Admen | Teen Ink


November 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Chapter one


It was dark and I could barely see anything. I could hear the wind whistling in my ear and an occasional scream of a person in pain, but other than that it was silent in the city. I am Seventeen years old and I live in a city, but this one is different than any other you might have heard of. You have to learn how to survive on your own, you use all the skills you learned from your family before they sent you out into the city. You see your family will keep you and raise you in tell your ten years old, they will teach you how to use a gun, knife, ax, sword, shield, hammer, and even a double sided ax. They will teach you to cook, clean and all of the other things you might need to no to survive and all before your ten years of age. But once you reach the limit of age they send you to the community leaders who will then send you out of the village and into the city. Why? Because they believe that there is a threat out there in the city, and it's there job to keep us safe from the threat. You see the community I live in...used to live in. They have leaders, sorta like the law makers. They tell us what to do and give us all of are food, but some of the rules are hard to live by. One is that the parents have to let there child go freely without so much as a complaint or cry. Another, is that we don't ask about there jug meant and that what they say is law and that's that. I've had many questions pop into my head, like ware did all the food come from? What about the elders? Are parents? If the children got sent out to fight and survive alone then how could there be any parents of grand parents. But it almost seemed like new elders appeared at the village, and every time they can't remember anything, or they keep it a secret for all we no. But he community leaders won't answer any of are questions and no one dares comment there actions in fear of what might happen. All of the community respects and trusts the leaders and would do anything there told. Fifteen years ago when I was two years old, there was a mysterious attack on the city which we still lived in at the time. All of are warriors were out guarding the city grounds when they all heard a scream. The scream was defining and they all raced towered it, to help who ever was in need. But then the scream changed. They all heard the terrified screams of there children. Mothers or fathers, sisters or brothers. Who ever was most spacial to them, they all raced towered the screams shouting things like, " Annie I'm coming, hold on! " and, " Honey! Stay ware you are! " I remember some things from the attack, my mother running through the house searching for her gun. My father racing to the door and saying something to someone on the other side, but then slamming the door in that persons face. I remember shouts and screams that were to load, I remember crying into my mothers arms as we raced to the trucks that would take us to the buildings outside the city that we would stay in for a long time, that I would stay in tell I was ten years old. We never got to no what happened to the warriors that went after there loved ones, but there were rumors. One was that the warriors all died and were found lying in the dust blood covering there faces and there eyes rolled back in there heads. Another was that they all were taken as prisoners by some magical spirits and they worked for the feast of there lives in a big castle full of goblins. But that one was probably made up by two little six year olds with big imaginations. When I was little, about five years old I heard my father speaking to my mother in a hushed tone. I had crept down stairs and listened through the kitchen door, " Soon he will have to go to the city, and we won't have a son any more. " I heard my mother start to cry and heard her sob, " I know, but Robert we can't let them take him away! We have to keep him safe from the monsters inside that city! We have to!.." My father had hushed her and I heard her sobs turn into snores as she drifted of to sleep. I hadn't understood what they were talking about, monsters? There was no such thing. But now that I'm in the city, crouching behind a wrecked car with a gun to my chest, I believe them. But I don't think there monsters I don't no what they are but I no there dangerous and whoever gets to close disappears forever. I used to have a friend named, Jorge but one day we heard a cry for help and it was his aunts voice. I tried to hold him back but he punched me in the stomach and ran of shouting that it would be all right. After the cries had stopped I went out looking for him but I couldn't find any sine of him. It had been raining that night and it was foggy and I couldn't see, but the next morning I tried to follow his foot prints but they were all washed away and even when I spotted something that might have been his foot step it turned out to be a rock that had been thrown and then sunk into the mud making a print that was shaped sort of like a shoe. I searched for days for him, but after three weeks is gave up. I knew it was useless, he was gone and he wasn't going to return.
So now I am crouched behind a wrecked car and peering into the most that surrounds me. I hear a snap of a twig and turn to look in the direction I heard it, but there was nothing there. My arm ached from caring the gun and my eye lids drooped, but I new I had to stay awake in tell twelve. Me and a few of other people I had learned to trust tried to help people stay alive and survive the screams of pain and terror. We held them down and didn't let go in tell the screams stopped. We had a group that grew every passing day, it started of with jest three people. Me,Admen. Jorge and Eric. But Jorge was lost to the screams and Eric died from a sickness that spreads through the city every year. I was the only one left along with thirty or so other people, five of them are really close to me I could almost call them friends. Beta, Jake, Edward, Karen, and Phillip. You don't have " friends " if your smart. Any one could be your enemy, you don't no what's out there and it could be anyone. People are constantly getting killed for being accused as the monster, there are always suspicious people who call on there so called friends and kill them for something they might not be and most likely never were. I always keep the knife my father gave me before I left in my jean pocket and a gun to my chest. I have dark hair almost black and blue eyes, but I'm not sure how I look now but that's how I looked last time I looked in the mirror which was almost a month ago when me and Edward had been gathering some clothing we had found in one of the run down buildings, we past a mirror and I had glanced at my reflection. But right now I was sure I looked like a half drowned muskrat , with dirt and blood covering my face and my hair a mess with grass and mud stuck in it. "oh, there you are Admen. Ware have you been? " Edward said from some ware behind me. I turn around and say, " Edward you don't jest sneak up on me like that! You no anyone could be the monster. What if you are? What if I don't trust you? " Edward throws back his head and laughs historically, " You are hilarious Admen! You no I'm not the monster...but what if you are?" He says, changing his tone so that it sounds like he's trying to figure out something that's a mystery to him. But I can see a smile tugging at the edges of his mouth, he's a terrible cater but a great tracker. I get up from my spot behind the wrecked car and mutter, " Yes Edward, beware. " I wave my hands up in the air dramatically. He rolls his eyes and sits down on a rock near a pile of sticks and cut up grass. He folds his hands over his lap and asks, " Have you seen beta recently? " I shake my head, I haven't. The last time I saw her had been three days ago and I was to busy saving people to care ware she was. She wasn't my responsibility. " No. " he looks uneasy. " Why? " I ask. He shakes his head but then after a second says, " Well it's jest, I haven't seen her in almost a week. I...I'm scared she got hurt or something terrible happened to her.." I roll my eyes. " She's a strong girl Edward, and she can fend for her self. You no that. " He sighs but then reluctantly nods. I look up at the sky, it's cloudy and I feel a rain drop on my forehead. I turn to Edward and say, " I think it's time to get moving, maybe will find Beta. " Edward gets up of the rock he had jest got comfortable on and grabs his gun that was leaning on a log. " Ok, let's go. " We start to move past some city buildings that were run down and there windows broken and glass scattered on the ground all around the building. We walk on and I hear a cry from inside one of the buildings and I freeze, and so does Edward. I hold my breath waiting for it to sound like one of my acquaints or a family member from my old life that I had cared about. But the cry continued sounding like normal, I looked over at Edward to see if it sounds like someone he knows. But he doesn't budge only turns his head in the direction of the cry and then looks at me for directions on what we should do. I listen more carefully for any sine of danger but find no reason not to follow the cry and help the person in need. I Tilsit my head towered the cry and put my finger to my lips, a sine to be silent. We quietly creep towered the weeping, crawling through broken windows and occasionally getting stabbed by a nail or some glass poking out of the wall. When we finally reach the room that the weeper is in we stop and look at each other to make sure we think this is a good idea. Neither one of us tries to stop the other so we both take a step into the room. It's dimly lit by a single candle in the corner on a broken table with one leg, a lamp that once was in good shape is now tipped over and the bulb cracked and broken. A bed is in the center of the room, it's sheets thrown back and a girl is laying across it's mattress crying into a ripped pillow. I walk forward slowly and when I get three feet from the girl she bolts upright, knife in hand and points it at me. I back up quickly my hands up. " Get away from me! " she screams. " It's okay I'm not going to hurt you. " I say calmly. Her chest heaves and I can see that her right arm is wounded and has a deep gash with dried blood covering it. Edward is by my side his hands are up too, but he slowly puts them down and says softly, " What happened to your arm? " The girl looks back and forth between me and Edward and finally she sighs, but her hand still rests on her dagger which she has payed across her lap. " I got shot in the arm. " I nod and say as casually as I could manage, " Yah, it seems a lot of people get stabbed these days. She nods and says, " Yah, well you learn not to trust people. " she looks at me and Edward pointedly. I give her a tight smile and Edward says, " Yah, well try to trust us. I promise we won't hurt you. " she glared at him and says coldly, " I used to think those words were true, I trusted someone and they betrayed me. " she pulled back her sleeve to show us a scar. Edward purses his lips and says, " that must have hurt. But I get your point, you don't have to trust us but at least tell us your name? " she looks at him for a long time but finally mutters. " Andrea. " she shifts her eyes towered me and I see that she has green eyes, and brownish red hair that is covered in sticks and mud. " My names Admen and this is Edward. " I say gesturing to Edward. Her eyes follow my gesture and stay on Edward. " Cool, well is it, " nice to meet you " these days? " Andrea asks. I laugh, " I believe it is. " she smiles and says, " Yah well, nice to meet you. " I nod and so does Edward, but he's looking around the room brow furrowed. " You live here? " He asks Andrea. " Yes, well no...jest for now. " Her voice turns sad. I nod pretending I didn't see a tear trickle down her face and onto her lap. Edward looks at me and I can see his question, and I nod. " Well we better get going..." I didn't get to finish my sentence because there was a load crash from right behind the door that somehow managed to shut its self. I spun around pulling out my gun and aiming it at the door, ready to fire on seconds notice. Edward left his gun by the door and he was inching towered it carefully. I shook my head violently but his back was facing me, and if I said anything it might alert the people on the other side of the door. I glanced back at Andrea her eyes were wide and her jaw trembled.
I wanted to tell her it was alright and that it was probably some dumb guy who needs to be taught a lesson. I looked back towered the door and Edward, Edward almost had his hands on the gun when the door flew open knocking him over and slamming his head on the door. Three guys came stomping into the room with guns and mad looking faces. My eyes widened and I backed up running into the edge of the bed. The biggest guy laughed and his eyes glittered like diamonds, " Yah, that's right run away! " He laughed again and the two guys beside him began to chuckle too. I took a step forward, how could I beat all three of them alone? I thought my mind racing. The three guys in front of me were almost the size of two of me and they all had guns pointing at me and Andrea, who was whimpering and had somehow managed to get all the way to the edge of the room and was cowering in the corner. My heart beat wildly in my chest as I tried to figured out what to do. I looked down at Edward who had probably blacked out from the hit in the head and Andrea was going to be no help what so ever. I decided to play with death and I took a small step forward, " Hay, guys..." I paused not sure what to do, " What's up? " All three guys looked at me with wide eyes, and I could tell they were shocked.

One of the guys, the smaller one with red hair, and brown eyes, a crazy looking scar across his left cheek, took a step forward and said in a confused sort of voice, " W...what? " I forced myself to smile and put my hands in the air in a " We mean no harm. " sort of gesture. The taller guy with black hair that was Splayed against his forehead from sweat and green eyes as sharp as glass, was narrowing his eyes and the side of his mouth twitched. I new I didn't have much time, I needed to get this over with get Edward out of here and if possible help the cowering girl. " You no, how you been doing? " I had decided to play the cool card and act like I was stupid and didn't no at there were three full grown and buff men standing right and front of me, who could beat me to pulp in about three seconds. The third guy who was about the same height as the tallest guy, started to grin wickedly. " This guy doesn't no any better guys! Let's beat him up and take the girl. " that immediately pointed out that that guy was the dumbest of the three. I grinned back and pointed my gun to the floor. I managed another small step without anyone noticing and continued to grin stupidly. I tried to take one more step, I was about seven feet away from the three big guys. But the biggest one caught the movement and growled, a deep throaty sound. I tried for another grin and I put my gun to my head for a few seconds nodding my head up and down like I was going crazy. The biggest guy raised an eye brow and took a small step forward a smile starting at the edges of his mouth. I put the gun down from my forehead and took a step back, small but still a step. I caught Andreas eye and I could see that even she thought I was going crazy. Her eyes wide with terror and her mouth quivering. I wanted to scream at her to get up here and help me out but I kept my jaw clamped shut and a grin plastered to my face.
Finally I saw a movement at he edge of my vision and I turned slightly pretending to be looking at everything in the room stupidly. Edward had moved and was slowly getting up, he was about to say so,thing but then he caught my eye and realization dawned over him. I turned back towered the three buff guys, my gun hand tense and ready to fire away. My grin melted away replaced by a sneer of hatred and I began to taunt them, " What? You scared? Don't you want to fight?, "   I took a smalls tel back my finger on e gun trigger, " Well? " all three snarled and took a step forward, the dumb one raising his fist and smashing it into his palm demonstrating what would happen to me.
Edward was now crouch, gun in hand ready to spring into action. But I needed the perfect moment to strike. " You want a fight? I'll give you one! " the biggest said his voice full of hatred. I nodded at Edward which confused the three buff guys who looked behind them to see what I was looking at. I took this as a chance to shoot, I lifted my gun and fired at the first one I was best aimed at which ended up being the dumbest one. Edward had lifted his gun and shot the smallest with the red hair and scar. Both collapsed on the ground moaning in agony.
Now we were left with a very confused looking guy. His confusion vanished replaced by and angry roar as he ran at me with a dagger. I fumbled with my gun but it had all happened so fast, my gun slipped from my hand and came crashing to the floor. I was left weaponless to a very large and full grown man who was running at me with full speed. But that's when it accrued to me, I waited in tell the last moment and side stepped the guy who tripped over my leg and came crashing to the floor. I quickly picked up my gun and fired it at him, looking away jest as the bullet went through his stomach.
All three guys were dead. I turned towered Edward first, he was standing there looking slightly stunned and his gun dropped from his hand clanking to the floor. Edwards forehead already had a blue brews starting to form and his lower lip was cut open.  Andrea was staring at me wide eyed her brown hair a mess on top of her head. " I thought.. 8 thought you were for sure going crazy! " she said in shock. I smiled and bent to pick up Edwards gun. Edwards hands lay limply at his side and his eyes were dull a almost sad look. " I...I killed someone. " he finally chocked out when I had stared at him for a long time. I shrugged and was about to ask why this mattered when I remembered this was the first time he had ever killed someone, that was a bug thing. Once you kill someone here is no possible way to feel the same or act the same again. I clapped him on the back and said softly, " It's ok man, you'll get over it soon enough. " Edward nodded slowly and I handed him his gun, placing it firmly into his hands. " Let's go. " I say jest load enough for him to hear. We turn to head out but I hear a weak cry from behind me and I look over my shoulder, " Wait...wait can I come? " Andrea asks a tear escaping and rolling down her wet, pink cheeks.
Me and Edward exchange a glance and look at her sympathetically, " Look, " I say, trying not to sound like a man brat, " You can't do anything in a fight and you cower and hide and are afraid of almost everything. What good will you do to us? " I ask. Andrea shrinks back into her corner and says softly, " You have only known me for ten minutes, how could you no if I am bad at everything? " she paused as she processed the Rest of what I had said. " I can help you with gathering food and I can even shoot a deer. " Edward raised his eye brow and say, " Oh really? Well a lot of girls can also take down full sized men! " I shot Edward and irritated glance and turned to the girl. " Look, I'm sorry but I don't..." " Please, please!, " she begged, " Please, please let me come with you! Please! " I sighed and said after a moments hesitation, " Fine. Hurry up though. " she got up from the bed so fast it took a moment to process everything at once. Edward looked pissed of but he reluctantly seemed to give in. Andrea grabbed a small wooden box with a bronze bolt on the outside locking it together, and reached under the mattress and brought out a medium sized dagger with a fine gold hilt and silver blade as sharp as glass.
Moments later we were headed back to the gangs hideout. Usually there are three or more people there all the time, but today when we came in there was only one person who was practicing with a staff as long as me. I recognized him as Will Anderson, one of the best staffs men in are gang. He looked up as we passed through the stone arch that led into the gangs hideout. He smiled his blue blue green yes lighting up. " Finally! " he said gleefully. I raised an eye brow at him and asked questioningly, " What do you mean, " Finally ' ? " Will lay his staff on a wooden bench in the corner of the battle arena and walked over to us. " Well know ones been in the hideout in the last few days, I've been calling all the ones closest to me and they won't answer. I even put up the alarm flag. " he continued sadly, his brown hair a tangled mess. " But still no answer from anyone. I thought no one was ever going to return but..." He gestured to us wildly, " You came! Wares everyone else? " he asked looking behind me and Edward who hadn't said a word since we had arrived. His face was pale and his lips trembled. " What is it Edward? " I whispered. He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes, " That must be why Beta is missing! There's something going on, I know it! We have to do something before everyone is gone, we have to save Beta Admen! We have..." He broke of in a choke of despair. I new what he was thinking, him and Beats had been very close and I new he wouldn't be able to live on without Beta. " Will find her Edward, hold tight. " he nodded his hands on his knees and his breath short and raspy. Will looked back and fourth between me and Edward then to Andrea who had been standing there silently the whole conversation. " Who is this?! " Will demanded.
  " This is Andrea. " I say. She nods her head and smiles, " Nice to meet you. " she says kindly.
" So ware is every buddy?! " Edward asked desperately. Will looked at him sadly and said, " I don't no Edward, the best I could think of was they had gotten taken away by the monster. But we've been training so hard for so long to not fall for he voices so I don't see how they would. " I thought his through, puzzling on ware the rest of the gang was. How could they have jest disappeared? Edward was shaking his head back and forth his eyes welling up with salt water, tears.
Andrea looked startled by all,the emotion and she was looking back and fourth from me to Edward. Then she looked up at Will who was staring down at the ground his hands twitching every now and than. " Excuse me, but these boys need to rest. " she said this without hesitation her voice was steady and sure. I stared at her in amazement as she helped Edward up and turned to me. I shook my head as she tried to help me up to, " No. I'm staying here. I need to talk to Will. " she stared at me for a long moment but then nodded and went of with Edward to find a dorm ware he could rest. As soon as Andrea and Edward were out of sight I turned to Will my voice load in my own ears, " Ware are they Will? I no your hiding something! " Will looked up, startled but then shrugged. " Tell me. " I said, quieter. He finally looked up at me and took in a deep breath and said, " I saw someone. I think it was Karen but there's no way to be sure, she was there one moment and then she was gone the next! " his voice shook violently as his hands described the story for me. " You don't no how frightening it was, I was about to go over and ask her ware she had been for he last week or so, but just when I was making my first step towered her she...she jest disappeared! "  my eyes widened, how was this even possible? Ok it was possible,if there's monsters. " That's weird. " Will nodded and gulped, " I still can't believe was so sudden, it scared me..." I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly and said, " I no it must have scared you Will, and I'm sorry. I'll try to find out what happened to her and the rest of the gang. " I looked him in the eyes and turned to leave. " Wait..." Will said, his voice shaky. " Yes Will? " I said. " When she disappeared I walked up to ware she vanished and found...blood. " my brow furrowed as I imagined this. " Cherry red blood. Like a lady's lip stick. It was so strange Admen, so strange. No sound or image only the feeling and the touch. " I looked down at the wooden floor, watched as dust floated across the floor boards from the wind that was carrying in from the open window.
Later that night I went to find Edward and Andrea, passing brick walls covered with moss and dirt. The hideout was almost like a ruined castle, gardens and weeds growing every ware. But the hide out also had secret dorms and rooms full of weapons and food. I walked past a few wrecked ware houses and a few large rocks. Looking around I spotted the place I had been looking for, I was sure this would be ware Edward would take Andrea. I made my way towered the boulder covering the entrance to the dorm. I pushed the boulder aside with a grunt and peeked in careful not to disturb anyone inside.
Andrea was leaning over a bed more fitting than her last one, singing softly. I could see Edwards face from here and saw that he was fast asleep snoring loudly. I stepped through the entrance quietly, as to not disturb her singing. But she heard me anyway and turned around, her cheeks beginning to flush. " No keep going, you were doing wonderfully. " she just stairs down at the floor and mutters. " How long have you been listening? " I sigh and say, " I just got through the entrance. But really you were doing great! " Andrea looked up her eyes brightening. " You really think so? " I nod and say, " Are you kidding? How did you even become that good a singer? " she smiles then and motions for us to go out side and talk.
" My mom said it was important to learn things other then killing and death. So when I was still in the village, she taught me how to sing and wright. It turned out I was especially good at singing so I practiced a lot. Me and my mom were very close. " her eyes are cast downward and her bottom lip trembles slightly, " When it was the day of my tenth birthday and the guards banged on my door, ready to take me to the community leaders. But my mother held me back protectively, she growled at the guards when they tried to take me away from her. It was my father who had to pull us apart. He grabbed my arm and pushed me toward the guards, and then he turned on my mother..." She stops and breaks off in a half gasp half sob. I portend I didn't hear her, and look off into the distance waiting for her to finish. ", and then he...he slaps her. Hard. My mother cried out and I could see a red mark flushing across the cheek my father had just slapped." She pauses, " I will never get that image out of my head, ever. "
We sit in silence for a moment, and I listen to Andreas raspy breath trying to figure out what to say. " I don't want your apology, " she says starting to get up. ", it wasn't your fault. " I watch as she walks back toward the dorm, where Edward slept. Her brown hair bonding off her back as she goes.



                                                 Chapter two

The next day I wake up to the sound of laughter and giggling. I had went back into the dorm around midnight and fallen asleep on the spare bed in the far corner of the room. My eyes flash open and early morning sunlight blinds me, my hand covers my eyes.
Andrea and Edward are throwing around pillows and smacking each other in the head. Andrea pauses to put her brownish red hair into a pony tail and Edward sneaks up from behind her pillow in hand. And with a thwack, he sends her flying across the room and onto her butt on the floor. Groaning at being waked up so early, I get out of bed and yawn and stretch. Edward hears me and immediately turns my way his face red and I'm not sure if it's from sweat or embarrassment.
" Sorry we woke you up. " Edward said sullenly, his blue eyes looking every ware but my face. " It's fine, I needed to get up anyway. " I say, heading to my pack of food by the entrance. I pass Andrea on my way and she looks me straight in he eye, and her green stare is calm and bold, unlike Edwards. I almost look away but I have found than when you look away it's a sign of weakness, so I meet her stare. After breakfast I walk over to Edward and Andrea, a plan forming it's self in my mind. Edward looks up from his stopwatch that he had been fiddling with and blinks the sun from his eyes. " I think it's about time we head out of hear. " I say. " I agree, we can't stay here for much longer then a day and night. " I nod in agreement and say with some annoyance, " Trouble always seems to find us one way or another. We've got to head out. Are you ready? " Edward looks down at his brown duffle bag packed with food, water, and clothing. " I believe so. But I don't no about Andrea..." He says, looking over his shoulder toward the dorm. " Who said she was coming? " I asked, anger rising inside me. I hasn't even wanted her to come in the first place and is till don't want her to now. Edward looks back at me in surprise. " I thought you wanted her with us? " I sigh and look back at the cabin. " I never did want her with us. I planed on leaving her hear so that she could hopefully find a crew to go along with. Maybe with other girls that fend for the city. " I tell Edward in annoyance. " Well you can't possibly leave her hear with only Will, she'd die of boredom! Plus with all this crazy stuff going on...she'd end up killing herself somehow. " Edward tells me his voice full of sadness. " What Edward said is true, she would get killed on her own and be miserable having to hang out with Will Anderson all day long. " Fine. She can come. " I mutter under my breath. " But she'd better find so thing useful to do while she tags along. Edward grins, getting up and slapping me on the back before heading back into the dorm to get Andrea.
Minutes later were out of the hideout, Will Anderson and the dorm falling behind us. Will had wished us luck on are journey and we had thanked him and gave him some extra food and scraps we didn't need, that he might be able to use. Then we were on the road again.
I watch as a hawk swoops and dives into the underbrush and comes back out a second later with a mouse in its yellow beak. I watch as it's raven black feathered body glinting in the night becomes a a small black speck in the bright blue sky. ' Were on the rode again ", as my father quoted in one of the many story's he'd tolled me. About lost travelers finding great adventure in the wilderness and becoming famous knights and brave warriors. I had always dreamed of becoming one of them, sword in hand ready to fight for my life. Never fearing. Being the bravest of them all.
But now as I think about what I had wanted to be long ago, I see that I haven't changed the idea of being the one hero to save the day.
" Admen, look! " i turn my head toward the excited sound of Edwards voice. He was pointing off in the distance, toward a large rock covered mountain. But that wasn't what was making Edwards voice go all high pitched. It was the white, frosting that covered the mountain top like a soft blanket. The blanket, glittered and sparkled in the sunlight, and my breath caught in my throat. It was beautiful.
I heard Edward laugh, and turned abruptly to see him grinning at me widely. Edward had this coco brown hair that curled up toward the top of his forehead, which was smudged with dirt. His blue eyes were dark, and with a hint of green spiraling around in the middle. " What? " I asked, frowning at him. Edwards grin only widened. " You look so strange when you see something you thinks interesting. I scowled and said, " No I don't, I just haven't ever seen..." I hesitated and my gaze swept back over to the big mountain, and it's soft, glittering blanket. Edward laughed again and said, " You really don't no what that is, huh? " I couldn't meet his curious blue eyes so I looked every ware but at him.
" No. What is it? " I asked, still not looking at Edward.
" It's, snow. " said a new voice. I turned to see Andrea staring up at the mountain. " It's beautiful isn't it? " I stared at her for a moment, to shocked by her sudden appearance. Edward looked shocked too, his mouth was slightly open and his blue eyes were wide. When we didn't say anything, she turned her green gaze on us. " My mother told me about these mountains when I was still...",Her voice faltered for a second, and I could hear the deep pain in her tone. " Still in the village. " I nodded understanding the sadness of leaving your family and having to start over in a whole new life.
Edward was looking at the...snow again, his blue eyes full of wander. I turned back to Andrea. " Well, we have to figure out ware were going and what to do when we get there. " I said. Andre a nodded and Edward pulled his gaze away from the glittering snow on the mountain. " I think we should continue on are we always have. " said Edward looking at me, deep sadness filled his eyes and I swore they got darker.
Andrea looked confused. " What do you mean? " she asked, looking back and fourth between me and Edward. I new Edward wanted to continue are search for Beta, and we still had the weird disappearance of Karen that we needed to find out.
Edward and I looked at each toner then as if co,ing to a silent agreement turned and faced Andrea who was star in at us like we were turning into giant turtles. " Look, Andrea...there used to be this girl named Beta. She was close friends with Edward ", I say gesturing to Edward who was looking every ware but at Andrea. " And she hasn't been seen in a very long time. So, we...were going to continue he are journey to find her. " I finish. Andrea nods, but doesn't seem to be able to look Edward in the eyes. Finally she says, " That's ok..." Then after a short pause, " Was she like your girl friend or something? " she asked, her eyes flickering across Edwards face and then back to the ground.
I saw Edwards face began to heating up, turning his cheeks a bright cherry red color. I suppressed a chuckle, and bit my lip hard. But Edward caught my act and glared at me, that was it. I balled over laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. Andrea looked up at both of us and seeing are laughing faces, her own face began to turn red. " you aren't, boyfriend and girlfriend I mean? " Edwards grinned and said, " More like brother and sister! We've known each other ever since the beginning, even when we were still in the village we have known each other. " I saw a look of relief flash across Andreas cheeks, but just as it began if was played off with a mask " Oh, well I hope we find her. " she mumbled.
" Yah, but first let's stop and eat. " I complained. Edward and Andrea agreed, so we all sat on the side of the rode and pulled out are sandwiches. " So, " Edward started, his mouth full of sand which, " How about we try the snowy mountain pass way? " licking his lips. His blue eyes flicking back and fourth between Andrea and me. I stared at him hard  to make sure he wasn't kidding. But I saw no laughter as are gaze met, only the hard,sure stare that gave me the shivers.
" Are you serious?! " I said a little to loudly. " Edward grinned and nodded. I new I had a huge grin plastered across my face, but I couldn't help it. Edward new how I felt about new things that I haven't yet experienced yet, and there was just something about those mountains that seemed to set me on fire and bring me out of a daze it felt like id been in all my life.
I looked up at the mountain, rocky and dusty brown toward the bottom. But at the top, it was sparkling with blinding white blazing light. I stared across there many fields of grass, rock and dirt. We would have to travel for at least three days, if we went past, before we reached the mountain. But I new it would be worth it. I felt some kind of pull leading me on, closer and closer to the glittering mountain. A pull I couldn't resist.

The next we woke up bright and early and quickly ate some salad with tomatoes and this delicious apple sauce, that Andrea managed to fix up. I guess she might be worth the company. Then we started to head up the mountain. Rocks flew out form under my feet and as we kept going up, I noticed that the plants lessened the more we went toward the top of the snow capped mountain.
" Why did I say we could go up this mountain again? " asked Edward who was out of breath. I slowed down a little, letting them catch up. I hadn't realized I was going so fast until Edward had spoke. " Sorry, I'm going to fast. " I muttered.
" You think? My stomach hurts! " Andrea complained from just behind Edward. I crouched down and took off the back pack I'd been waring. Unzipping it I fumbled around for something to eat, when Andrea said. " Sandwiches,are in the front zipper ".
I turned around and stared at Andrea, she just shrugged and grinned. " Told you I'd be good to have around. "

An hour later we were back on the road, we had lunch and took a thirty minute nap. But then is forced them all to get up. I new that we couldn't lag around for long or something would find us. It always did, it was almost like we were danger magnets. One time we'd been swimming at the river for an hour longer then we had planned and the next thing we new a giant squid like thing had busted out of the water and tried to drag Jake and Phillip away. But Edward and his amazing Cross Bow talent, shot the squid thing and we had just barely escaped death. And no way did I want that to happen again.
The sound of a eagles cry awoke me from my daze and I looked up. It was circling and circling, it's black feathers gleamed in the light and it red head...
What I had thought was an eagle, was actually a Vulture. And a big one, in fact too big. I stopped in my tracks and turned so I was facing Edward and Andrea who had also heard the Vultures cry. They were looking up in the sky, Andreas eyes widened as she took in it's humongous size. It's wing span, guessing from a distance, was almost thirty five feet across. It's body was the size of me and it's huge yellow eye was staring directly in our direction.
I scanned are surroundings, not good for hiding. But I did see a rocky ledge that maybe two of us could squeeze into. " Over here! " I said, gesturing wildly. Edward nodded and grabbed Andreas hand tugging her hard. She tried to yank her hand back, but Edward held in tightly. We ran across the Rocky Mountain side, jumping over large rocks and crumbled up dirt and some kind of gooey green stuff I didn't even want to know what it was.
Once we got to the crevice, I shoved Edward and Andrea in and stood blocking them from the vulture. I heard Edward protest and Andrea let out a terrified squeal and then a thankful sigh of relief once she was in the crevice.
The vulture kept circling, it's big yellow eyes darting every which way. I stood stone still waiting for it to make it's first move. Good thing my cloths blended well with the rocky cliff behind me. But the vulture would see us anyway, I new. My heart pounded in my chest and then everything went in fast motion.
The giant vulture made one last circle and then dived straight toward me and the crevice. His yellow beak opened and a screech so load I cringed and my hands flew up to my ears, trying too block the afoul sound. Edward made a half growl have protest from some ware behind me and I heard Andrea start to whimper.
When the cry stopped I looked up, just in time too see the talons. Then all went black.
When my eyes fluttered open, I saw Edward dodging and striking  at the Vulture his face was bloody and scratched up. I tried to get up when I felt a piercing pain stab at my insides and I cried out. Looking down I saw that my grey white shirt was now red and wet. Wet with sticky blood.
My eye sight was getting blurry, and I noticed that a drip of blood had ran down my noes and into my mouth. I spit in disgust and wiped my hand over my mouth. That's when I heard Andreas terrified scream, it was load and clear like a sword through flesh. I bulged up wright not even thinking and ran as fast as I could. My body slammed into her just as the vulture attacked. I felt it's talons scrape over my right cheek and across my lip. A searing pain exploded across my face, and I fought not to black out. I thrust my shoulder into the vultures head and then slammed my fist into it's back, and heard a crack and new that it's back bone had been broken. The vulture fell to the ground wiggling and squirming, I kicked it in the face and it lay dead at my feat.
A sob caught my attention and I turned too see Andrea sitting over a very still Edward. I ran over to Edward, his face was covered in blood and he had a long deep gash running from his shoulder too his wrist. And it was gushing blood.
" He's loosing to much blood! " Andrea said wiping tears from her eyes. " Well sitting around crying won't help anything! " I growled back. I was to angry and frustrated to be kind. " Get something too stop the blood! " I ordered. Andrea ran off tears streaming down her pale cheeks.
Ten minutes later Andrea was dabbing at Edwards wounds with a grey cloth, now stained completely red from the blood. Edwards left eye was turning slightly blue as if he'd been punched in the eye and his cheeks were scratched and dried blood crusted around his wounds. I could hear Andrea softly weeping and watched as her tear dripped from her cheek onto his eye and ran down his cheek. Then something incredible happened.
Edwards eye started too loose it's blue colored tint replaced with a normal tan color. And I watched in utter disbelief as his whole face came back to normal, starting with the scratches on his cheek and chin. The wounds started to heal closing in on themselves and leaving nothing behind but fresh good as new skin.
Andrea had been closing her eyes the whole time, praying Edward would be ok. Not at all aware of what had just happened. I looked down and saw that Edward still had that long gash along his shoulder to his wrist. Eyes wide in fascination and disbelief, I grabbed Andrea and pushed her gently forward so that a tear dropped directly on Edwards shoulder. Andrea jerked away and her eyes flashed open and I stifled a gasp of surprise and horror. Her eyes were glowing! A light greenish yellow color. Unlike her normal beautiful meadow spring time eye color. It was a sick greenish yellow, like dying grass in a field with no water.
Her eyes cut through me, and then taking in my shocked expression said, " What? Why are you staring at me like that? ". Her voice was hard and almost angry.
" Your...your eyes. " I stuttered and hated myself for doing so. " There glowing. " Andrea frowned and her hands flew up to her eyes. " What? " she sounded confused and annoyed at the same time. " Admen we don't have time for this! Edward needs too..." Her voice broke off as she looked down at Edward who looked right back up at her.
" Why are your eyes glowing? " he asked, and it didn't seem like he was in any pain at all. I just stared fascinated and speechless as Andrea bent down and looked right into Edwards eyes and then gasp and fell backward.
My hands flew out and grabbed her just as her head was about to slam into the ground. " What is wrong with my eyes?! " she shrieked. " There glowing yellow! " I tried to calm her down but her hands flew every ware and she was shrieking. " Calm down, it's all going to be fine Andrea. Shhh. " I said in a soothing voice.
Edward sat up looking just as good as always. His coco brown hair gleamed in the light and the color had came back to his cheeks and lips. The green that spirited around his blue eyes, shown brighter then ever. He stared at Andrea as she shrieked and fought against my grip. Then Edwards eyes flicked over too me and his forehead crinkled in confusion and fear for Andrea.
" Can you see out of them? " he asked Andrea. She didn't remove her hands from her face but she peeked through her fingers. Then she nodded her head yes. " Nothing's changed? Your eye sight is as good as ever? " Edward continued asking questions. Andrea peeked out of her hands again and then she gasped and her hands flew all the way off. She looked everywhere around her, her eyes glowed bright yellow. Andreas hair was more red then brown now that the sun was shining straight down at it. It curled and blew gently in the breeze, sparkling and acting like red flames dancing around in the breeze. I shook my head slightly, what was I doing? Ignoring the weird feeling that had started to bubble up inside of me I continued to try, to figure out why Andreas eyes were glowing a yellow, greenish color.
Andrea was looking around wildly, at everything and in every which way. Edward stared at her waiting and watching too see what happened next. Andreas eyes flitted everywhere and finally came to rest back on the two men staring at her wide eyed and waiting. Her lips moved as if to speak, but no sound escaped them. Finally I heard her mumble, " I see Are. Different ". I had to strain to hear her words.
" What do you mean Andrea? " I asked whispering as to not scare her. Her now yellow eyes widened and brightened as if coming awake from a day dream. Then she looked at me and she said a little loader. " I can see you and Edward, but you are different. I can see everything just as well as I did before...but differently. The colors..." Her sentence ended in a quite murmur of wander and curiosity.
" What do you mean differently? " Edward asked, his voice low and deep but just the same, quite. Andrea looked at him. " I mean, differently. Edward your eyes...there golden like the sun or rock gold. And have this aura around you that also glows gold. " Andrea was looking at him in shock, her pink lips started to tremble a little. Then she swiveled in my direction and she met my eyes. It was hard not to look away from her glowing yellow eyes that seemed to cut through me, like knifes. And it actually hurt my eyes too look at her.
" But you...", she paused and frowned then continued. " You have a different aura and your eyes are different too. Your eyes...there red. Glowing red like a blazing fire with wisps of gold and orange hear and there. And your's almost white. But it's not like Edwards. " she paused again and her brow creased as if from consent ration or confusion. Then her voice came out all mixed up like she was trying to solve a puzzle. In some ways she might actually be doing just that.
" Admen your aura is constantly shifting and happens every time you move. Almost like a shield or a protective force surrounding you. " she looked at me one last time and then turned to Edward and she looked once again as his "Aura".
" Edward yours isn't shifting but it's moving. Sort of like the light reflecting in water. Shimmering and dancing. But it's like golden water instead of clear with a tint of blue. "
Andrea breathed in and sat on the ground and groaned. I moved to comfort her but her hand shot out just as I was about to get up. " No. I'm fine. " Her voice came out hard and so unlike the Andrea I had just began to get to know. " There are shapes and movements on the side of my vision. There's shadows that lurk and creep up those mountains ", her head shot up and she pointed wildly to the mountains beyond the one they were climbing. " They're covered in some sort of mist or dark black fog. I can't see much. But this mountain that were on is powerfully lit by a light, but it's not a color it's like water clear but still there. " 
Edward raised his eyebrows, " How is that even possible? " he asked. Andreas gaze shot over too him. " Are you suggesting that I'm not telling you the truth? " she demanded in a cool, cold voice. So very unlike Andrea ten minutes ago. Edwards eyes grew wide and he took a step away from Andrea. " Wow, wow. No that is not what I meant at all. But...are you sure? I mean, like totally sure that's what's reality? Not just some..." Edward started hands explaining as he talked, but he was interrupted by Andrea. " You know what Edward Clinton Yale? You will not ask me if what I saw wasn't reality. Because it was, and you have no right to tell me that it wasn't. Also I will be the one telling you what's going on and what's not. We are leaving this mountain and heading over there, " She pointed over toward a mountain just beyond the one we stood on. " Toward Mount. Virago. " Andreas voice was as hard as iron and as cold and sharp as a dagger covered in frozen ice.
I stared at Andrea not even bothering to hide my shock and confusion. Who was this girl I was talking too? It sure wasn't the Andrea I had just gotten too know. This girl, looked all the same except for her sickly pale yellow eyes. Under her eyes was a dark crescent like shape. Almost like when you hadn't slept well for three days straight. Except her condition was much worse. It almost looked like they were painted completely black, so that she looked like Andrea with yellow eyes and a raccoon face painting. She looked terrible.
" Ah, no. I am going up this mountain not matter what you say. And who are you too tell us what and where we are going? " I said politely. Andreas eyes turned a darker shade of yellow and her mouth parted, releasing a growl so terrifying I took two steps back eyes wide in horror. " I am not Andrea anymore and you answer too me, not her! " Edward looked like he was about to black out and I know I looked completely terrified stiff. But non of the less I took a step forward. There was no way I was gonna let this pass by without a argument and a few demands for answers.
" You might be able to growl and bite. But I'm not letting you tell me what too do without a reason as too why I should listen to you. Can you give me a reason? " I asked, my voice was rising mad I could tell I was getting mad. But Andrea only squinted her yellow    Eyes and stared me down, or tried anyway. " Huh? I didn't hear anything. " I said my voice rising higher and higher. Edward was staring at me, stunned. " Admen..." He began. " Answer me! Where is the Andrea I once new?! "I  demanded almost yelling now. " Admen, don't..." Edward tried to say again.
" She's gone, Admen Graze Flinger. Andrea was weak and needed too be...let's just say she's joined the others who seem to disappear quit frankly." My eyes widened when she pronounced my full name. How did she know my middle and last name? " Who are you? How do you know my name? " I asked, my eyes now slitted suspiciously. The new Andrea smiled cruelly and she winked one yellow eye. " I'm just here to take care of you, lead you the right way. You can't trust me, Admen, I'm not your enemy. " Andrea said sweetly. But something inside me told me not to believe her, that she was dangerous.
" No. I'm not leaving, of course I speak for myself... " I said, looking over at Edward. Edwards face would have been kinda funny if not for the situation at hand. His left eyebrow was slightly raised and his mouth was open like a fish. " No, I'm not leaving either ". Edward managed to get out. Andreas face had turned beat red and she looked at us through slitted yellow eyes.

The author's comments:

This is another of the many starts of books and short stories if made. I would really enjoy seeing what other people think so please comment and enjoy! Sorry for any misspelled words or anything like that. Enjoy! 

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