The Assassin and the Murderer | Teen Ink

The Assassin and the Murderer

April 24, 2014
By Farmbikerchick BRONZE, Baldwin, Wisconsin
Farmbikerchick BRONZE, Baldwin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Assassin and the Murderer
It started with one night, one man, one murder. Now Shala was 21 and one of the world’s greatest assassins. She sat in back in the plane seat as the plane started to take off. Looking over at the other agents she could not help but grin as her best friend and little brother Tim code named “Neko” play with a knife. He was always playing with them even when he was a little boy. Closing her eyes Shala drifted off to sleep. Opening her eyes darkness greeted her, she heard yelling, two people arguing, and suddenly she heard a scream shattered by a shot. Yanking herself from her sleep she noticed that the plane was empty wiping the sweat from the back of her neck she looked around and saw that the only person left was her brother
. “The outback ey mate?” Her brother grinned, his Australian accent almost flawless. She nodded her head her throat to dry to respond back with an accent.
“Need a drink sis?” he switched back to English, “You look rough, the dream haunting you again?” He gave her a glass of water.
She drank and nodded again, her thoughts wandered to that one night, the night that their father murdered their mother, and disappeared. Shaking her head she looked at Neko.
“You gone over the file yet on our target?”
“Yea I did while you were asleep; this guy is pretty dangerous sis. He has killed eight of our agents and brutally wounded four others. No picture, basic information: six foot 3 inches, black hair, green eyes, and a nasty scar running through his left eye and down his cheek. Wanted dead for many reasons, and has been running for about 10 years.”
She let this information sink in. “And the last known location happens to be Australia huh?”
He nodded his head, “Strange don’t you think that this matches dads description except for the scar.”
Shala lunged at Neko and pinned him with one of his own knifes to his neck.
“What have I told you about mentioning him?” She growled.
“Easy will ya?! I just sharpened the knife!!”
She glared at him then got off of her brother. Standing up he brushed himself off, and looked at his older sisters back.
“I was just saying.”
With lightning speed she threw his knife at him, matching her speed he caught the knife and sheathed it. Muttering he sat down and cracked open a beer.
“I will take this guy out you will cover me got it?”
He grumbled and drank his beer. Closing her eyes, she leaned back into the leather plane seat, and started to mentally prepare herself for the next kill. The next morning she sat at a rundown café, eating some kind of food. She scanned the little café looking for her brother, she suddenly saw someone she thought that she would never see again
Her father turned saw her and smiled. Her blood went cold when she saw the scar He walked over and sat down.
“Hi! Wow you’re beautiful just like your mother! What are you doing here?”
She looked at the man who abandoned her and her brothers when she was 11. The night came rushing back to her.
“She had gotten up to get a drink but stayed hidden watching her parents fight. Her father suddenly pulled a gun on her mother her scream pierced the night and was shattered by the blast of the gun. Shala watched in horror as her mother flew back from the force of the blast her blood splattering everywhere. She stifled a scream as her mothers’ body fell to the floor with a sickened thud. She watched as her father tossed the gun into the pool of blood and walked out the door without a glance back. The years that followed, the terror, the heartbreak the struggle.” Remembering this she raised a gun to his head.
“My job.”

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