Jeffrey The Wonderful PIg | Teen Ink

Jeffrey The Wonderful PIg

December 11, 2015
By XXPigantorXX BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
XXPigantorXX BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Hi i’m jeffrey and i am a pig and i'm no ordinary talking pig i'm a pig that will blow your mind.When you hear what i did you will think but just let it sink in enjoy my wonderful life of me jeffrey the wonderful pig.It all started one night were me and my best friend were walking along a dirt path talking away on our big dreams we always wanted to do.As I talked that I wanted to do something life changing.Oh yay by the way my friend well hes a pig too and his name is no other than chuck.”chuck remember my big dream well do you” I said. “Yes jeffrey i know you want to be famous for you want to do something life changing and special”said chuck.But as we talked we saw something in the forest where we were walking to.”Yeah said chuck you see that light there there in the forest” “Yay i do”.said I.”Come let's go see what it is chuck”umm said chuck I don't know about that”.”Why”i said “you scared”.”NOOOO!” said chuck “come on then i said” so as we walked towards the light we saw something  green when we walked into the old oak forest it seems to be glow sort said i “what?” ask chuck.”The green stuff” “yay i noticed that”said chuck as we walked by we saw a mad looking toad in then we realized it critter the evil toad.critter what are you doing here Said i “well said critter You see this mess i was the one that did it” “how”Sad I.First let me tell you my plan First i wanted to destroy this forest because i just hate.second i had to sneak my way in on the humans  in their secret toxic facility and press one button to make it blow up out here.then finally i got out in time and it blew up with all this green toxic chemicals:Said critter.Well we are going to clean this up”said i .”noo you can't i well destroy you as he said those words he pushed  Jeffrey into the green glowing toxic goo.”Help chuck said jeffrey but chuck didn't help he ran out in fear the i screamed and hollered it hurts it sting i said but no one came.But all of a sudden i didn't feel pain i felt awesome as a million good things happened to me at once.I didn't look the same. I was human but no ordinary human i was a ninja superpowered human pig.

As i watched in front of me.The evil frog said he was jealous and at once jumped into the green toxic goo and turned to an evil super frog.then he started destroying thing in the world because he felt powerful.but i need to do something.yo critter you're going down  i said  then we went to war it was fierce too fierce for you to hear but finally i did it i defeated the super evil frogg the critter. but i did a decision that would change my life i turned myself back to a pig and went back home to chuck but when i went back the whole village was there i got thanks for saving the world and became chief of the pigs.That's the story of my wonderful life the end
By  Brady Mathews

The author's comments:

This i about a super powered pig

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