Eliza and The Crystal of Hope | Teen Ink

Eliza and The Crystal of Hope

December 17, 2015
By EllieBell1133 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
EllieBell1133 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She had piercing blue eyes, fair skin, and bright blond hair that looked like it had been touched by the sun. She roamed in London and had no parents, family,or friends. Her only companion was a small black cat named Midnight. Every day she desperately searched through the garbages to find a meager meal. Sometimes, if she was lucky, a little old lady would give her little treats from time to time. This girl was Eliza. Even as a 15-year-old, she would get lonely occasionally but, Midnight was always there to comfort her. At times she thought that Midnight could speak to her, though she knew that it was impossible.
Eliza laid down on her small straw handmade bed that she took everywhere, but she was troubled. Earlier this evening when she was walking by the bakery a strange man walked out. And when he did, Midnight hissed and growled more than she ever had and the man glared at her in a murderous rage. She saw that he had a green and dark blue eye and she was terrified. She had never seen anyone look at her that way. Then her cat yelled, “Run!”, Eliza was very surprised her cat talked to her, but she did as the talking feline said. When they got back to her bed, Eliza then fell asleep from the exhaustion of just thinking about the incident earlier. That night she had dream of when she was a baby and her mother was saying, good morning lightwanderer. What was a lightwanderer she thought to herself? The scene switched and it was of a city burning and the house in front of her was burning, and it seemed somewhat familiar. Eliza then realized that she was in a baby in a blanket crying. Then she saw  something was in the shadows and it had a glowing green and dark blue eye, and that thing was big.
Midnight woke her up with usual purring and rubbing,and Eliza was happy,but confused. She had so many questions and she wanted answers now. But suddenly, a woman was running like a madman yelling, “It is here again, it will destroy us, run for your lives!” She wondered what it could be. She felt a rumble on the ground like an earthquake. She soon found out that it was a huge gigantic monster and it was headed down this street. It was breathing fire in every way and a spark landed on her sweatshirt and she frantically tried to pat it out. The monster looked at her. She finally saw it’s full body,it was a dark blue, gigantic dragon!
The dragon’s scales were tough as titanium and it could clearly breathe fire. Eliza he suddenly had a flashback of that man and the monster and they were one. She woke up out of the trance with her head throbbing and the monster’s creepy and dark voice hissing, “Lightwanderer where are you?”   Midnight and Eliza ran around the corner with Eliza’s short stubby legs and Eliza bumped into a lamppost. That didn’t stop her though her nose was bleeding and felt broken. The dragon was not far behind.  It had opened up it’s gigantic wings, although it seemed impossible that it could fly with its big body.  It said, “Why are you running away from me? I can still smell you!” The dragon’s wings were cutting through the buildings like butter. “If you do not come out I will destroy your whole city!” He yelled. Then a building exploded. They were running as fast as they could and her lungs felt like the dragon had already burned them. They went around the corner and there was a dead end. Then the dragon landed right in front of them and said, “Well well, it looks like you’re trapped.” But before the dragon could do anything else Midnight stomped her paw down and created a white but clear wall in between them and the dragon. Midnight closed her eyes and concentrated very hard.  Eliza started to feel like she was being squeezed through a pipe. Then she fainted.
Chapter 2: Weird Place...
Eliza woke up in the fuzziest bed she had ever felt. Someone beside her said, “Finally she is awake.” She jerked up and bumped her head on wood.  She looked up and saw a bunk above her.  Her vision was fuzzy, but it finally cleared.  Hovering above her was a tall boy. A boy whose features were quite plain. He looked 16 to 17 years old.His scraggly charcoal hair hung low across his forehead and a lopsided smile created a dimple on his right cheek.  But the feature that captivated her was the teenage boy’s eyes. They were a deep blue. A palpable blue. It was almost as if she could almost feel the ocean mist spraying off the crashing waves.  It almost made him look handsome.  Next to him was a girl with fiery red hair and with evergreen eyes.  The girl whispered to the boy, “She is shorter than I thought she would be.” Then a tall man walked in with purpose.  He had silver eyes and black crazy hair.  “Ah, you're awake, He said, “and I see you have already met Ruby and Austin.  My name is Sam.”  Her head was bubbling with questions and she finally asked, “Where am I”.  “You are at The Society of Wanderers.” He replied.  She asked him, “What is the Society of Wanderers?”  Sam replied, “It is where the Wanderers train to become more advanced and to practice their powers.”  “Powers?”  Eliza questioned.  “Yes”  Sam replied,  “There are many different kinds of powers.  A common one is freezing things; that is Krista's power.  She is in training right now.  Maybe she could show you some of her powers.”  “I would like that.”  She said.  Sam went on, “There is another common power. You take care of the animals and you can speak to them.  Lilly has that one.  There many different types of wanderers.”  Eliza suddenly realized that she was not in London, she was not with Midnight, she had woken up in a strange place, and she thought she was going crazy!!  She yelled for Midnight to come to her.  Surprisingly she didn’t come.  She asked, “Where is she, where is my cat?”  Sam replied, “Midnight is out training. She is also getting back in touch with people and some of her family.”  “Wait, she has been here before?” Eliza questioned.  “Yes, this is where all cats come to be a wanderer’s companion.  Some spend most of their lives here.”  “Oh” she commented, then said, “So everyone has a cat to be their companion.  Wait you have one too?”  “Yes, his name is Felix.” Sam answered.  “Ruby, Austin?” He gestured.  Ruby answered, “My cat’s name is Lilly; she is a red and white spotted cat.”  Austin said, “Her name is Misty and she is sooty gray.”  “Oh,” Eliza answered.  Sam gestured to Austin and Ruby and said, “Come let's let her get a little more sleep.  She needs to be refreshed for tomorrow.”  Eliza protested,  “But I want to look the place over and see where my cat is.  I want to know about every inch of this place.  I want….” But Sam cut her off, “You can see all of it tomorrow.” and handed her a glass of water.  “But for now, he continued,  you need rest.” and left the room.  Eliza  sat in her soft bed and stared off into  the distance.  She picked up her drink and gulped it down.  She then realized how tired she was and thumped her head down on the mattress.  Oh how comfy it was.  She soon fell asleep. 

Chapter 3: Answers please.

Eliza woke up with her head aching.  She sat up in her bed but slowly, remembering her bump on her head earlier.  She wished for midnight and decided to call her, “Midnight!! where are you I need you!”  She waited for a moment but nobody came.  Then she heard tiny footsteps and yelled, ”Midnight is that you?”  A small but confident voice answered, “Yes Eliza it is me.”  Eliza cried with joy.  “Thank Goodness you are here!” As she embraced Midnight.  “I have so many questions for you, and I need answers.”“Those answers will be answered over time”  Midnight replied.  Eliza sighed and said, “Everybody thinks that I can’t handle anything, but at least you're here.” She gave Midnight one last tight squeeze.  Eliza finally let go and Midnight was gasping for air.  “Oh sorry.”  Eliza apologized.    “It’s all right Eliza, and I am glad to see you too.”  Midnight answered back. “But now come, follow me.  It is time for you to see the place.”  When Eliza stood up it was a slow process and she almost fell back down.  After a little while she finally straightened up and said she was ready.   As she followed the black cat she saw some other cats.  Some of them were black, gray, orange, and sandy colors.  When she walked by them all of them just stared at her.  This made Eliza very  uncomfortable.  After a while she saw people of all ages most of which were teens.  There was also a little girl that looked about 10 years old.  She stood out from all the rest.  The girl glanced over to me and started freaking out and exclaimed, “oh my gosh!  Are you who I think you are?”  She ran over over to me and we became nose to nose. She looked deeply into my eyes with her giant Hazel ones.  “You are her!  You are Eliza!” She started jumping up and down hysterically with her chocolate, brown, long hair.  Like a little girl that had just gotten something awesome for Christmas.  “Alright Christina that is enough.  Run along, now remember Eliza has a lot of training to do.  Well that was  Christina.  She is a new student and is interested in everything.”  Midnight said. She sighed and shook her head.  “I can tell.  How did she know my name?  Also why did she look into my eyes so freakily?” Eliza asked.  “Because she is a seerwanderer.  She can look and observe in your mind.  In other words she is a mind reader.”  Eliza was freaking out inside.  That was so weird.  “I am sure you are probably freaking out right now.” Midnight stated.  “Great are you a mind reader too?”  Eliza questioned.  Midnight giggled and said, “No I am not. I just know how stressful it is to be introduced to new things so fast.”  Midnight was a good cat.  Eliza loved her  dearly.  After they passed a couple more people and long hard stares, they came to two big giant doors.   They were huge!  They were beautiful though.  They had delicate carvings in the walnut wood.  When midnight nudged me I realized how long I had been staring at the doors.  I blushed as two people that were standing by the door like guards opened the doors.  Light poured out and into my eyes.  I was blinded for a second.  When my vision focused I cast my eyes and only saw Teens.  There were kids in different lines waiting to get food and some sitting and were already digging into their snack.  Eliza’s stomach growled hungrily.  She suddenly realized how hungry she was.  So she walked over to long line of teens and hopped in line.  It was very noisy and loud with conversation.  I looked over to a table with a group of guys all surrounding one girl.  This girl was stunning.  She had luscious black hair that came down to her hip.  SHe had dazzling eyes and a perfect mouth and nose.  Her smile was so white and perfect.  Oh and her skin tone was really something to look at.  It looked like she had tanned in California.  No wonder all the boys fell for her.  She looked along the faces of the boys and stopped at one familiar one.  Austin was sitting right next to the girl flirting with her and all.  She felt a sharp pang of jealousy.  Why would he fall for her?  She was pretty and all but….  She reminded herself that boys could make their own choices.  She sucked in a breath and stepped up to the cook.  Oh all of the foods looked amazing.  “Could I please have some of that and a scoop of that stuff.”  Was that a Nutella filled sandwich?  “Oh and one of those.”  Her plate was full to the max.  “If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is the eating quarters.” I nodded to show that I knew.  Eliza felt that if she didn’t find a seat soon she would start to look weird just standing there and she didn’t want to be stared at any more than she already had.  Luckily Ruby came over and invited her to come over and eat with her.  “Oh thanks Ruby.”  Once Eliza sat down.  “So do you like it so far?” Ruby questioned me.  “Well I haven’t seen much other than this place and my room.”  What?  Oh first I need to show you the gaming quarters!  In my opinion it is the best place here.”  As the conversation went on Eliza’s eyes and thoughts wandered over to table of boys plus one girl.  She watched as Austin put some of his Nutella sandwich into her mouth.  She turned back around and faced Ruby.  “Do you know what that girl’s name is?”  Eliza asked pointing at the girl.  Ruby answered, “Oh her, her name is Stephanie.  Watch out for her though she is really mean.  She may look  nice but she put someone in the hospital last semester.  You see her father is very rich and so he gives her everything she wants.  If you don’t give her what she wants, well… let’s just say it gets pretty ugly.”  “What is her power?”  Eliza asked.  Ruby explained, “She is a peoplewanderer.  She can persuade them to do things they don’t want to or she can get in your brain and can take what information she wants if you let her.”  Eliza said, “That sounds like a really dangerous power to me.  Oh and that poor person that went to the hospital. Do you know what she did?”  Ruby replied, “I don’t know exactly what but there are rumors.  Someone said that she persuaded the person to jump off a building and onto the grass and Stephanie told there was water at the bottom.” “And the person believed her?”Eliza questioned.  Ruby replied with a sigh, “Sadly yes.  Do you see now how powerful peoplewanderers can be?”  I nodded and said, “What did the head people of this place do?”  Ruby said, “They just made her promise not to do use her powers of persuasion on anymore kids in the school.  Has she kept that promise?  Simply no.  She persuaded someone to give her some of their possessions but she never got caught.”  Eliza sat there and wondered how Stephanie could live with herself.  Tricking people?  That was just wrong.  She glanced over to the “Stephanie table” and saw her lying her head on Austin’s shoulder.  She asked Ruby, “Can she make people fall in love with her?”  Ruby said, “Technically no, at least not girls.  She can’t change a girl’s feelings for someone else, but boys are different.  She can persuade their feelings to like someone else particularly boys.  She attracts boys as you can tell and they are to dumb and the boys fall for it.”  She took a big step and asked, “Aren’t Austin and you good friends?”  Ruby answered with a shrug, “Yeah, but now at lunch all he does is sit and make googly eyes with Miss high highness herself.”  She rolled her eyes.  “I miss his funny conversations.  Sometimes I feel like he is falling into Stephanie’s trap.”  Eliza just nodded with agreement.  She felt the same way.  “Hey do you see that blonde guy over there?  He is so cute!  He asked me to go to the dance with him two weeks from today, on Friday.”  Wait there is a dance?” Eliza asked wondering the possibilities.  “Oh you need to be asked by someone quick!  You don’t have too much time, but I know you will get asked.”  Eliza looked at her funny, “What?  Why would I get asked to go to a dance?  I can’t even dance!”  She looked me in the eye and said. “Because you are the prettiest girl yet and you are not snotty and mean like the rest.”  “Oh thanks but really I probably won’t.” “Whatever you will, you’ll see.”  It was nice to have such a nice friend already.  When Eliza and Ruby had finally finished their dinner, they picked up their plates with Midnight following behind them.  Ruby showed her many different rooms.  She showed her the hospital wing and introduced me to the ladies that worked there.  Next we went to the training room.  There were kids all over the place.   I saw a girl facing a dummy and she was eyeing it down.  She closed her eyes and snow and ice burst out of her hands and froze the poor dummy.  Eliza stood there with her jaw hanging down.  Wow that had never seemed possible.  She decided that the girl must be Krista with the freezing powers.  “Wait Ruby! you never told me what power you have!” Ruby seemed excited and said, “Oh silly me.  I am a firewanderer.  Here I will demonstrate.”  She went over to a dummy and closed her eyes and shot out a burst of flames and burned the dummy to the ground into a pile of ashes.  Eliza stood awe.  She didn’t think Ruby could do that.  “Wow.”  was all she could say.  Ruby laughed. She said, “You must be wondering what your power is.”  “Wait what?  I have one?”  Ruby responded, “Oh course you do silly!  You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t!”   Eliza gave that some thought for a second.  So she really belonged here?  What was her gift though?  Was it a good one like Ruby’s?  Or was it a cruel and terrible one like Stephanie?  Eliza walked on beside Ruby and pondered some more.   What woke her up out of her daydream was a deep voice that said, “Oh hey Ruby!”  Austin ran across the hallway to us and stopped and said, “Oh yes you to Eliza.  Ruby I was wondering who I should take to the dance?  Do you have any ideas?”  Ruby replied, “Well certainly not with that Stephanie girl that’s for sure!”  “Well I don’t know we are just good friends.” Ruby snorted and said, “Ha, that’s funny!  Then why were you making googly eyes and feeding her like she was a baby!  Huh?”   She challenged him.  I had never guessed Ruby could be so bold.  Also since when had she seen him feeding her?  Her thoughts were interrupted by Austin’s loud voice, “Why can’t I ask her?  Are you worried or something?”  “Me? of course I am”  This had gotten farther than just a simple conversation, it had gotten a little louder than she thought it would.  Ruby kept going, “Are you blind Austin?  She is using you!  And you are falling right into her trap.  Austin I am just worried that you are going to get yourself into something you won’t be able to get out of.”  Things started to calm down as Eliza just stood there staring at the both of them.  Austin smiled and said, “Thanks Ruby I guess I will wait and see if there are any other girls that would go with me.”  With that they gave each other a good long hug and he left.  “Oh sorry Eliza I almost forgot you were here!”  Eliza was so confused. “Wait what was that? Are you guys really close or something?”  Ruby answered Eliza’s question, “Oh well we are not really just friends… We are brother and sister.”  Eliza said, “What? why didn’t you tell me?”  Ruby replied, “We just don’t want people to know, because they don’t let you and your family members be in the same school.  I haven’t seen my parents in forever.  They think I am dead.  He is the only direct family I have left.  Oh please don’t tell anyone!”  Eliza said in shock, “That doesn’t make sense to me.  Why won’t they let you see your parents?  Well it doesn’t matter for me because I have no mom or dad anymore.  Oh and I would never tell a soul.”  Ruby replied with a relieving sigh, “Thanks.  I am glad I can trust you. They say it is bad to have contact with your parents.”  “Who is they?” Eliza asked.  “Oh the director?  Oh do remember the guy that  was here the first day of your arrival?  His name was Sam.” I nodded. “He is second in command.  But the director is Jane Masterson.  Or Mrs. Masterson you had better call her that though.  She might get if you don’t.  But Sam is our uncle and we call him uncle Sam.  He has kept our secret all these years.”  “That is great that you have an uncle to help you out.”  Eliza said.  “Well we don’t see him much.”  She sighed.  They had started walking again.  She felt close to Ruby and was glad to have such an amazing friend.  She loved the feeling of being trusted.  They kept walking down the long hallway past many doors with kids probably sleeping by now  The sun was setting.  Liza looked out of the seemingly only window at a beautiful sunset.  It was so magnificent!  It had a pink, red, orange, and purple-ish look to it.  She wish she had a camera to take a photo but didn’t.  The sun shined on my skin and it heated up her skin.  She felt so peaceful inside.  Eliza left the light sadly as it disappeared down the side of the mountain and went into her room.  She collapsed on her bed.  She had a very long day.  Midnight came through the open door and came cuddled up next to her.  She fell soundly asleep.

I woke up to the sound of birds through my window that I had accidentally left open.  Today was a new day.  She was going to make it a good one.  She got out of bed and wiped on a cute but casual outfit that was provided for her in her closet.  She brushed her teeth and went down for breakfast.  I went through the line quickly and went over to Ruby’s table fast.  “Hey!  Are you ready to find out what kind of a wanderer you are?”  Eliza looked up and said, “Sure, how will we find out?”  “We will go see Sam and he will help us.”  She replied.  “Ok.”  Eliza replied not knowing what else to say.  They hurried up and stuffed down their food.  Quickly They ran down a hallway that seemed different from all the rest to Eliza.  The rounded a corner and bumped into Austin.  Eliza and him bonked heads.  “Save me!” said exclaimed as he stood up.  Around corner came Stephanie and when she spotted us her smile turned sly.  “Well, well if it isn’t Ruby the little red head.”  Ruby turned bright red and started shaking from her anger. “Go away Stephanie.  Leave my bro-Austin alone.  You don’t deserve him!”  Stephanie smile was swept off of her smug face as she spit out, “Nobody deserves me.  I am to good for Austin!”  She did a little strut over to Austin and her hands brushed his.  Eliza had to hold back Ruby.  Then she walked away with her nose in the air.  “That could have been worse.”  Eliza said.  “She will not touch my brother again.”  Ruby stated and stormed off to her room.  That left Eliza and Austin alone in a large hallway.  “Um thanks for saving me i guess.”  He said and started to walk away.  “Um you are welcome?  I didn’t even do anything though.”  “Yes you did.  Your mere existence drove her away and she did nothing  to me.  I guess you must come off as a scary person.”  He said plainly and walked off.  That was really rude!  I am not a scary person.  Or am I?  Eliza walked off to her room to find Midnight waiting on her bed. 

The author's comments:

This is a story of a girl named Eliza that is an orphan.  She finds herself at this school called the Society of Wanderers.  She meets many new faces and has many questions that need to be answered.

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