Locked Doors | Teen Ink

Locked Doors

December 17, 2015
By Bayal3 BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Bayal3 BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
-Ferris Bueller

No one knew what was behind the doors of sector D,no one but the scientists working there.  So you can imagine my surprise when I got a message from Caleb, the lead scientist in the star lab, the field I was working on.  I don’t know what is behind the doors of sector D, but I’m guessing I am about to find out.  

When I show up to my office I find a man standing there “Hey, I’m Peter, so your the new recruit, well buddy, you have no idea what you're getting into.  Follow me to sector D” he told me.  We walk up to the door of sector D, and it opens.  We walk into a huge room with electric control panels everywhere.  But what is catches my eye is the huge window, or more like what is beyond it.

A man walks up to me, “This is what we are working on, what may unlock a golden age of science, this is an energy core.” 

I am at a lost for words as I stutter out, “How did, but...this is, why...” 

“I know you must have a thousand questions”  Peter says, “So I will leave you alone with Dustin, he is the lead scientist, good luck.”  Peter walks away while Dustin leads me to his office. 

I finally manage to get out one question, “How did you get an energy core?”  Dustin sits down in a seat while I sit down in a chair across. 

“I will start at the beginning, but it will take a while, so stay with me”  Dustin says.  He clears his throat, and then starts a story that I never knew.  “about 16 years back, we had a small station in space, it only had about 42 people in it, but it still held some of the most advanced equipment ever known to mankind.  Just 7 years after it was launched, they found a black hole.  We managed to stabilize it long enough it extract something from it, the energy core.  As soon as we got the energy core out and started on a path to Earth, the black hole exploded, destroying almost all of the station.  When we got back to Earth, we only had 9 people left.  We built sector D to try to be able to use the energy core for unlimited energy.  It almost exploded in our first attempts.  We lost 7 of the 9 remaining originals.  Me and Jacob were the only ones left.”

“Wait, where is Jacob, I haven’t seen him?” 

“Jacob lost his life in another accident when trying to be able to turn DNA from food into real food.  I’m the last out of 42 originals.”
That night, I dreamt of horrible disasters.  Deaths, pain, and sorrow, I can only hope that it wasn’t foreshadowing anything. 

The next day, as I walked to sector D, I heard yelling coming from behind the closed doors.  As I walked into the room, I saw Dustin yelling at another man.  Each man yelled at each other, trying to be louder than the other. Finally, just as it seemed it would turn into a fight,
Peter stepped in between them.  “Look, I understand your point, Conall, but Dustin is the head of this operation, and I trust his opinion.”  Peter said. 

“This man is a tosser if he thinks I’m just going to stand here and let him kill us!”  Conall yelled, he had a thick British accent, like it was his first day in America. 

“If you don’t want to follow orders, then you can leave right now!”  Dustin yelled at Conall.

“And not be here when you blow up the whole place and I prove you wrong!  Not in my lifetime!” 

“Then you can shut your British mouth and sit down!” 

Conall opened his mouth like he was going to yell, but shut it and stormed off.
“What happened?” I asked Peter.  He seemed exasperated, like he just wanted to sit and rest, but he still answered my question. 

“Dustin wants to lower the fan speed so that the cores temperature will raise.” 

“But won’t that make it unstable, what good could come from that?” 

“He thinks that if he raises the temperature, some chemicals from inside the core will come out for us to study and hopefully find a way to get energy from the damned thing.” 

“Glad thats over, that idiot thinks he knows everything.”  Dustin had walked over to us.  “Ok, now to begin a new age of science!  A golden age!” 

“But sir?  Conall does have a point, the core is naturally unstable, what will we do if it does collapse on itself.”  I asked Dustin. 

“There is that chance, but as long as we keep the containment doors closed, it won’t be able to harm us or the building.  Now, let's do this!”  He said, and with that he pulled down a lever, and before I knew what was happening, an alarm was blaring in my ears.  I watched helpless as the temperature started to rise on the screens hanging above my head, the warning, repeating, unstable, unstable, unstable.  As I looked around the room, looked at all the scientists faces, I could tell that all of them knew, this is madness.  I walked over to my desk, sat down, and pretended to be busy.  For I only hoped that Dustin was right, and we would all be ok.  Almost half an hour has passed, with nobody saying a word.  Even Conall is just sitting in a chair, just watching the temperature meter go up, and up, and up.  All of a sudden the alarm started blaring louder, and louder, but Dustin didn’t care, he stood up so fast that his chair fell over. 

“This is it!  A new age of science is starting!” he yelled over the alarms.  I watched as the temperature almost reached the top.  I didn’t want to watch, for I felt that if I looked away, it would stop going up.  But I knew that it was inevitable now. It was going to reach the top, and we were going to die.  Dustin continued to yell, talking about new chemicals, never before seen, but I wasn’t listening.  I was in my own world.  I felt calm for the first time in what felt like forever.  I felt relaxed, but that soon all changed.  There was no way to stop it.  I now wish Dustin was right, that it would have created a black hole, but it created something much, much worst.  At first, I didn’t know what happened, and then everything went black.
I thought I went blind, but then the emergency generators kicked in and the lights turned back on, but what I saw, I wished they hadn’t.  There was a giant hole in the glass, and the panels were destroyed.  I looked at the floor, and I gagged.  There were bodies everywhere, all burnt so much, you almost couldn’t tell that they were humans, I thought Dustin was dead, he had to be.  “How, what but-but-what?”  I heard behind me.  I turned around to see Dustin climbing to his feet, he looked like he was in a huge amount of pain. 

I rushed over to him, “what happened?”  I asked him, but before he could answer, another voice answered for him.

“I’ll tell you what happened, this berk just blew the whole lab up!”  I turned around to see Conall climbing over a exploded panel.  He didn’t look as bad, but you could tell that he was still in pain, we all were.

“How?” I asked,

“the core didn’t implode on itself, it exploded, blew a hole right through the containment wall and the glass.” 

“I didn’t mean to!” 

“Well you did it anyway!  And now we are all going to die because of you!

“We won’t die if  you two just stop arguing and we get out of here!”  I look around and saw Peter getting up.  “But how?  The electricity is down and the main door is powered by electricity!  The generators don’t have enough power to do the lights and the door” 

“I think I know a way out”  Dustin said, finally on his feet. 

“Why should we trust you, you're a nutter if you think I’m following you!”

“Look, Conall, Dustin knows this place better than anyone, now I recommend that we hurried up before this-”  At first, I thought I went deaf, but the sudden pain in my back as I was fired backwards made me realized that that wasn’t it. 

“Are you ok, hey, man?” 

“Peter rushed up to me and helped me to my feet. 

“What the heck happened?” 

“When the core exploded, it hit the labs methane pipes, in a few minutes the whole lab will blow” 

“Then let's get going, if that's ok with you Conall.”

And with that we started out the sector Ds doors.  The whole lab was going crazy, there were burnt bodies from explosions from the methane leak.  And some just got crushed under people's shoes.  We walked to the genetic lab and headed for the control room.  We walked up to a door hidden in the corner. 

Dustin tried to enter a code, but the panel was all busted, “hey, you guys want to help me here?”  we all grabbed the side of the door and wrenched it open to a long empty hallway.  We walked to the end of the hallway, the walls were falling apart from the pipes bursting inside the walls.  We got to the end of the door, Dustin started to open it, then stopped. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“I hear something inside, no one should be inside.  No one but the-”  A giant dent appeared in the door.  Then another one, and another.

“What is inside there?”  Peter asked. 

Dustin started to back away, “we gotta go, NOW!”  He screamed,

“why should I listen to a barmy like you?  Tell me what's going on right now or-”  The door behind us fell, and before I could even see what ran out, Peter grabbed my coat and started pulling me away. 

“What are those things?!”  I asked between gasps.  We just got through the door and closed it right before the creatures got through it. 

“I guess I have to tell you now, this place is already falling apart, we have been testing on human genetics.  Those are when some of our experiments to have human DNA a trait that helps prevent diseases.” 

“I’m guessing it didn’t work out well.” 

“Yeah, you could say that, we locked them up, but I guess the cell got a hole blown in it.  Just another thing I've done wrong, right Conall?  What, where's Conall?”  We all looked around, but he was nowhere to be found.  ‘Oh no, did anyone see him come out? I think he may be stuck in there!”  I didn’t get a clear look at what ever chased after us, but I know that Conall won’t be with us anymore.  We were silent for a while, but another explosion reminded us that we had to get going.

“We can’t mourn over him, if we don’t get out soon, we will be the ones who people are mourning for.  Now let's go” 

“It’s no use, there is no where to go, that was the only way we would be able to get out”  Dustin said.  “Maybe not, I think I know another way, but we have to hurry.”  I said as the whole building shook from another explosion.
“You said there were pipes in the wall?  Those pipes have to lead outside somehow.” 

“But they could explode at any moment.” 

“I willing to take that chance if it means getting out of this place.   Now let's go.”  We got up and walked along a wall until we found an opening to the pipes.  “Ok, let's hurry up, the explosions are getting closer.”  With that we started to crawl next to the pipes, hopefully not out of the frying pan and into the fire.  We could barely see what was in front of us.  We had to feel along the wall to make sure we weren't about to fall down a 50 feet hole.  After what felt like forever we got to a grate at the end of the tunnel.  “Peter, can you open that?” I asked. 

“I don’t know, but I’ll try”  I don’t know how much time passed, but I started to hear Dustin yelling something.  “Guys, guys, I think I hear something!  It’s getting louder!” 

“What is it?  Is it a person?” 

“I wish, Peter, can you hurry up.  I feel that we are running out-PETER!”  He started to scream. 


“It’s the methane!  It’s exploding more and more, the pipes are bursting and the explosion is coming towards us!  Hurry!” 

I hear Peter banging against the gates, but it doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything.  “I can’t get the stupid thing open!” He yells.  I thought we were dead, no way we would be able to get it open.  Then I remember something.  “Peter!  Here, try using this!”  I grab my key card out of my pocket and hand it to him. 

“What is this for?  A death present?” 

“Use it to unscrew the screws!  And if you could do that fast that would be appreciated!”  He starts to unscrew them, but I can hear the explosions getting louder and I don’t know if we will make it out in time.  Just when I felt like the explosions were so close we should be dead,  Peter yelled, “I got it!”  And sunlight spilled into the tunnel.  “Come on!  Let's go!”  And we started to pour out onto the land.  Just after I got out, I heard an explosion behind me and Dustin yell out.  I turned around to see that the pipe next to him had burst.  The wall caved in and he was crushed. 

“Dustin!”  Peter yelled.  He ran over to Dustin.  “Come on man!  You can get out, come on!”  He started to try to pull Dustin out, but Dustin groaned in pain.

“I won’t ma-make it.” 

“Don’t say that, come on Dustin!  Don’t say that!  We can get you help, you can survive.” 

“No I started my wh-whole life here, I will end it here to.” 

“No, I can’t leave you here Dustin!  I can’t!”  Peter cried out between sobs.

“Live on Peter.  live on my leg-legacy-legacy.  Never forget your roots my son.  I will all-always love you.” 

And with that Dustin breathed his last breath.  Peter cried to the sky in sorrow.  I rested my hand on his shoulder, he sadly stood up with shaking knees.  With that, we started towards a new life, forgetting the past, while at the same time, never forgetting the people who lived it.

The author's comments:

This is my first dialogue driven piece, where the dialogue drives the plot.  Most of the time I use narration and the plot starts to drive the dialogue, something you never want.  So I tried something different and this spawned from it.  I am very excited about this piece and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  (Wow, can I get anymore cheesy?)

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