Summer Disaster | Teen Ink

Summer Disaster

May 30, 2015
By Anonymous

Summer Disaster


One blazing summer day, David woke up to his big brother seeking through his bedroom looking for his computer to threaten him for two dollars. It was about to be David’s 13th birthday in two days and to celebrate it he wanted to go to a trip in an airplane to Hawaii. His parents already planed it out and everything and today was a very important day because today they were going to board the plane to go to Hawaii. His Parents kept it a secret ad secretly bought him new clothes for the trip and packed everything up and his parent told him they were going to go bowling but really they


were going to the airport. When he realized where they were actually going he was very excited they parked, got on the plane and took off. The airplane left from LAX at 3:30 PM it was scheduled to arrive at Hawaii the next day at 12:00 AM. The family went in a private plane. At night around 8:00 PM everybody went to sleep.

Suddenly the pilots of the plane said that one of the planes engine malfunctioned and isn’t working at all woke everyone up. That meant that the plane only had a few more seconds until it would crash the plane only had 4 parachutes but there were 6 people on the plane so they had to make decisions fast. Everybody jumped out but the two pilots and the parents so that mean that only David and his brother Damien had survived and they saw the plane crash down into the water and sink in the dark murky lake.

They were both very sad and depressed for days and days and then they started to build fortresses, traps for animals to eat. They got very good at hunting for fish and deer they used spears and knifes made out of stone. They hoped vey muck that a plane or a helicopter or some kind of vehicle would pass above them and see them to rescue them.

Months passed, they were tired and bored and doubting that anybody would ever find them. They found nuts and berries and became extremely skinny. David especially got sad because he felt blame full for the crash and for wanting to go on the trip and thought it was his fault his parent died but really it wasn’t.

One day an airplane passes by and immediately they burn a fire to get attention the plan keeps flying and flying and appears not to see them once a gain they get sad and depressed because


they thought they would get to salvation. They tried improving their fire techniques and tried making bigger flames so vehicle will see them more likely. Days pass by and a helicopter passes by and it wasn’t just a normal helicopter it was search and rescue helicopter and it was red. The brothers got very happy that they finally got saved and they asked the helicopter how they found out about them and they said that a airplane flew by and saw them and reported it immediately and it turns out the airplane they saw earlier actually saw them but David and his brother thought they didn’t. They finally got back to their home and missed their parents very much but they ended up living with their uncle.

The author's comments:

Dear Publisher,

I have an outstandingly great story that everybody will fall in love with and read over repeatedly many times. It is about a boy named David and on his birthday he wants to go to Hawaii in summer and on his way there the plane crashes and his parents die. He has to try to survive with his brother in the wild for months. I hope you will find this story to be entertaining and a good fit.

Thank You,

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