Alliance | Teen Ink


February 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
It is year 2039.That’s all I know. Suddenly, the wind is sucked out of my throat. I can’t see, but I hear. I understand. I listen as the betrayed yells and screams arise. I resurface. Then a light flashes in my peripheral vision, but I can’t find its source. What will become of me?

Something is obviously wrong, but what? I’m confused, but I remain alert. Letting my guard down could cost me. Okay, okay, just stay calm Stella. Everything will be fine. I surveyed my surroundings. Those big leafy willow trees made me start to wonder. Grandpa talked about them before. What had happened to them?

I pushed the thought from my head. No, everything was just perfect the way it was. Until now. Even though I don't recollect why and what made it perfect, I knew it was. What had happened? I rack my brain to try to remember. I heard screams, but what had provoked them? The Elite had certain soldiers I heard rumours about. No, I decided. They fought wars. Who or what could have inspired so much pain and terror?

As I spent some long moments attempting to remember things, I uncovered a piece of valuble information. In my hoodie pocket, a card made of thin clear paper that clearly stated,

Stella Burrows, Common- age 14

At least I knew a few more things. Although I didn't know if the status common was bad or not, I knew what an Elite was, a royal, a highly respected person. I had known my name and my age, but where did I come from?

Chapter 2
I listen to the sound of breathing, my breathing, as the lids of my eyes twitch. Then a faint whisp of something familiar catches my scent. It is sweet, unrecognizable, yet... A small hitch in her breathing inflares my scents as my brain screams at me to wake. who is she? I need to know....

As I imagine what she looks like, I work on making my body motionless. Perhaps it would make me look asleep. Probably not. Then I wondered how I had know she was a girl. Maybe it was her breathing, or her scent. I'm not sure what it was that I had picked up, but my brain labeled it as feminine.

It wouldn't hurt to see would it? Especially if she could help me. It was like the old saying my dad had always said to me. The memory was so clear I could imagine him saying to me in his deep comforting voice. " making the choice to not choose is a fault. Remember that Colt. It will help you survive." "Survive what? " I had asked. "You'll know when the time comes." He answered. This is probably what he meant. But how did he know? He was a ordinary veterinarian until our government decided animals were dangerous and only certain people who were qualified and tested could have them. My mother and my father both had a certain love for animals. The girl I imagined looks and acts a lot like my mother. I interrupt my thinking by choosing. I open my eyes into the green of her pupils.

The author's comments:
this is more of Allaince. See (preview) Alliance to see the author's comments of it.I <3 feedback too!

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