The Terrifying Invasion | Teen Ink

The Terrifying Invasion

October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a bright and windy day in the small farm town.Everyone was watering their crops and trading foods while there kids ran around the open fields with the breeze moving the long thin grass in a  nice soothing  way. There was a boy well known by the farm village his name was Joe he was only 15 and he loved to ride his horse in the dirt roads enjoying the nice windy days watching the sunset. He also makes sure everything is ok or if anyone needed any help with anything.There was a war that had just ended.Joe had lost his brother in the war, his brother was Joe’s best friend and was always there for him. His brother had died when the army tried to invade a small town to take their homes for themselves but his brother was shot and bled out by his own because he refused to fight. The army was cruel and didn’t care what people thought. They had that during the war that the army had lost their homes so they had no place to return. But the small farm town that Joe had lived in did not worry because they knew that the army were good people.
The next day the army had came and asked if they could evacuate and let them borrow their homes until they found a place to permanently stay.The people of the small farm town refused. The army had talked to the general he had fought in the army for 15 years since and joined as soon as he was old enough to,his family lived to die in the army. The General’s name was Alexander. Alexander ordered the army to give up without a fight. The army began to shoot the innocent citizens.The kids began to cry as they saw people being penetrated with a pointed copper bullet and blood gushing out with the victim’s scream. People rushed back into their homes to tuck their wifes and kids into their basement and grab their firearms and ammunition. The kids were all crying until Joe came to calm down the kids while the men were fighting off the army. He grabbed his rifle after all the kids were quiet and calm and went to look for his dad who was trying to fight off the army. Luckily the citizens of the small farm town had the advantage of out numbering the army. It was chaotic bombs were exploding throwing dirt all over the place ruining crops, soldiers were kicking down doors and searching houses. Many of the men were wounded and Joe had tried to revive them,some of them were unlucky and bled out as they laid on the ground covered in their own blood screaming and moaning in pain . Many soldiers and citizens were killed but neither gave up. They kept fighting and slowly the army was losing the citizens began to run low on ammo and began to steal weapons from the dead soldiers. The general was furious that his army was struggling to fight the inexperienced citizens. He began to take matters in his own hands and snatched a rifle from a nearby soldier and began to shoot the citizens many began to die because the general was really experienced people began to panic as the general was picking them off  like it was nothing. The citizens try to ambush the general but the general killed them before they can make a move. Joe was crouched down behind a tree breathing deeply holding his rifle to his chest. He peeked on the side of the tree and saw the general coming his way and panicked and c***ed his rifle ready to shoot. The general did not see Joe behind the tree and Joe popped out with his finger on the trigger and pulled it and the general was hit in the forehead with the bullet, Joe’s heart dropped and he was nervous and scared. The rest of the citizens alive came running to Joe as they went to congratulate Joe for saving the small town while the army dropped their weapons in shock while they watched their general die they began to pack and retreat. Joe’s dad was really proud  of his son for turning into a man.
The next day after everyone was trying to be healed and rested from the war they decided to celebrate and have a big feast for Joe. Everyone brought a dish and toasted to Joe and gave him gifts and foods he felt loved and dedicated his fighting to his brother.

The author's comments:

poeple should take risks sometimes and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't 

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