The Night She Left | Teen Ink

The Night She Left

April 29, 2015
By LillyLovesu BRONZE, Cresco, Iowa
LillyLovesu BRONZE, Cresco, Iowa
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The Night She Left 

I still remember, it was a couple years ago on a beautiful Sunday morning. 
Laura’s mom had left just a couple hours ago ,so she was home alone, no school day, no siblings.  Laura was an only child, so she had a bit of a lonely childhood, Laura also had a pet dog, and his name was Midnight.  Laura was the one that had named him, and she found him at midnight.  This is what gave her the idea for his name, but she loved the way that it sounded.

Laura begins to make her lunch, but Midnight starts to whine, and
Laura knows that something isn’t right, so she went outside to see what was wrong, but when she got out there it was dead silent. Laura looked to her right and saw a man holding Midnight, so she screamed. Later the police came by to see if everything was ok, and five minutes after the police left Laura’s mom came home, Laura told her mom everything.

It’s now 7:00 PM ,and Laura and her mom start to make their supper. Laura’s dad had died a year ago ,so it had been hard for Laura and her mom.  And after all the food for supper is cooking, they get ready to bake. Laura wanted brownies ,but her mom wanted sugar cookies, so Laura and her mom choose to bake both ,but had to eat first.

           It’s now 10PM, Laura is ready for bed ,and her mom was sleeping already, so Laura had to put the dog out and make sure that all of the lights were off before she went to bed. 

         Then Laura heard something unusual, she heard stuff in the basement,  so she had no choice but to check ,so she went down the stairs to check. Again, nothing was there, so she went to go back up ,but when she turned there stood a man.The man was tall, he wore all black, his face was shadowed and dark. When he pulled out a bag with something wiggling and whining, I knew that it was Midnight ,and the man ran to midnight ,but then Laura woke up and realized that it was just a dream. 

But when Laura awoke, she woke up to flames ,so she ran to her mom’s room to find her sleeping. Laura wondered why the alarms weren’t going off ,and just then she remembered Midnight, but had to choose between them. She got Midnight out ,and came back to her mom and said to run.

It’s now 11PM, and the flames are burning high in Laura’s house ,but as Laura went to go wake up her mom ,but it was almost like she was hypnotized. She couldn’t stop following a ghostly voice, it was stuck in her head and she couldn’t get it out.  So Laura followed the voice into the woods ,but when she got there she snapped out of it and the voice was gone.

               She was struck with a feeling that she was being watched, but no one was there.Laura was beginning to think that there was something in that house, but when she looked back her house was perfect and nothing looked burnt.  So Laura ventured off into the woods ,so she could go to find midnight. When Laura went to find him it was too late, for Midnight was dead.

So Laura grabbed him and buried him next to the graveyard, but when she tried she couldn’t.  It was almost like there was a force-field around it ,and Laura didn’t know what to do.  So Laura had just decided to bury him outside of the field ,and he would be happy either way.

Then out of the mist came a figure ,but Laura had to back off a bit.  It was the man in her dream, she was stunned ,but she knew that she had to go or he would get her ,but she couldn’t move.  So Laura slapped herself ,but it didn’t work. Then Laura grabbed the sharp stick next to her ,and that was the end of Laura, or so you thought.

Laura wakes up the man is gone ,but Laura still didn’t know what to do.  Infact she was even more clueless than before ,and when she looked down at her clothes she didn’t know what to think. She is a zombie ,but Laura didn’t know what to do first. Laura just wanted to go home, to see her mom. So she started to go home, but when she got there, there was no more fire or anything that was there before.

             Laura went up to her mom’s room to find blood everywhere, her mom’s head turned slowly, the rest of her body stayed still, but then Laura’s mom started floating, the mom’s eyes turned black.

          She said, you stupid fool, you shouldn’t have come back. Laura said, That ghostly voice has possessed you, so you have to get it out. Oh Laura you don’t know anything do you, you have to kill me for that to happen.So Laura did what she had to, she jumped up on the bed singing a creepy lullaby then said, you should have never come.  Laura grabbed the knife, but then her mom awoke.

           She grabbed the knife, and they were battling until shing. Blood splattered everywhere ,and Laura is dead, but after this happened to her mom snapped out of it. There was blood all over her, she screamed bloody murder. Then she was possessed again, but Laura came back as a ghost just once more.

       Laura and the ghost that had possessed her mom, are having a battle over who gets her, so Laura makes a deal with the demon spirit, just to find when they agree she made a deal with the devil. Laura looked into the eyes of death ,and she battled as hard as she could. She battled with all of the strength left in her, and she battled for her mom. But Laura won ,and the devil killed them both anyways.Laura was furious, she came back an invincible spirit. Flames out of her eyes and blood red skin, the spirit in the prophecy, she would be the one to save everyone.

The author's comments:

Laura has a normal day till it all goes downhill.

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