Timmy The turtle and his new friend | Teen Ink

Timmy The turtle and his new friend

December 5, 2016
By hctoplissrobertson01 BRONZE, Dacono, Colorado
hctoplissrobertson01 BRONZE, Dacono, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a turtle named Timmy in the galapagos islands , he had a curious personality and was always up for a good adventure. Ever since the school year had ended it and summertime began Timmy had a spontaneous need for an adventure buddie. But Timmy new that none of his school friends could handle the adventure that Timmy was looking for. “RING RING RING!”
the alarm rang to wake Timmy from his deep slumber. Timmy rose up like a zombie that had just risen from the underworld.
“ Pancakes are ready!”
Timmy’s mother janet, shouted from the bottom of the stair. Timmy has rushed down the stairs and soon started to devour his pancakes that his loving mother had made for him this very summer morning.
“ Today, mother, I am going on another adventure, as I need to seek new and exciting things to keep this world on edge!” Timmy spoke with pride and confidence.
“Okay son but I do wish that you shall be safe today during your adventure.” Janet spoke with worry in her soft voice. Timmy walked out side the front door and exited his small home. As he walked down the driveway he walked with pride and as his friends liked to call strutting his stuff. Walking along the sidewalk as he spots one of his school friends Daisy. As he keeps walking he sees that she is not alone and she is with Brody their other friend from school.
“Hello my dear friends” Timmy said as he kept on his way no stopping to chat because that would take up more of his time he has to adventure.
“ Hello Timmy!” they both say in harmony.
After an hour Timmy reaches the great clearwater beach  and decides to eat lunch and play in the sand. Timmy has started to build a sand castle as he rests after he eats his lunch. Suddenly he sees a flower floating around he decides to follow it along the beach and and see where it takes him.
“Oh little flower where are you going?” Says Timmy propping himself up to stand. He stands and starts to follow the floating flower. He looks at the flower once more and is suddenly swooped up by a bird.
“Oh No not again!”  Said Timmy in scared voice.
The bird flies high into the bright blue sky.  Suddenly the bird lands on a near by branch and drops Timmy right next to him.
“Wwhat do you want from me?” Said Timmy trying to hold in his tears as he was about to cry because of how the bird had frightened him.
“Why hello there my new friend my name is raven.” Said raven with pride.
“Well hello there Raven, why did you just pick me up
p and take me here.” Said Timmy with fear in his voice.
“Well you see tiny little turtle i needed a new friend and i saw you just walking around by your lonesome and thought you might need a new pal.” Said Raven.
“ If you wanted a new friend then you could have just asked me instead of picking me up and taking me to this very tree.” Said Timmy confused about the thought process of the weird bird.
“ I am so sorry will you forgive me and be my new best friend?” Said Raven.
“Why i don't see why not because you seem to be a really adventurous bird since you just picked me up in the middle of the beach and you had not ever met me before and asked me to be your friend.” Said Timmy.
“ Well from now on I now declare us the bestest of friends!” Said Raven.
“ Well let's get going best friend and head over to my house, I think dinner shall be ready soon and Mama said that any friend of mine can join us any time.” Said Timmy. And the two best friends lived happily ever after.


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