Mountain Teleport | Teen Ink

Mountain Teleport

May 27, 2016
By MelissaPrice BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
MelissaPrice BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  One day my family and I were going hiking. It was getting kind of late so we had to find somewhere to sleep. I saw a mountain that wasn’t that far. It looked like a cave, so we went up to there. I was so relieved that we found it.
     When we finally got up there, it was sunset, so we laid out our blankets and made a fire to keep warm. When everyone was asleep, I got my flashlight to look around the cave. I had to keep quiet so no-one would wake up. All of a sudden, I felt a large pull. I felt like I was falling but I’m sure it was just fear. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Then everything went black.
     I woke up lying on a grassy field Then I wondered, where’s my family, where is everyone, what happened. It was so foggy; I could barely see 6 feet away.
“Hello!”, I yelled to see if someone was here.
“Hello, I need to get back to my family! Is anyone here?”
I walked around for a little while and then I realized I had my phone in my purse. I took it out and tried to see if I could call. I couldn’t get any bars though. I took out my flashlight to take out a little fog, then I saw a figure.
     “Oh thank goodness someone’s here. ’Then as the figure got clearer, I saw it was not someone who could help me. It was Charles, the serial killer of our  neighborhood. What was he doing here though. Hoping he didn’t see me, I turned around and ran as fast as I could through the thick fog.
     I stopped to rest, then took out my phone to see if I could call someone. I called my mom and she picked up as soon as I called she picked up.
”Emily,” she said.
”Emily, where are you? Are you okay? We’ve been looking all over for you.”
She sounded so scared. ”I’m fine but I’m in a really foggy place though. I don’t know where I am.” I said. I was so happy to get in contact with my mom. “I’m happy you’re oka-…” We were losing connection. “Mom, mom,” I said. I couldn’t hear her anymore.
     I kept walking, looking around for clues that could help me. I was walking for at least 5 minutes then I heard a loud thump. I turned so fast I think got a cramp in my neck. I didn’t see anything suspicious so I just kept going.
    The fog started to clear up, at least there’s one good thing that happened. I could see way clearer than before. I saw a house right down my way. I was so happy there was something that could help me. The house was so big and pretty. I went onto the porch and rang the doorbell, but no ‘one answered. I rang it again, same thing. I put my ear to the door and heard nothing. I turned around and walked off the porch and looked down the road I came down before. I turned my head and looked back at the house and saw a small head in the window. The curtains shut really fast. I smiled. 
     I went up to the door and rang the doorbell once more. “Can someone please help me? I need to find my family.” I said into the door.
”What is your name?”
It sounded like a little boy.
”I’m Emily. I just need to call someone please.”
After a few moments, I heard a creak. When the door opened, there was a little boy that looked at least six. “You may come in,” he said. “Slip off your shoes please. We don’t want to track dirt.”
   When I got into the living room, it looked magnificent. I felt like I was in a palace.
“May I use the phone please?”
I wondered where the little boy’s parents were, or if he had any. ”Wouldn’t you like a snack or drink first? You look so pale. ”Sure I would like some.”
    The little boy came back into the room with two white cups. He gave me one and sat next to  me. We sat in silence for a few seconds, sipping on our drinks.
“My name is Joseph by the way. I just turned eight a few days ago,”
he said. ‘Well happy birthday,” I said. I finished my drink and sat the cup on the table. The table looked like cobblestone, at least that’s what it looked like. It looked so clean and nice I’ve never seen anything like it.
   After about five minutes, I saw a gray truck pull into the driveway. I saw three people get out of the car a woman, a man and a teenaged girl.
\ “My parents are back,” Joseph yelled.
He ran to the door and opened the door without hesitation. When they came in, the smell of outside flew into my nose. I observed them knowing they hadn’t seen me yet. I saw brightly colored dresses and a black suit as they walked toward the living room. When they finally noticed me the woman said,
” Joseph, is this your friend here?”
Joseph came down the stars saying,”Oh yes Emily, I forgot to introduce you,” he said.
“Alright then. Hi Emily, I’m Joseph’s mom. Can I help you with something dear?” she said.
“Yes, I am trying to find my family and I came here to see if I could get some help,” I said.
I forgot I came here to use the phone, oops.
“Well I can help you with anything just ask okay?” she said.
She seemed like a nice lady. ”Can I use the phone?” I asked.
“Sure it’s right here in the kitchen.”
I dialed the number and waited for someone to pick up. The first time I called, no one answered. I tried a second time and no one answered then either. So I just waited a few moments and I walked around the kitchen. I saw a backroom in the kitchen and I wanted to look in it. So went into the living room to see if anyone would catch me looking in. I didn’t see anyone so I tried to hurry. When I got in there, I saw a trap door. I heard footsteps, so I turned back into the kitchen I went back to the phone to dial the number again and someone finally picked up.
“Hello, this is Emily,” I said.
“Emily,” my mom said,” Emily I want you to tell me exactly where you are and how you got there so that we can find you,” She seemed angry but scared at the same time.
“Well when I was in the cave I went into the back to go look at it. I went too far and fell into some foggy place.” I said.
“Okay well I’ll try to get there fast. First I am going to call the police to help me,” she said.
“Be careful the fog is really thick,” I said.
“I’ll try,”
    I hung up the phone and when I turned around a woman, Joseph’s mom, was in my face.
“You find everything alright…Emily?” she asked.
“Yeah. I got everything I needed, thank you.” I said nervously.
She started walking towards me so I backed up.
“I should go now.”
I tried to go around her but she blocked me.
“Why do you have to leave so soon, Emily? Don’t you want to get to know us a little better?”
I looked her in her eyes, but there was nothing wrong with them.
“Well I need to get back to my family.”
I was still going backward because she was walking toward me. I saw there was a way to go around the table so I ran around there. She hissed at me and her eyes turned green. I ran toward the door but she was standing right in front of it.
“I said don’t leave yet,” she said in a strange voice.
I didn’t know what to do I was frightened to death.
“Go sit on the couch,” she screamed.
I flew into the air and was slammed onto the couch.
“Stay,” she screamed again.
I tried to stand up but was glued to the couch. I struggled so much, I didn’t what to do
   I fell asleep struggling so much, I think. I woke up but it was super dark. I lo0oked around and didn’t see any light at all. ’Don’t panic Emily’ I thought to myself. ’You’ll be fine.’ I checked around my waist for my purse. Thank goodness I still had it. I looked for my phone and tried to turn it ion but it was dead. Then it clicked my mind, my flashlight. I went through my purse for it. I turned it on and looked around. It looked like a basement so I knew there had to be some way out. I walked around and saw there was a picture lighting up. I went over there and tried to get it off the wall. It took a few muscles but I got it off the wall. I picked the flashlight up and gave myself a boost
  It was still daytime, thank goodness. ’Creak, Creak, Creak’ I heard footsteps coming down some stairs. It got louder so I hurried out the window. They were most likely going down the for me, whoever they were. There was nothing else down there. I looked in the window to see who it was. “She’s gone,” a fragile voice said. It was exactly who I thought it was, Joseph’s mom. She looked around and looked into my eyes so deep, I thought she took my eyes. Her eyes were super red. She ran to me so I ran down the road as fast as I could. She was running so fast, I thought she was a cheetah in a human form. All of a sudden, I felt myself fall. Once again, I closed my eyes and tried to scream but nothing came out.
   I felt myself land but felt no pain. I felt the ground standing up. It felt so fluffy, like a dog’s hair. I still had my eyes closed because I was not prepared for what I was about to see. It smelled like freshly cleaned carpet. I felt it was going to be fine so I opened my eyes. It looked fine so I stood up and walked but slowly this time. I don’t want to get kidnapped anymore.
  This time, there was a neighborhood and I was on a field of fluffy grass. There was a lot of people and it seemed absolutely normal. I saw someone mowing their lawn so I went to go ask him where I could get some help. He turned around and said hi to me.
“Hi, is there an office or something I could go to ? I’m trying to get home and I ended up here,” I said to him.
“You just keep straight down this road and turn left and you’ll see it right there,” he said.
“Thank you so much I really appreciate it,” I said to him. He seemed really nice. Everything seemed to be going great for me
   I got to the office in less than three minutes. I walked in and looked for someone to help me. The office smelled like vanilla candles. The carpet was the perfect shade of dark brown and smelled like a freshly cleaned house. The office was big and did not have anyone in it as far as I could see. There was a window that entered an office 
“Hello” I said. “Is anyone here?” I said louder.
I looked back into the office farther but saw nothing. I saw a hallway so I went around to see if I could find someone. I didn’t see anyone so I went back to the front. There was a man sitting in a chair sipping out of a cup at a computer desk. “Excuse me,” I said, ”Can you help me with something please?” I said it calmly but I was really frustrated because he didn’t answer me back. “Hello, can you hear me?” I waited for a few minutes then he turned to look at me. I saw he had headphones in.
“I’m so sorry; I didn’t realize you were right there. How can I help you?” He walked up to me while I was in the window.
“Well I’m trying to get back to where I came from,” I said.
“What do you mean,” he asked. “You don’t live in the neighborhood?”
He stared at me for a moment then gasped and stepped back. “Come with me won’t you.” He stepped outside the office and I followed.
“Am I correct that you were falling and landed somewhere in this area?” he asked.
“Yes that’s true that’s why I came here, to get back to my family,” I said.
“So the rumor is true,” he said.
“What?” I said.
“For years, people have tried to explain to me that the fell out of the sky. I didn’t listen then, but now I will,” he said, putting his fist to his chest and looking to the sky.
“Oo-kaay, back to my situation please,” I said.
He started looking around the sky for some reason. “What are you-“he interrupted me.
“Hush, listen to the wind. I’m looking for the portal. It may be gone but we can only be hopeful for the best,:” he said.”(Gasp),there it is, but it’s so far. Oh wait never mind, it’s just small!” he said.
” If it gets too small, it’ll disappear,” he said.
“We have to get up there then. Come on wait, what’s your name?”
I asked. “My name is Michael, what’s your name?” he asked.
“My name is Emily,” I told him.
“Okay Emily, let’s get you home.”
  We ran until we were below the portal. There was a lot of wind but we were still not close enough.
“Do you know how to climb trees?” Michael asked.
“A little bit, but I can try.”
The wind was loud so we had to scream for us to hear each other. I climbed the tree that was closest to the portal. It was really hard because there were no hooks that I could hold on to. When I finally got to the top, I yelled,”Thank you Michael, I’ll never forget you!” and went into the portal.
  I landed somewhere cold and hard. I did not open my eyes yet. I didn’t hear anything. I opened my eyes slowly and saw I was back in the cave, where I was before. “Mom,” I said calmly,” Mom, dad, Ben.” Ben is my younger brother. We’re a year apart. I’m 13 years old, he’s 12. We were born on the same day, July 16th, but different years. I heard something from a distance, like yelling. I couldn’t understand what was being said though. I walked to the front of the cave and put my ear out.
“Emily!” It was my brother yelling my name.
“Ben’” I yelled. “Benjamin I’m in the cave!”
I waited for him to come to the cave. Three minutes passed but I didn’t hear anything. I yelled again and waited for a little bit more. I heard rocks so I stepped back. It was Ben.
“Thank goodness you’re here. Where are mom and dad?” I asked frightened.
“They’re on their way here. I sent a secret code to them when I found you and they sent one back to me.” I took a breath of relief and felt as if 30 pounds were lifted off my shoulders..
  I heard rocks once again and pulled back. It sounded like a rock slide because so many rocks were falling.
“Emily, pull me up,” my mom said.
“Okay, Okay , I’ll pull you up,” I said
She got into the cave and my dad was right behind her. I helped him up too
“Thank you, Emily,” he said.
Everyone hugged me and was really happy I was back. I told them everything that happened.
“Well I’m so happy you’re back safely and not hurt,” my mom said with a smile. “Let’s go back home before anything else happens.”
We got down the rocks and walked down the path we came. We put the car in an unnoticeable place so that no one would steal it. It took time but we finally got to the car.
“Finally we’re here. What a relief,” Ben said.
“Okay let’s get in the car. We’re ready to get in the car. Please unlock the doors,” I said slowly getting aggravated.
“Alright,” dad said, ”Just let me get the keys.” He was deep in his pocket. I hope he has his keys. “Here they are, I thought I lost them a second there,” he said. He pressed the unlock button and unlocked the doors. Ben and I got in the back and put our seat belts on. “This is going to be bumpy, brace yourselves,” he said.
  We got on the road and headed towards the back of a red car. We were on the highway so it didn’t take very long to get home. We put the car in the garage then dad unlocked the door so everyone could get in. It was super dark outside so I couldn’t see much. I went straight to my room, which is on the third floor. I took my key from under my rug and unlocked my door. I shut the door and locked it, putting my key in the basket. I ran to my closet to put my phone on the charger. Then I went to my computer to search ‘Mountain Teleport’ and clicked images. I kept going down the screen and saw the mountain I went to.
  I was so surprised to find this out. I walked downstairs to see if Ben could move the door to the attic with me. I went to the living room and ben was sitting in the chair.
“Ben, I need to get into the attic,” I whispered, “Will you help me please?” I needed to get up there to do research on that mountain.
“Okay, I’ll help you Emily,” he said.
“Do you know the password to the door?” I asked him.
“Yes I know the password to the door,” he replied.
We went to the attic area and Ben put in the password on the door knob. It opened slowly but eventually it opened all the way. Mom said I could have the attic, I personalized it a little.
“Hello Emily,” it said.
“Hello Sam. Can you please open file 724-C20?” I asked.
“Yes Emily. Opening file now,” Sam said.
“Never mind Sam. I’m happy to be home,’ I said.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this story because it is adveturous.

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