Zombie Survival | Teen Ink

Zombie Survival

October 22, 2015
By kittylover03 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
kittylover03 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zombie Survival

    New,York  October 21, 2021 when it took place , when the zombies took over. Then it was up to two brothers to save them and the world for the zombies and to save the people left over could he save his own brother or not6

So there we were  me and my little brother we just got done from school when everyone started to run and scream then i saw zombies the walkers . I grabbed my brother ran d we ran to our house but we could not make it so we ran,ran,ran and ran till we found the smallest  tree house so there we were trying to fit in the little tree house waiting for the sun to rise. later the mrin me and little Johnny   went to find food but there was nothing we could find unless we went to the store about 4 miles for where we are now at this little house. Me and my bro walked for miles i had to carry him half the way down then we were there we filled  up our bellies and headed back home.
          So there we were on the way back home when these  zombies came out of nowhere we froze in pu footsteps wondering what we had to do was run  just like mom said to do .  We ran home as fast as we could to our real house  before the tree house  so we ran in locked the door and searched the house for  guns or stuff like that .  Then we found 2 shot guns and some knifes it was up to us to fight back. on our way back home we heard a small yell for help  we saw jenn or best friend , so we ran up to her and fed her and then she tagged along for the journey to save the world
           Then out of  know  where thousand of zombies came they were running that was a little crazy we ran in fear wondering  what we were gonna do  it was a fight we could not win this battle . Me and Johnny were sacred and  did not  know what to do or how to
do it.  So there we were fighting back we had  to win this war it was our only hope  for staying together or to die , after fighting zombies they were all dead we were trying  to regroupe one, two,.......................... where is three johnny where are you we started looking for him then we found him i thought he was dead . When we found jhonny  he was in very bad shape and needed some help bad but the  wounds  were great and he was  most like  to die we were sitting with him wondering if he was all right in tears saying to myself can I make it by  myself no you can’t die.  There I was sitting there  with my dead brother wanting him to come back , now it was time to fight back because of what they had done to my brother . Me a Jennie were walking down when out of no where  more people were running  to us just only 80 people  they were willing to fight  because the zombies tried to kill their families children and parents  so there we were waiting to fight the zombies to get revenge  for what they had done . We were sitting and standing around  waiting for night to fall then we saw them  running like wild animals . looking and very scared to fight ready to die .  Me and  all the people who was ready to fight back once and for all.  We were waiting to see where they were and how they were moving it was all up  to us to ill the running  zombies . Then the war started it was time to fight back , we waited and waited we stood our ground then it was time the war was starting the zombies were everywhere then we fought the war was bad our people dying 30 people were gone 60 of us left we fought till there was 20 then 15 the zombies were all dead then the war was over we won then  we all searched for other people we found some but the best part was we were all over and the war was gone we hand finally won then  our town was safe , and then it was all the way it should be.

The author's comments:

It 's about 2 kids trying to save the world from Zombies

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