the fire | Teen Ink

the fire

November 20, 2013
By alyson ankeny BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
alyson ankeny BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Searing pain spreads in my ear caused by the roaring alarm that blasts through the house. My eyes peek open to find a grey cloud of smoke covering my ceiling. Sweat slides down my face dampening the pillow that lays underneath me.
while laying in my bed I immediately notice that the temperature has increased drastically. Responding to the previous thought, I jump out of bed and enter into panic mode. Quickly running to the door, I think of all the possibilities of what could be happening, and come to the conclusion of a fire. I reach for the door knob but stop myself in case of hurting my hand. Turning around I observe the room, until I finally secure a glove to my hand allowing me to open the door. A bundle of light fills my eyes as i stare at the growing fire at the end of the hall. Trying not to get closer, I look around to see if there are any ways to escape, but fail to achieve this task. I turn back to find the room, but find a dark grey hole instead. I search blindly through the room and find a small lamp on what seems to be the night stand. I then smash the lamp against the window causing it to shatter. I pause as a rage of coughs burst out of my chest. Grasping for air, I squeeze my way through the window avoiding any broken glass. I successfully make it through the window and plop down into the flower bed. Laying on my back, firemen gather around me and a patch of darkness encloses my eyes.

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