The Hacker | Teen Ink

The Hacker

October 12, 2016
By jessie05 BRONZE, Riverside CA, California
jessie05 BRONZE, Riverside CA, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 8:00 January 1, 2000 and a baby was born. This baby wasn’t any kind of baby that would cry, no this baby was born with a hacking chip in his head nobody knows why. Nobody knew he had that in his head, not even the nurses. So when ever it is 8:00, the hacking chip beeps. That’s when the dad knew he had something in the baby’s head.

“Son, come down stairs for breakfast,”Dad said.      “Okay dad ,coming down ,’’the boy said.                                  Then the boy’s family ate a delicious breakfast. Then the boy went to school after 8:00 but that’s when school starts ,so he has to get there late because at 8:00 the beeping begins .
“Damn school floors are rough and not smooth. The school smells all sweaty and yuck”,the boy said.
“Everyone, we have a new student today”, said Mr. Ramirez, “What is your name”, said Mr. Ramirez.            “My name is Chase”, said chase in a shy tone. Chase was so shy he had butterflies in his stomach. 

Next, it was recess time, so the kids went out to have fun. Chase was by himself playing in the sand box. Three kids came up to him and one of the kids said, “hey, this is our spot in the sandbox you piece of s%#t.” So chase did not know what to do. Chase went to the principal's office and told the principle what happened.          “I saw you telling the principal what happened yesterday you little s%#t”, said one of the kids.   “Leave him alone,”said a kid playing with the sand.        “What are you going to do”, said the kid. The bad kid punches the other kid in the nose and fell to the ground with a bloody nose.           “How could you “,said chase. Chase’s eyes went blue. The bad kids took a long gasp. Chase put his palm in a fist and POW right in the ear of the bad kids. Chase was shocked because he never knew he could do that.I’m i a regular boy or a robot

It was a cold night and chase’s family was freezing and they were covered with blankets and chase was wearing his boxers he didn’t feel a thing. Chase is now 18. Chase went to school and got good grades. Then he didn’t want to go to school any more. Chase had powers to see the future and has x-ray vision. He invented this phone for he could hack stuff like open gates, control cameras, and more. Chase traveled to a lot of places like texas, florida, especially new york city. He hacked those places.  
10 years later
Chase dad and mom died in 2017 the 3rd of july together at 7:00 pm. Chase was the only child so he didn’t have no money, or no house. Thats where the phone came handy. So he thought about what to do. Then he turn on his future powers and saw the future. He saw him robbing the Bank of America. So he went. He waited till the bank closed. He got his phone and hacked the cameras. He saw nobody. He went to the safe and hacked that to. “Damn, look at all this money”,chase said. He stole all of the money. He stole 1,000,000 dollars. The bell rang loud and chase heard the cops coming. “What do i do”, chase thought. Then he saw a vent on top of the room he was in. As soon as he close the vent, the cops came in. Then chase close the safe door and the cops were trapped. “Yes i got away with it”, said chase while running.

The next day
Chase was tired and somehow he found his house. He hacked the door to open and went in. “damn, haven’t been in this house in a long long time”,chase said tired. Then the cops knew that chase was the one who stole the bank. “Sir chase come out of the house this moment”, the cop said. “Should i go outside”, chase thought. Then chase went outside with his hands up. “Chase you are under arrest for stealing 1,000,000 from the bank”, said the cop. Then chase eyes turned blue and said, “safe traveling sir cop”.POW punched the cop into space. Then chase got a new power and that was super punch. Finally, chase got to old and died. He was the only hacker in the city. He died the day his dad and mom died.

The author's comments:

i wrote this article because i was thinking about a game and it has to do with hacking.

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