My Childhood | Teen Ink

My Childhood

January 10, 2017
By Anonymous

As the youngest brother of three you could say my childhood was pretty rough due to them. I always got picked on or messed with, but it was all in good fun. I love that we always joked around. I had a lot of good times with them. We would play some sort of sport all the time whether it be basketball, football, or baseball, we played it.
I for some odd reason, remember that we were all playing tag. It was a warm spring summer, the best kind of day to do anything. The sun felt good on your skin and there were few clouds in sight. So what did we do while playing tag? Well they made me be it and they climbed up into a tree. I tried to climb it, but my little muscles couldn't suffice. I managed to get some what up the tree and close to one of them. In retaliation they started to throw sticks at me from the tree. Im sure it was quite the sight. I thought it was funny at the time until one of them somehow spit on my face. At that point I was mad and stomped inside knowing I couldn't do anything to hurt them. That wasn't the worst part of my childhood at all.
One of the worst moments of my childhood was when I went to the hospital when I was about four or five. We returned home from church at twelve. It was a good day to ride fourwheelers out in the yard. Well last thing I remember was my brother flying around our barn then blank. I remember nothing else, not a single thing. I don't remember the crash, getting into the ambulance, or the trip to the hospital. I can only remember awaking in the hospital and my parents sitting next to me. I asked them what happened. They told me everything about how my brother crashed into me and destroyed my fourwheeler. It wasn't bad for me surprisingly, I had no trouble. I was just happy that a lot of people got me get well soon gifts!
Almost my whole childhood consisted of my brothers and me. I always had a good time no matter what. I had times where I was mad sure, but I don't remember them, because being mad isn't something I want to remember. I know a lot of people say that they hated their childhood but I can say that I loved mine.

The author's comments:

I hope it can remind people who read it of their childhood and what they thought it was like.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 17 2017 at 7:09 pm
AfricanKing DIAMOND, Warner Robins, Georgia
53 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only you and I can help the sun rise each morning. If we don't, it may drench itself out in sorrow - Joan Baez

This reminds me so much of my childhood haha!I had a go-cart crash when I was little. I laughed and cried reading this, also being the youngest of three. Thank you for writing this!