The Open Door | Teen Ink

The Open Door

April 27, 2016
By burnsnj9916 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
burnsnj9916 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It had become a habit to see the closed door, wonder what was on the other side, and go on with my day. You see closed doors all the time, you’re thinking “that’s not a big deal,” it’s just a closed door; this door looked like it had been around since medieval times and had never been opened anyway. People would knock on the door and wouldn’t return to school in the preceding days. When the unfortunate students would come back, they would deny ever knocking on the door. As if that was bad enough, they would forget everything else, who they were, how to do simple multiplication, their locker combination. A rumor was going around that said that the thing on the other side of the door was the thing that made you forget who you were, many people believed that scary inference. The use of the door to threaten people has become so cliché that people don’t even care anymore. I know better than to think that it is nothing, I don’t care what scientists say about it being impossible to have an object with that power. What if it isn’t an object at all, what if it is a place with that amount of power. Everything started when I got to school one day and the door was wide open…

Humans are naturally curious, everyone knows that, we all have curiosity to some degree. You can’t have a wide open door that has never been opened before (as far as I can tell) and expect me, or anyone for that matter, not to go in.
As soon as I was on the other side of the door, it closed me in, it slammed so loud that I was sure someone would come to help me. When I looked back, there was no door though, just an endlessly dark path leading to nowhere. I turned around to see where the other side of the path led to. I saw the weirdest most beautiful thing I had ever see, a medieval castle and village at and around its base. I decided that I wasn’t going anywhere on the other side of the path so I started toward the castle. When I got to the village, the drawbridge stared to open with so much creaking and growing I thought that it would fall apart before it went all the way down, fortunately, it didn’t.
I was greeted by several villagers who started asking me questions, some of them like who are you or where did you come from, and are you the one?  I asked some questions back like where am I, what is the year, and did you guys know about that door? The villagers told me that they were going to take me to the castle to ask me questions without answering mine.
Let’s take a step back for a minute, the people that I saw were people that I knew or used to know, old friends that had knocked on the door, hadn’t come back the next day, and came back in really weird shape; they came back just long enough to tell everyone that they were “moving” to Japan or Turkey, some faraway place that we would never see them again.
The castle was only light enough to make out walls, doorways, weapons, and other sharp stuff you shouldn’t touch. After walking for a little while though the castle, we entered a large room that I thought should have been the throne room; if it was the throne room, there were multiple thrones, six to be exact. Each one had a significantly different style, one was made of what appeared to be clouds, one of limestone and seashells, one had all different types of precious stones, and one had just rock. For the last two I still don’t understand, one was made of bones, and the other of what appeared to be black wood covered on the top by white wool. Like I said, different style. The room in its entirety was bigger than a mansion, I didn’t know why they needed so much room for six people to sit down, but I figured that that want my business, so I didn’t mention it. As if on que, five people in different color and textured robes came in and sat on a throne; the one in the cloud chair spoke first and introduced all six of the people.
I recognized the names of the people as names of Greek Gods; Zeus the sky god, Poseidon the sea god, Hades the god of the dead, Hermes messenger god, and Ares god of war, I was confused because there were six thrones and five people, the unoccupied throne was the one with the different jewels on it. I didn’t know what god could occupy the throne that could alone pay off the United States debt. If it was any it would be Hades but he was already on his.
The next “million” years was them telling me about what, why, and how the other god disappeared, where the disappearing kids were (in the village) and all the other things that I was confused about. That’s when the first wave hit…     

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