mission 19BL8Q32A39 | Teen Ink

mission 19BL8Q32A39

May 27, 2015
By luis dominguez BRONZE, McKinney, Texas
luis dominguez BRONZE, McKinney, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a house in the city. The house was blue. The door was made of oak. There lived a family a mother, a father, and a baby. They had a pet cat named Snowball cause of its fluffy white fur. What they don’t know is that she was from a secret organization called F.A.T.S.O. (Felines at Top-Secret Organization).
When the family went on a trip she went to the backyard to find the key to the transport tube. The key was in the shape of a toy mouse. She went in the transport tube. There were loops and swirls like a roller coaster. After the roller coaster like transport tube ride. Snowball was at the entrance of the greatest organization team ever known to all animals … F.A.T.S.O. This great organization was built before the Ice Age. F.A.T.S.O. was built to protect the balance of Mother Nature and to help animals that are helpless even plants that were extinct. Because of animals like the wooly mammoths, dodo birds, Saber tooth tiger, Caucasian moose, and many others, the feline made F.A.T.S.O. Along with other animals is leader Long Tooth but since he passed away F.A.T.S.O. soon Leo the great elite became leader of F.A.T.S.O. after Long Tooth’s death.
Snowball was on her next mission until the main computer got a video call. It was Leo’s worst enemy Fleabag. Fleabag was once part of a dog organization until he was kicked out from the organization by leaving his team behind when they needed him. He promised he would have revenge to every animal organization in the world by deploying his secret weapon. A nuclear bomb that destroys all animals. So Snowball has a new mission from Leo to ruin Fleabag’s plan. Snowball needs her agent collar on her mission and some equipment just for difficult missions. Testing the video carefully Snowball found out that Fleabag was in Tokyo, Japan.
Once again she went to the transport tube to Japan. When she got to Japan she saw another F.A.T.S.O. Agent. His name was Razor cause of his claws. He was on the mission too along with fifty-one F.A.T.S.O. agents. They tried to look every ware for Fleabag’s secret base from alleyways to streets. They were about to check out the abandoned warehouse until dogs surrounded them so Snowball got something out of the gadget box: a giant steak. The dogs were drooling over the steak. Snowball passed it to Razor. He put it inside a bazooka; then it launched. The dogs chased after the steak all the way to Australia then never came back.
They entered the abandoned warehouse. They looked around inside to find a secret passage. They moved every thing around they found buttons, levers, and switches but they don’t open to any secret door until. They found a hidden passage behind a dog painting. But when they got to the secret room, Fleabag launched the bomb into the air.
It was going to land where F.A.T.S.O. was built in: Austin, Texas. If the explosive landed there, it would kill every living animal in F.A.T.S.O. They went back to F.A.T.S.O. They told the smartest person in F.A.T.S.O., Jeffrey. Snowball told Jeffrey to hack into the nuclear bomb’s programming, which he was able to do as he typed in, “Shut down the bomb.” The bomb was now shut down. It landed in the Pacific Ocean. Then they went to Germany to find Fleabag. They found him in Germany’s animal shelter and decided to leave him in that cage. Then they put him into the animal Alcatraz. After the mission, Leo labeled it Mission 19BL8Q32A39.
Then Snowball went home just in time. The humans arrived with fish from their vacation. They gave Snowball the biggest fish. She was delighted. After the fishy meal, she took a long catnap dreaming of her next meal to be chicken.

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