Bridge to Terabithia Part 2 | Teen Ink

Bridge to Terabithia Part 2

May 24, 2016
By Greyson.H BRONZE, Katy, Texas
Greyson.H BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bridge to Terabithia Part 2

“ Mom I am going out!” Leslie said. She runs to go get Jess(her best friend) he wasn't home so she went to Terabithia by herself. She runs through the woods feeling the rush of adrenaline as her feet pounded the ground every step. She gets to the rope where you cross from there small town in Oklahoma to the Kingdom of Terabithia. She heard a voice from far behind,but she thought it was her imagination so she went for the leap across the river and on the rope. As soon as she got on the rope she felt as if the world around her slowed down. She could feel her imagination running wild till she heard a slight rip in the rope. Her eyes greatened in size like a mom seeing her child for the first time. Soon the rope ripped a little more. The rope ended up snapping in half and Leslie was falling to her “DEATH!” She thought her life would end there falling from the rope to get to her most favorite place in the world. Then, THUNK she hit the ground with tremendous force then she was out!

Jess comes to Terabithia minutes after she fell from he knew it was bad when there was no sign of Leslie and the rope was broke. He ran down the river see a better look of Terabithia he saw her blonde hair in the river he saw she wasn't moving so he ran to see if she was okay. “ LESLIE WAKE UP, YOU CAN’T JUST GO OUT LIKE THAT!!”Jess shouted in fear. He picked her up and ran to his house. As he got closer to his house and his mom saw that something was wrong, and that Jess was carrying Leslie so his mom called 911. He could hear the ambulance from a mile away thinking of everything that could happen. “She could die Mom”said Jess “ This is all my fault I should’ve been home to go with her, so I could’ve went on the rope first and this would’ve happened to me!!” shouted Jess. Soon, later the ambulance showed up and asked what is wrong Jess said he wasn't sure, but all he knew was that she was doing well and she wasn’t breathing well. They rushed her to the hospital and after that all Jess could remember was the shout of the Doctor saying “CLEAR!!!”

About 2 days later Leslie woke up. “She’s up” Jess said. “What happend to me?” Leslie asked her mom “ The rope snapped by Terabithia and you fell you Broke your ribs and you have a concussion” Said her mom. “ Oh, How long will I be here?” asked Leslie. “ You will be here about 3-4 weeks to make sure you are fully recovered” said he mom “Ugh okay” said Leslie. About 2 weeks later Leslie asked “Can’t I go outside mom?”

Off course her mom said no but she also said “ You should only be here about 2 more weeks okay honey” Leslie said okay. She got out of the hospital around July 28 with a little bit of summer left till school. She got back home to find Jess telling her to go to Terabithia. They go to where the cross the river to find not a fixed rope nor a rope at all but, a bridge instead. She loved it. It was August 18 when Jess and Leslie found out there classes to start 9th grade. They end having ¾ of their classes together and they were pumped for their first year of High School. It was August 24th and it was the first day of school they were not worried at all because they had so many classes together till, they got to there first class the didn’t have together Leslie had Science and Jess and Math. Jess saw this girl his eyes were immediately drawn to her name was Lilly. He thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Ironically the same thing happened to Leslie just it was a boy and his name was Noah. They got through the day and saw each other on the bus and asked each other how their day was and the both said at the same time great. Leslie said she met this boy named Noah and Jess said he met this girl named Lilly. The whole bus ride home was them going back and forth about the people they met. They got home and called it a night saying they will see each other tomorrow. Around November 23 Jess had gotten the girl of his dreams and Leslie had gotten the boy of her dreams,but sadly Noah(Leslie’s boyfriend) was moving to California. He said he was moving in December. And Jess and his girl were having some relationship trouble in February by March they were both single again. It was May and the week of Spring Break and Jess and Leslie were hanging out more than usual so they played in Terabithia for days on end. By the end of the week Jess had a huge question to ask Leslie. It was the end of the day and Leslie and jess were walking home. Jess asked Leslie “ I am kinda starting to like you,are you feeling anything between us also?” Leslie responded “ Actually I am.” they both were happy as could be till, later that week Leslie told Jess she was moving to California. Jess was sad and depressed not because he was losing someone he loved but, his Best Friend. It was moving day for Leslie and Jess said his goodbyes. They both were that saddest they had been in a while ,but she had to go. There lives weren’t the same. Jess missed Leslie as much as Leslie missed Jess, they had to move on though. So, they both ended up in a relationship the surprisingly lasted forever Jess ended up marrying the same girl he dated in High School her name was Lily. And, Leslie caught up with her old boyfriend from High School named Noah and they ended up marrying and moving back to Oklahoma. About 10 years from when Leslie and Jess graduated from High School there was a reunion for any kid that went to that school any of the four years. Jess and Leslie and the spouses ended up all going and catching up on how life had been for the past years. All they had to do before they went home they both had to go to 1 place. They both went to Terabithia. From then on they stayed in touch and they both stayed in touch for the rest of their days.    

The author's comments:

I had to write it cause my ELA teacher made me 

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