Narrative Unit | Teen Ink

Narrative Unit

January 4, 2016
By Anonymous

        Vinesh got out of his lexus S.U.V, his legs shivering with fright. He turned to his right and he saw the huge building ahead him. It was the Santa Clara Convention center. “This is cool Vinesh stated.” He was shocked. It was such a big building and it was cool. “ He saw

about 2000 chess boards set up at Santa Clara convention center. The board outside of the convention room read “State Championship Registration” and it showed an arrow to the right. Vinesh went right to the table where it said registration. “May I have the registration sheet?” he asked, hesitantly. “Sure”, said John with the yellow shirt .John  handed him a white paper. He took the white sheet and wrote his name on it. Then he wrote his rating and he payed the money for the tournament. The tournament directors told him that he has been registered. After Vinesh registered he had to wait for a few hours. Then there was a loud announcement on the speakers in the convention center. The tournament directors announced that the tournament is starting now. Vinesh was waiting outside the playing hall along with the other 2000 people. A guy with the yellow chess shirt put a paper up on the wall.
It was the pairings paper. It was so crowded and it was a mess. Everyone went to see that paper. Vinesh finally after 15 minutes got to take a look at that paper and he was playing a kid called Shaunak. Shaunak was a good player but Vinesh was the state champion. He was so good but he wasn’t a person who was overconfident. He was playing at board 21 so he went and sat down at board 21. All the boards were numbered by a little cardboard paper beside it. Shaunak just arrived to the tournament so he was one of the last ones to arrive at the board. Shaunak sat down very slowly because his pocket was bulged up with a phone and stuff in it. The Tournament directed said “ If your opponent is here , shake your hands and start your games. Vinesh shook hands with Shaunak and and shaunak started with the queens pawn. Vinesh played the gruenfeld system against shaunak and he got a decent position out of the opening. Shaunak also got a very good position. In the games 20th moves Shaunak was taken out of theory. Vinesh knew the exact opening Shaunak prepared so Vinesh prepared a lot too. Shaunak went to the restroom about halfway through the game. Vinesh played his move and then Shaunak went to the restroom. When he came out he played his move very quickly and he played amazing moves for every move.
He kept going to the restroom every move. Vinesh started noticing that Shaunak was using the restroom very often but he wasn’t sure of anything. Vinesh continued to play his game. Every time Shaunak came out of the restroom he played a very good move. Vinesh couldn’t find any weaknesses in Shaunaks position. Everyone started noticing Shaunak using the restroom constantly. No one got really suspicious but they all saw him using the restroom constantly. He was crushing vinesh and Shaunak didn’t use any time to think about his moves. Vinesh used about 2 hours and Shaunak used about 20 minutes.  The game was about to end because Shaunak was crushing vinesh. Vinesh resigned after 3 hours. The whole game lasted for about 5 hours but somehow vinesh got smashed. Everyone knew that it was not possible to play like how Shaunak played and no human can play like that. Vinesh went outside of the playing hall and used his phone to analyze his game against Shaunak. The computer showed that Shaunak played all computer moves and that he used a chess engine. No one can play all computer moves so Vinesh knew that Shaunak cheated. Vinesh went to the tournament director and showed them his phone and the chess engine. He also said, “ Shaunak kept using the restroom every move.”  The tournament directors  were in shock but believed Vinesh because they knew Vinesh personally so they believed him. They looked around the playing hall but could not see a single soul that looked like Shaunak. The tournament directors went outside of the playing hall and looked around. Shaunak was not anywhere. They were very confused. “Where is Shaunak “, asked Tom Langland. “ I think he is with his parents so we should call his parents”, stated Ronald the assistant tournament director. The tournament directors called Shaunaks parents . Shaunaks parents picked up the phone. The tournament directors told Shaunaks parents that Shaunak has to come to the playing hall because of something . “Why does he have to come,” asked Shaunaks parents . “Shaunak has made a huge mistake so we have to talk to him and you. Shaunaks parents were scared . “Were coming,” said Anjali Shaunaks mom. After 36 minutes shaunak arrived at the playing hall. “Give me your phone”, said Tom Langland. Shaunak said “Why should I give it to you?” The tournament directors told him , “ If you don’t show me your phone, you can not play this tournament.” Shaunak got very scared and game them his phone. The tournament director took his phone and went to google chrome. He went to history but there was nothing. The tournament director looked for any chess apps in Shaunaks phone and there were two chess apps in shaunaks phone. They were both chess engines. One of the chess apps was called stockfish and one was called smallfish. Stockfish was the stronger engine so the tournament directors went in stockfish. “Please don’t touch my personal information,” shouted Shaunak.
“Shut up”,said Tom Langland.They couldn’t find any game so they went to previous history. There was no game like the game against vinesh in that. The went into smallfish next and there was no game. The went into previous history and there was one folder. It was named tournaments. The tournament directors went in that folder and there was the game against vinesh. It was analyzed and it said that it was edited at 12:10. Vinesh said that his game started at 9:00 and ended and 2:00.
“That means Shaunak used this engine during the game”,stated the tournament director Tom Langland. Shaunak was facing the ground in shame and everyone was looking at him. Half the people were laughing at him and the other half were his friends and they were in shock.  He was so embarrassed and did not know what to do. The tournament directors called Shaunaks parents to the side of the playing hall and had a huge talk with them. They told Shaunaks parents that what Shaunak did was very wrong. Tom Langland, the official tournament director also stated, “ What Shaunak did is very wrong and his consequence will be severe. Shaunaks parents got very scared and begged Tom Langland to give Shaunak a second chance. Tom Langland refused and discussed with the other tournament director about what punishment to give Shaunak. The tournament directors  came up with a punishment.
Tom langland told Shaunaks parents that Shaunak will not be allowed to play tournaments any more. Shaunaks parents kept begging Tom Langland and Tom Langland got very mad. “ This is his consequence and that is it,” stated Tom Langland. Shaunaks parents went out of the playing hall and dragged Shaunak to the car. They scolded Shaunak and told him that he will not be able to play in tournaments any more. Shaunak was still very embarrassed and he was still facing the ground. There were a few tears that poured from his eyes and the few became many. He was crying for about 30 minutes and his parents took him home. Vinesh was preparing for his next round. He was analyzing the games of Jesse Turner because he knew he was going to play him. The games of the first round were about to finish because there was only one game left. It was between Cristian Chirila and Vignesh Pananchan.  Christian beat vignesh and they shook hands. They gave everybody a 30 minute break.
30 minutes went like 30 seconds. The next round started. Shaunaks younger sister was also playing in this tournament and her parents left her at the playing hall and told her they will be back. Shaunaks parents scolded Shaunak a lot at their house. After scolding him for about an hour, they returned to the playing hall. Shaunak will still facing down in shame and he entered the playing hall. Vinesh was playing his game. Shaunak left the room and went to sit in the waiting room. Vinesh came out quite quickly with a victory and he crushed his opponent in the third round. There were only two rounds more.
Vinesh played the second last round. He was playing Shauanaks sister. It was a very tough game. Vinesh slowly beat Shaunaks sister. It was a very positional game. The last round was after 1 hour. The 1 hour went very fast and then Vinesh was playing the world under 20 champion. His name is Enrico Sevillano. Vinesh shook his hand and started the game. The game was quite fast paced and Vinesh had an edge out of the opening. Enrico sevillano played very well and Vinesh felt it was very hard. Vinesh finally after 6 hours managed to win. Vinesh had won the 40 thousand dollars and had earned the state champion title. He was standing in pride in the playing hall and Shaunak was right there. He looked right at Shaunak and Shaunak looked right back. “If you cheat this is what happens”, said Vinesh.

The author's comments:

This piece is something that happened in real life but i made it a bit fictional. I hope this will teach people a lesson. This story connects to I am vinesh.

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