The Beards Savior | Teen Ink

The Beards Savior

December 11, 2015
By Shababy BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Shababy BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shababy woke up in his Victorian london bedroom overlooking the White Cliffs of Dover. He walked to the downstairs bathroom. In the bathroom he grabbed his extra strong comb that was a sword. long and curved like a Katana sharp on one end and a comb on the other end with a handle in between. Then started to comb his hair and magical beard which gave him superpowers. What a magnificent beard Shababy had. It was scraggly but contained in a perfect U shaped curving along his face up to his ears with a mustache that went over his mouth. Shababy walk out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to get some tea and crumpets. Sitting down to eat his tea and crumpets. He heard a noise from the pantry jumping up he drew out comb sword to defend himself. suddenly shaving blades flow out of the pantry door Shababy deflected the blades back into the pantry with ease. Then a barber warrior fell out of the pantry with a blade sticking out of his forehead.
“Whew” Shababy said, “That was close.” Then sat down to finish his Tea and Crumpets.
later at Shababy's estate he was laying in his bed when someone knocked very rapidly at the door accompanied by shouting. Shababy flow down the stairs to greet whoever was at the door. Before Shababy got to the door a voice came from the other side
“Shababy help let me in”.
“Sean is that you?” said Shababy
“Yes now let me in.”
“Ok ok I'll let you in”. later after Sean had took a shower. Shababy and Sean met in the kitchen to talk about where Sean had been.
“Sean where have you been for the last 2 years” said Shababy
“I was infiltrating the babers empire.” Said Sean. “And I have uncovered a secret plot to shave all the beard in the United Kingdom!” Sean shouted this statement was followed by silence by Shababy. then a mumble
“There what”
“There going planing to shave all the Beards in the UK!” Sean shouted again
“ Who’s their leader?” Said Shababy in a much stronger voice
“ A guy named Ernie he is the barber master”
“Ernie I know I hadn't seen the last of him.” Shababy said with malice in his voice.
“Well we have to stop them where is there base of operations?” asked Shababy
“In london but they're about to set their plans in motion!” So Shababy and Sean began gathering their comb swords and throwing combs.
Meanwhile at the barbers base erne was sting his plans in motions.
“Muaaaah.” Ernie laughed maniacally. “My plans are nearly complete all I have to do is shave the majestic beard of Shababy.” Then a underling to Ernie ran up and said
“ Sir one of our informants just caught sight of Shababy entering of london!”
“What” screamed Ernie “ How does he know where we operate”
“We saw Sean with him I bet he told him where we operate.”
“That traitor I will burn him alive” Ernie said with a ferocious look on his face. Meanwhile in a market outside of london. Sababy and Sean were walking thru looking at the item in every stall
“These are some fine beard products” said Shababy “ They're magnificent.”
“Yea I guess so but we have to stop the the Shavers club.”Said Sean
“Ok.” Said Shababy with a big frown on his face “Where are they located”
“In a barber's shop of course that's in a big warehouse.”
“Ok let's go destroy them.” Then sababy and Sean set of to find the shavers club little did they know that you don't find the shaves club the shavers club finds you.
“We've been searching for days and we haven't found anything are you lying to me Sean?”
“What no I would never lie to you Sababy.” said Sean outside the 200th warehouse they were going to search
“And you're sure that they are in this warehouse?”
“Yes I'm sure that there in hear.”
“Ok lets find a way inside.”
“I see a window on the left side maybe we can go threw there.”
“ That seems like a good idea.” So Sean and Shababy went over to the window to look inside. On the inside there was a massive barber shop and in the barbers chairs where gentlemen strapped to the chairs with all sorts of Beards and mustaches.
“ Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” gasped Shababy “ We must save those wonderful Beards and Mustaches.” But Sean was gone Shababy looked around and then something caught his attention he saw Sean inside the barber shop and he was talking to Ernie. Shababy grimmest because his greatest weapon against the shavers club and his friend was lost. He clenched his hands into fists and drew his comb sword and jumped threw the window.


A horrendous explosions ripped through the warehouse as Shababy landed on the concrete floor. Then all the cuff on the chairs came loose. As Shababy looked up from his kneeling position he saw Eirne staring at him with an angry bellow he charged at Eirne. But before he could get to him a line of barber warriors with shavers swords got in his way Shababy come to a screeching halt. The barber warriors drew their blades and charged Shababy with a look of concentration on his face Shababy blocked and paired with inhuman speed. Soon all the babber guards were in a big pile in a corner. Painting Shababy stood up and pointed his comb sword at Eirne
“Your heresy against the Beards will come to an end” Shouted Shababy. Erine just lafed
“ Do you really think you can stop me” shouted Erine while drawing his shaving sword.
“No but all have to try.” Eirne and Shababy shouted and charged at each other. Paring left and right Eirne and Shababy fought ferociously. Slashing and stabbing at each other. They finally clashed swords. Shababy asked
“Are you scared.”
“No I am not.” Eirne said
But then Eirne legs got pulled out from underneath him and he fell to the ground and Shababy put his comb sword to his throat.
“ Do you yield” Shababy said in a commanding voice.
“Yes I yield” Eirne said meekly
“ Then let these men go and never try this again.”
“ Ok I will.” Just like that Eirne let the men go and went of to prison for life. Suddenly Sean ran up and said
“wow you really kicked his but, that was so cool.”
“ Yeah I guess it was” Said Shababy
“So what are you going to do now.”
“ I don't know I think I will go back to my home and I don't know what to do after that”
“ Can I come wi…..” But Sean could not finish his sentence because Shababy was gone. “ Where'd he go.” 5 minutes later Shababy arrived at his house panting.
“I’m getting too old for this stuff.” He opened the door and walked in. Inside there was a bouquet of shaving supplies and a note. The note read
“Shababy we need you help in a small town in Ireland this is payment for your troubles. In the basket you will find 200 pounds for traveling expenses.” Shababy smiled and got a sheath for his comb sword and pack for food and beard supplies. Then Shababy set of to save the small village in Ireland.

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