Radiation island | Teen Ink

Radiation island

April 30, 2015
By will herman BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
will herman BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Radiation Island

Year 2025, a militarily experiment to try to exterminate a deadly virus goes wrong! A plane set to drop supplies for this experiment crashed due to the disturbance of some local hunters. You see  before this experiment the U.S government sent gas masks to all the houses in this selected drop zone. The problem with this, is there was a certain time and area where this was supposed to happen, and this was not it! Once this had happened it let of crazy radiation. When the U.S government found out they had one mission, “no one in no one out!” Then the weird stuff started to happen. Lets just say the vibe in the community was way different, people were just different a little off topic looked a little different too. One person figured it all out, an ex “seal” the most highly trained person in combat who operates on top secret missions to defend this young great country. You see sense he received his gas mask he never took it off and he started to put pieces of the puzzle together. He found others who still a sense of thought and teamed up to get out of “radiation island.” Long story short they left the house and immediately was captured and charged of treason by the U.S government. Currently there is no known survivors from “radiation island.”


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