Calm Belt | Teen Ink

Calm Belt

December 26, 2015
By Conception BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Conception BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The author gives an account of his profound predicament; his first travel experience. He has been bound to the mighty ship, Balboa, which upon the worst of luck, has been grasped by the Calm Belt- the sea of no return.

There is not much to say of my own being. My father owned a plantation in the Americas. To secure a comfortable future, he sent his only son to study medicine under the apprenticeship of the brilliant Sir Boyle. Every now and then, my father sent me some money to continue my studies. I excelled in my studies and by the age of twenty had received a position as the doctor of a seafaring crew. All my life I intended to travel and now, on my first travel, I feel dreadful. 

It is, yet again, a quiet and still afternoon with no air of fortune. The wind ceases to blow upon the topsails and foresail of our dear ship. Indeed, this was the curse that befell upon those foolish enough to enter the Calm Belt. Perhaps we’ve been trapped in this silent grave for a few days. It has been too long for me to recall. The slow ticking of the clock and the feeling of hopelessness has made these days feel like weeks.

As astute as a young fellow can be in all subject matters, I still have much to learn. Our eyes have met. My fair maiden- Captain Jack’s divine daughter, Ptoma. I have taken Ptoma’s arm. She is five feet in height (I like to be particular) and about fourty-nine, or rather fifty-one kilograms. Delicate as an orchard, fair as a cherry blossom, more divine than Aphrodite herself- the personification of feminine grace! I can’t help surmising that our future is one and the same.

Drawn by passion, I forced the despair off of my body and hurried out of my cabin. I welcomed the blue sky.  I have seen ten patients today. I can’t help them no more. There are twelve patients on board my sweet Balboa. If I have to die in this wretched sea I will die a married man! I must care for her alone!

Soon after, I resolved to  proclaim my love for her to the captain. After all, It would be only proper to discuss his daughter’s future with me. I spoke of opening up my own hospital one day and that I will buy a house. We will have children and live life as a happy family. Of course considering our dire situation, I made it blatantly clear (fully aware that my proclamation is impossible to conduct considering my physical prowess) that I will row our way out of the Calm Belt  should he provide us with his blessing. The captain spoke not a single word. However, in his tanned and wrinkled face, I could see a smile- a smile!

Overjoyed, I grasped my beautiful Ptoma by the waist. Light as a feather. Tall as a willow tree. Perfection in itself! I grew weary of the sea, but now the tides have changed. I vigorously stroked her hair and swung her in an endless dance. Struck by cupid’s arrow, I whispered into her ear, “Your cabin, my fair lady, is the one place we can be alone”. Love! The entire night she was wrapped in my arms. Seized with an uncontrollable desire, I gave way to lust.

Awoken by a scent of decay, I opened my eyes and woke up to reality. I paused for breath-my Ptoma! Her hollow eyes were staring into mine. As if she had been struck by a beast, her face was caved in. A dreadful yellow pus oozed out of her mouth, resting upon my face. Her skin was drooping on me as if she were a blanket, a grotesque figure covering me- a white sheet- pale and lifeless.

If? If indeed there be guardian angels, where is mine? Ensconced upon the deck I await my death. What a world of misery and sorrow. Here I am in a sea of death, calm as the wind and waves, lingering hell.

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