saw peace I’m my dad’s eyes and, they saw peace in my eyes. Every day since that terrible, dark, night, I live in paradise with my family and I am happier than ever. All I ever wanted was to have our family reunited. This time around we are staying together.

Remember me,

Tyler Cub


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