the big misunderstanding | Teen Ink

the big misunderstanding

May 24, 2016
By sydneywillis2309 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
sydneywillis2309 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a bright sunny day in Springdale Arkansas  3:45 pm and school was almost over and nick and Josh were about to make the worst mistake in their life’s. Nick was one of the best swimmers in Springdale high he was the one to put that little town on the map. But nick wasn’t the smartest of them all either he was just a jock so when he found out that he was failing Biology when report cards  came out that Friday he knew that he would not be able to swim for state against their rival team the LITTLE ROCK BUFFALOS . Nick was very nervous he tried to stay calm, swimming was his life and he couldn’t give it up over a stupid grade in Biology.
Nick wanted this to be a secret so he didn’t tell that many
people because if word got around school that there top swim player may not be
able to swim in the finals everyone would get so mad at nick and not talk to
him forever. He knew he had to tell someone so he told his best friend josh.
Josh and nick have known each other for 4 years since they’ve been freshman in
High School they have been best friends. Nick texted Josh in 3 periods and told
him to meet in the boys bathroom behind the cafeteria.
“Hey dude what is it this better be good you pulled me away
from pizza day and you know that I love pizza”
“I have a D+ in biology if coach tom finds out he's his
literally going to kill me “
Josh was still trying to understand why his best friend
pulled him out of the only thing he looks forward to all day to tell him
that he his falling one of his classes.
“Okay what do you way
me to do about that ”
“ I want you to help me sneak into Mr. smith's  class
and help me change my grade”
Nick was assuring josh that they would not get in trouble
at all for what they were doing. But it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park
they needed a plan one that was bullet proof.
They needed to know Mr. Smith's exact schedule when he got to
school in the morning and when he left school in the evening and when he had his
lunch break they needed to know all of that. From that day on nick and josh
kept a close eye on Mr. smith and documented every moment that he made so that
when they broke in they had a plan of what to do exactly when they actually
had the chance to change nicks grade.
That afternoon after school nick texted josh to meet him after school in his house to talk more about their plan.
Josh knew that they couldn’t do that all on their own so josh broke his promise with nick and told everyone about their plane so that they could get the equipment needed to complete there undercover task.
“Ok dude so here’s the deal since you dragged me into this we are going to do it
my way so we don’t get caught because your plan will most defiantly land us in
Josh walked into nick's house with 2 other people.
“Who are these other people?”
“They are my nerd friends we are gunna need their help with everything this here is Nate he is a computer specialties we have 4 period together and he his a best at Mario cart and this here is Richard his Mr. Smith’s son and if I didn’t invite him he was going to tell his dad so he's just here for repercussions.”
Nate nervously said “Yes I am Mr. smith's son but I will help with anything and I am also a big fan nick and if can't swim in the sate team I don’t know what I would do”
“ Aww thanks little buddy “ nick said confidently “Ok guys here’s the plan Mr. smith gave me a D+ on my final and for me to swim against the little rock buffalos I need to have at least gotten a C or higher so what we are going to do is sneak into his office and quickly change ,y grade from a sad little D+ to a happy sunny C+.”
josh nervously replies and says “that’s all” then they all share a laugh
The next day at school nick was really confident in his plane and sent a text to Josh, Nate and Richard. “ hey good job guys party @ my house parents won't b home” nick rapidly hit the send button and put his phone away and continued his school work.
Later after school nick rushed to the store to grab a couple of snacks for 5 people   he waited and waited until 5 o'clock until people started to arrive. Nick was a little confused by all the people that started to arrive at his house. It was not the 5 people who he thought that he thought he invited to his house people were piling into his house so fast it was hard for him to keep track. Then josh finally arrived
“Who are all these people” nick was shouting to load that he could hardly hear himself think i only invited 5 people my mom is going to kill me when she finds out that i had a party when she was gone”
“ Did you see who you sent it to when u text us you hit the send all button it was sent to whole school you are screwed “
Nick was planning on getting everyone out of his house then he saw Alison Cooper nick was wondering why she was there she's never at any fun thing. Alison was Mr. Smith's right hand man but nick was thinking if there was anyone that could get his grade changed it would be her. He grabbed her a drink and approached her with confidence.
“ Umm hey Alison i haven't seen you at any parties before  how are you?”
“ Save it nick i know your plan to break into mr smith's class and change your grade”
“How did you know that”
“ because i'm not stupid, and i know the reason you walked over here was to ask me if I could help you break in because im mr. Smiths right hand man right?
It was like Alison was reading nicks mind he was so stund he couldn’t believe but she was right without her nick didn’t know is they would be able to change is grade and no get caught.
“ Yes I would like your help but I don’t want it if you are going to tell anyone what we are doing.”
“of course not silly girl need a little adventure In there life to” she said with a smirk and a smile”
The next day nick called Alison to meet him in the janitors closet during there 3 period study hall nick was thinking if they where going to do this they had to do it now or never the report cards came out the next day and nick was feeling very nervous. Alison walked into the closet with josh
“ What is he doing here?!”
“ Calm down if we are going to do this we are going to need a lookout and josh is the best one we have so short term notice”
“Ok josh Alison and I can handle all of the dirty work just send us a signal when someone's coming”
Nick and Alison walked into mr smiths class nice and quiet and be sure not to mess anything up. Once they arrived at the computer Alison knew exactly what to do.
“Do you already know the password”
“Of course it's so easy it's the name his first dog, Baxter”
Josh was outside playing with his Nintendo DS trying to finish the last level of Mario Kart then he hear so noise
“ hello? Is anyone there”
Walking down the yellow 8 grade hallways was Mr.Smith Josh's heart skipped a beat when he heard his heavy footsteps walking down the halls.
“ what are you doing young man are you alright why are you making such God awful notices”
Mr. Smith was eating a plain jelly filled doughnut like he always does.the students had a bet in class to see when he would just pass out in the class of heart attack from eating too much.
“What is that noise Josh is making” Alison said while where was trying to find Josh's name in the grade book
“ I don't know Josh makes noises sometimes when he's trying to pass a level of Mario kart , but I'll go check just in case”
Nick walked out and he peeps his eye out the corner of the window in the class door and Josh was outside talking to mr smith . Nick went into a big panic he ran into the class who worn Alison .
“He's here he's here!! Hurry and finish”
“ I can't I can't find your name”
“Don't worry about that now mr.smith is outside right now and is he finds us in his class we are going to be dead and I definitely won't be able to swim in the finals”
Mr. Smith pushed Josh out of his way so he could get his desk and finish what was left of his doughnut. Nick and Alison hid behind the counter.
“ Gosh kids these days probably from too much darn television” Mr.smith said to himself as he sat in his chair.
Nick and Alison where wonder how they could get out of there until Nick phone rang.
“TURN THAT OFF NOW” Alison said in a whisper.
“Helo? Who's there I have a doughnut and im not afraid to use it , of what's left of the doughnut at least Come out now
Nick and Alison slowly rose from behind the counter.
“ Nick and Alison when are you doing here your supposed to be in class?”
“ well sir funny story” Alison said jokingly
“ No Alison I can't let u take the fall for this it was all my idea I was going to change my grade in your class from a D+ to a C+ so that I can swim in the finals because my team needs me”
“Now why on earth would you want to change your grade you were one of the few students who actually passed my class”
“Um sir I have a D+ in your class”
“ Well that's not a right here let me check I can pull it up for you”
Mr.smith was surprised to find out that he was wrong about Nick's grade”
“Son I am so sorry it does say D+ it was supposed to be an A+ us teaches have a deadline and the coffee hits at 3 in the morning trying to hit the deadline we often make mistakes”
Nick and Alison was so surprised that they could've avoided all of this mess when they could've just went up to him and asked him about his grade they all shared a laugh about this whole situation.
Josh walks is “So are we going to get in trouble for this”
Mr.Smith laughed “No son it was all just a big misunderstanding”
That next weekend was the big meet it was nicks turn to swim. Alison and Josh where in the stands cheering for Nick
“Go Nick” they both shouted
Nick dove off the block he was neck and neck to the little rock Buffaloes. Nick was thinking he had to win he could have gone through all this trouble and not win. It was down to the last seconds and with the long reach with the are Nick won the state championship for all Springdale.

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