The 8th Street Adventure | Teen Ink

The 8th Street Adventure

May 25, 2016
By Frankiematousek2229 BRONZE, Pepper Pike, Ohio
Frankiematousek2229 BRONZE, Pepper Pike, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark, starry, beautiful night, and I was taking a laid-back bike ride with my best friend Steve down 8th Street. Houses lit up the whole street, the whole city for that matter. Except for one spot, one house down on the end of the street. Hearing a loud screech, we paused, afterwards a booming roar came from the same area. After a short argument with Steve, we decided to further investigate this dark, gloomy house.    
Walking through the front door with fear, scanning the inside we check everywhere we could see. Checking the left, I see just a few wood boards piled on top of the other. Checking to the right, some more wood boards, and checking the corner, I spot red stains. Examining the red stains, I realize that they take up the whole corner of the room. Nearly passing out again, Steve catches me, but stupidly, we decide to further investigate the main floor.
Eyeing a shady door as we creep down the stairs, we try not to make a peep. The first object in the center of the room is a long and narrow table. We move forward at the slowest pace possible. Within a few feet now, I spot a pile of blood in the center of the table. Then everything went Blank.
When I peek through my eyelids, Steve is slapping me in the face. He hurriedly explains to me that I passed out and that we should I argue that we should check the top floor and then get out. Woozily, I walk up the stairs, not eyeing the table. As I make it up the stairs, I start heading for the stairwell going towards the top floor.
Arriving at the middle floor, I am still a little woozy at this point. Looking up at the stairwell, I step, creek, step, creek, repeating ten more times after that.
What seemed like hours later, we finally appear at the top floor. Both of us are shivering at the moment, and deeply regretting entering the house, but there is no point of going back now.
Stepping into the doorway of the closest of three doors, scanning straight ahead, to the left, to the right, there is no sign of anything except for a room full of emptiness. Tip-toeing back into the main hallway, we enter a room directly across the first. This time, Steve decides to investigate the second of three rooms and spots nothing at all. Nearly all of our fear at this point has left and we are both calm.
Leisurely, we walk into the third and last room. Once again, both of us want to investigate; this is by far the biggest of the four rooms. I check the left and spot nothing but a small door either leading to a small bathroom or a closet. Steve claims he doesn’t see anything on the right or towards the middle. I explain to him about the door, and we move towards it at a faster pace than normal.
Both of us open the door with no hesitation. Scoping out the inside, we see nothing but a modern bathroom with a closed shower and a small sink. I open the showers sliding door and see a man, a bulky, hairy, huge man, with some sort of dark weapon. Pulling on Steve’s shirt, we dash back towards the main hall and fly down the stairs, out of the front door. We are out of the house now but glance back to see the man still pursuing us. Sprinting through the front yards of surrounding houses, we hope someone will help, but there is no sign of a savior.
Glancing back to see the man falling more and more behind us, we know we can’t slow down. The thought of that weapon is still flying around in my head, and we hope it is nothing to hurt us at long distance. Lengthening the distance between us and this criminal, we speed up. Coming up on the end of the street, knowing the man has a small chance to catch us now, we look back. Hearing a loud BANG! gets me jumpy and running again. I don’t get that far before realizing my best friend isn’t next to me. Spinning around, seeing the grass spotted with red, I turn back around, now just worrying about escaping. Losing breath and now slowing down, I feel an object entering my back. I feel it penetrating through me, and spot a zooming object coming out from my front side. and that was the last thing I saw.


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