Night of the Cursed Graduation | Teen Ink

Night of the Cursed Graduation

June 1, 2013
By Anonymous


A baby had been born that day. The parents should have been celebrating the happy event, but, as it turns out, the mother had died of child birth. The father felt so devastated about his wife’s death that he blamed it on the child that had been born. He threw his child on the street and made him raise himself. The child grew up, never knowing his parents...

I was walking along a rather dirty street. It was about the last hint of the town of San Francisco that you could get. There was a clearing, and following the clearing there was a national forest. There seemed to be a lot of noise coming from that forest. I decided to investigate.
I walked in and found what looked like a party. there was a huge stage in the middle, and a lot of people with capes and hats. It was dark out, but there were many lights hanging in the trees. I felt like an intruder. A man who kind of looked like me turned and saw me coming up. When I saw his face, it looked as white as the clouds.
He yelled at his security guards to get me. Two huge men came up and tried to grab me, but I got away in the nick of time. I grabbed chairs that weren’t being used and threw them at the men. I knocked out the first one, but the second one kept coming at me, no matter how many chairs I threw at him.
Meanwhile, the graduation was still going on. The student who had tried to help me earlier was second in line to get his diploma. People were screaming and running in terror. That graduation was going terribly.
A tear welled up in my eye. This man who had ordered these people to catch me had something to do with my parents. Judging how hateful he was, I guessed that he had murdered them. This man was almost as scared of me as I was of him, but he tried not to show it. I thought he had killed my parents, but I had no idea that this cruel man was my father!!!
The security guard was very far behind. All I had to do was run at the exit, and I was out! But I turned around and charged him! I knew that it was a stupid idea, but I did it anyway to take out all of my anger and courage.
It happened so fast, the security guard didn’t know what hit him. I ran into his stomach, head first, and He went down like a building In an earthquake. With my head throbbing, I finally got up to face my father.
He was paralyzed. I picked up a spoon from the refreshments table and threw it at him. He grabbed a silver plate and used it as a shield. I grabbed a piece of tree wood from the forest floor. My dad did the same. I made a move to stab him, but he deflected it. He made a move towards my face, but I blocked him. We eventually got into a fencing dual, each of us using tree branches to try and kill each other.
The graduation was STILL going on!!! It was now “the student’s” turn to get his diploma. All of the people who had already gotten the diplomas stood watching the fierce dual between their principal and me. The counselor had to pretend he wasn’t interested in the fight, while he kept the graduation running. The student took his diploma, shook the counselor's hand, and ran down the steps. He grabbed my arm and took off.
They flew into the car and locked the doors. The high schooler jammed his key into the ignition and sped off in the night. The principal got into a black FrazerNash and drove off in fast pursuit.
The night rushed by us as we drove fast. The high schooler had to stop at red lights. At one of the stops, I looked back and saw my father, driving like a madman, trying to catch us. He almost did, too. But the light changed and we rushed away again, leaving him cursing under his breath.
Several times we tried to lose him, eventually driving around all of San Francisco. Our chase went right threw sidewalks, roads and grassy parts of the city. We drove up a high cliff that kept wrapping around a mountain.
My father caught up with us. He rode along side of us. He shouted, “I will make sure you won’t get into any colleges, whoever is driving! But I shall kill you both first!!!” He rammed us hard with the side of his car. We bumped into the rail along the cliff. The rail cracked a little bit. The side of the high schooler’s red truck was ruined, too.
I took a clock radio laying on the floor and threw it at the the FrazerNash. My dad dodged the radio, but it hit his dashboard pretty hard. The car lost its sense of direction. It skidded to the rail and broke it completely. We watched as the car, with my dad in it, plummeted to the ground. He was gone.

We drove to the high schooler’s house after that. We greeted his warm, comforting family and sat down to an elegant dinner, due to the graduation. I sat quietly, watching every thing occur. I was given a nice warm bed, and parents who loved me.
I got involved in the family about a week after they took me in. I had all I had ever wanted and a cool brother. This was an awesome new life I was living in, and over time, I began to love it. I started to go to school. I would come how to a snack waiting on the wood table. It was the life.
Years passed. My new brother went to college, despite what the principal had said. He got into a really good one, too. He went to Stanford University for five years. When he came back, I was a junior, and he was becoming a doctor. Then, before I knew it, I found myself at his wedding, sitting in those soft, white seats. About three years later, I had my wedding, and my brother came to see it. No, I’m fifty. I can not do much these days, but go through all my old junk from when I was a little kid, and writing about it. My brother is dead, but surprisingly, that isn’t what worries me the most these days. What worries me the most is that while I am a grown man living in a two-story house, working as a secret agent, there is one man who is still alive, and I have to confront him. That man is my father, and he is more than a hundred years old.

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