The Awakening Part One | Teen Ink

The Awakening Part One

October 27, 2014
By ShadowBlade14 BRONZE, Kent, Ohio
ShadowBlade14 BRONZE, Kent, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Awakening Saga
Part 1: The Awakening

If you are reading this, then you've survived this long. I’m not sure where you’ll be finding me, or what’s going on. Hell, I don’t even know what they are! All I know is that they’re dangerous, and they have killed many of our allies. Again I say, if you've survived long enough to be reading this, you’d be a great addition to the team, and I’d be grateful to fight alongside you. You’ll know where to find me when your time comes. This is my story; let me start at the beginning of the end.

My name is Maxius; I’m half Italian, half American. Up until about six months ago, I was your typical High School student from northern California. I had pretty decent grades, played soccer in the fall, and had great friends! I’m always being told by them that I’m a natural leader, but I’m always saying there’s no such thing. No matter what I said, they still always wanted me to lead them.
My normal life was stopped dead on my 17th birthday… Let’s get started.

“Happy birthday, little bro!” My brother, Percius, said.
Percy is a college student, about five years older than me. He’s one of those guys you can’t but get along with! He plays basketball at his school, he’s in the band, and has played every nerdy game in existence!
“Thanks Percy,” I said. “Now where’s my present?”
We both started laughing! Let’s just say, we weren't going to be laughing soon…
“Patients, Max,” my father said.
My father, Julius, is the kind of guy who would fight first, ask questions later. He was a fairly muscular man, but he was a fun loving guy too. Well, that is as long as you didn’t tick him off.
Back to the story…
“You’ll get them after the convention.” My dad said.
Oh yeah, did I mention that I was a huge nerd? Well I am, and I was about to be visiting my kind! I was off to San Diego Comic-Con for my 17th!
I had all sorts of nerdiness all over me! I was wearing a stereotypical Japanese anime school uniform; a blue jacket, khakis, and a red and gold tie. My brother was doing the same, only his jacket was more of a black then blue. Percy and I were doing a group-cosplay with some of our other friends. I was even able to get my girlfriend into it too!
“You ready yet, Kay?” I hollered up to her.
“Be right there!” she hollered from her room.
Kay’s a year younger than me in school and a head shorter. She is smart, pretty, and a major nerd as well! She was dressing as a typical anime schoolgirl to go along with the rest of us.
“Alright,” she said as she came down the steps, “how do I look?”
Whoa, I thought. She looked amazing! She was wearing a red plaid skirt, fairly typical in animes, a white blouse, a scarf a lot like my tie, and a blue jacket, also similar to mine. Her red hair matched perfect with it, too! I must have been staring, because Percy had to elbow me to get my attention.
“What, oh, right sorry bro!” I said to him. I looked back to Kay, “You look, amazing!”
If I could have stayed in that moment, I would have been just fine. Embarrassment was better than anything that I was about to go through…
“Knock, knock!” someone said as they entered the house. “Am I late again?”
My best friend, Jason, comes right in without the slightest warning as though he owns the place. He’s an athlete, a lot better than me. He plays soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, and volleyball in the spring! He usually wouldn't be caught dead in a suit, but I got him into at least a shirt and tie to go along with the rest of us.
“How did I let any of you talk me into this?” he asked.
“Ah, come on, you might actually have fun!” Percy said.
“Yeah, and you might actually get some views on your channel!” Kay argued.
“Oh, ha ha,” Jason laughed sarcastically.
“That’s everyone, right?” Dad asked.
“Yeah,” Percy said. “We’ll be meeting up with my friends at the center. I’m driving, right?”
“Oh, boy,” I said. “Stay off the roads!”

Percy knew the way to the Con-center better than anyone else in our group. His car was small, but we all fit into it somehow. As we drove down the road, our radio station started to get scratchy. We were hearing more static then music.
“That’s odd,” Percy said, “this station usually works all the way down.”
“Maybe it’s the weather,” Jason said. “It seems like a storm is coming.”
“You don’t think it’s a tornado or anything, do you,” Kay asked.
Right then, something fell in the distance. It was so fast, you couldn't make anything out. When it hit the ground, it sent out a shock wave that nearly flipped the car.
“What was that?” Kay screamed.
“Dada, the car’s stopped!” Percy said, frightened. If Percy was scared, then that means that it’s really bad. Jason looked scared as well, so that made three of us. Make that four; I was scared out of my skin…
I tried my hardest not to show it, so I put on a confident smile, opened my door, and stepped out. “Looks interesting enough!”
The best word to describe what I saw, chaos… People all around us were everywhere, wondering the same thing everyone else was. What the hell was that!
I was glad when Kay and the rest of them came out, because I didn't know if I could stand for much longer. Kay grabbed my hand as we looked at the crash zone.
Chaos just begins to describe what we saw.
Storm clouds were circling around what looked to be a giant meteor in the middle of downtown. Everything looked to be on fire! I later realized how wrong I was…
“Oh no,” Percy and Jason said at the same time. They looked at my dad for answers, or maybe orders.
“Jason, you know what to do.” he said. “Percy, you’re staying with us.”
“Yes sir!” they both said.
“Get in the car,” Dad ordered, “now!
Percy and I got in; I had to pull Kay in before we could have left her. “Jason, come on!” I yelled.
“Leave him,” my dad ordered, “he knows what to do.”
My dad shut the door and got into the car. We drove off, leaving Jason behind. I tried to hold back tears as we drove away.
The last thing I saw was Jason giving what looked like a salute to us…
Hell had literally broken loose in the middle of San Diego. I got the Apocalypse as a birthday present. Happy birthday to me…
To be continued…

The author's comments:

This peice is only the first chapter of a book I've been working on. I'll post the rest of it once i finish typeing it! Thanks for your patients!

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