Bondok-New Beginnings | Teen Ink

Bondok-New Beginnings

September 23, 2014
By MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
MonicaCruz GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I still remember all the pain I went through when I was trying to come to Bondok. I remember as if all my suffering had just happened yesterday. I was 11 years old and knew nothing about life. My mom was the best teacher; she always taught me the most important things. We lived in a very poor place and most of the times were struggling with life. Fortunately, we were very happy we, at least, had a shelter and food to eat.
I was a girl full of curiosity and always wanted to know everything. My mom had always talked to me about a place named Bondok. She had said, “There’s lots of guards surrounding Bondok, they won’t let no one in. If someone tried to get in they’ll kill them. Still, many people try to go in search for a better life. But I, darling, don’t want you to go there it is very dangerous. Only the strongest survive.” My imagination started drawing pictures in my head. I wondered all the difficulties people went through in order for them to get to the other side.
“Going to Bondok might be very difficult but I want to go. I mean I am strong I can carry up to seven logs.” I said to myself giggling. My dream was to go with my mom and start from the beginning.  Unfortunately, my mom died. I was depressed and didn’t know how I was going to survive. No one wanted to take care of me. All my neighbors had millions of problems to deal with. Of course they would not want to deal with me. They had their own children and, obviously, I was going to be just a nuisance. I realized I had to make the biggest decision of my life and so I did. I was going to Bondok!
Very early in the morning I woke up and gathered some stuff I knew I was going to use. My mom had told me that going east was the easiest way but it was risky. I decided to take the risk; I was hopeful and felt that I’d be alright. I soon found myself standing next to the river. Then, I realized I had forgotten that I didn’t know how to swim. I just sat there and hoped for the best. A few minutes later I saw a man with a boat on the river. I yelled, “Can you please give me a ride to the other side?”  He courteously replied yes. When we got to the other side he said, “The best time is during the night. You take care.” I was confused but not many hours passed until I understood its meaning.
As I kept on walking I was feeling hungry and I didn’t have a lot of food so I just took tiny bites of what I had. Tired and sleepy I thought about my mom as tears ran down my face. I missed her so bad and wished that she was still alive. I was exhausted and started feeling hopeless.  I decided to take a nap and I slept all night long. There I was bored and tired but at the same time I felt very excited. Later in the day something unexpected happened. As I got closer I realized that it was people what I was seeing. They were running towards me. Some were injured and looked miserable. Then I heard shots. Yes, everything was real and there they were all the guards. I was frightened and started panicking. I hide behind a tree and rested. Soon I remembered the words from the old man, “The best time is during the night.” I decided to stay there until midnight. When it was time I started dragging myself where no one could see me. Unfortunately, a man saw my silhouette and started chasing me. Luckily, he didn’t have a weapon. He soon got tired and went back with the rest.  
I was ready for my next attempt; I prayed a little and asked God for help. Then there I was running further to the left where it was harder for them to see me.  Some were napping and some were watching. As I was running I thought about my mom and how she didn’t wanted me to take the risk. She loved me immensely that she didn’t wanted nothing bad to happen to me. I said, “Sorry mom.” I rushed into the trees but some guards spotted me. They started shooting at me but didn’t make me stop. I go shot in the arm but I ignored the pain and kept on running for my life. I stopped until I could only hear the sound of silence.
I walked all night and I felt very distraught about my arm. Hoping for the best I kept on walking until I was standing in front of a sign that said, “Welcome to Bondok.” It was right next to the road so I knew someone would drive by at any second. A few seconds later a woman drove by and stopped. She saw me lying on the grass with blood all over me. She knew I needed help right away; so she took me to the hospital. I stayed there for a week until I was feeling well. Soon they told me I could leave but I couldn’t do much with that arm. I left and I thank my mom and God for watching over me. I was ready to start my new life.


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