deer/farm | Teen Ink


December 12, 2013
By vanavery56 BRONZE, Levering, Michigan
vanavery56 BRONZE, Levering, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

was going to go and check my bait pile for deer hunting. I grabbed a 50 pound bag of corn and then when I went back, I was sliding back and forth all over the trail and I was only going 30 mph. When I reached my bait pile I went to my trail cam and shut it off. The wind was blowing so hard and it was cold out. When I pulled the string on the bag of corn it would not come untied like it always does. I was getting so mad to the point i was just going to drop the bag and leave, but then i found my knife and I just cut the string off.

After that I got back on the 4 wheeler and went hill climbing in two wheel drive. I got up the hill and I hit a little pine tree and ran it right over. When Ii went to go and turn around I pinched the throttle and did a u-turn and went back down the trail. I just held the back brake and slid down the hill. When I was going back down the main trail I was still sliding around, then I saw a deer and started chasing it and almost hit it doing 40mph. When I got back to the house my grandpa asked me what took me so long and I told him I was having fun. He mentioned as long as you don’t mess up the 4 wheeler you can have fun.

When my grandma got home I asked her what was for dinner and she said whatever you want to make! I said “ok” and I made some leftover beef stew. It was so good. My memory on the 4 wheeler was the best this fall!!

I have a memory and it was last weekend about baiting deer. I told my grandpa that I


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