Zombies story | Teen Ink

Zombies story

March 14, 2018
By CGalvan BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
CGalvan BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Carlos Galvan
Hi, I am Frank Smith. I am 16 years old and I live in . I’ve decided to start this diary, so, if I die, people can know my story, and how I lived what could be the end of the world.
Everything started yesterday. It started as a normal day, I got up at 7 a.m., as I do every morning, and went to school. None of us could imagine what was going to happen in a few hours… I was in English, my second period class, when a voice sounded over all the school. It was the principal. He told us first to lock all the classes doors. Then he said what everybody thought that was a joke. “There are zombies in the school”... Well, we had just locked our class door when we saw one of them through the window. It was crazy. We couldn’t believe it, but there was actually zombies in the school! And as we discovered later we weren’t the only one that didn’t believe it because many of them didn’t lock the door thinking it was a joke and many others couldn’t escape so at the end we were the only class who survived of my high school.
Now I am with the rest of the class, after reading on internet what was going on and going out of the school by the class windows we are going to a “safe zone”, but we had to stop to sleep at the middle of nothing, with nothing to protect ourselves.


Yesterday night, while I was trying to sleep, I decided to do this: I would write every day until we get to the safe zone, if I stop before that, that means I am dead. I will write the date every morning in order to show that I am still alive at that time, then I will write about the day at night, so if there is only date that means I died during the day.
Today, we were woken up around 2:30 am by the guard, there was a van coming to us, inside it was Clint, a man around 50 years old that, decided to travel around to provide everybody that he can see with some guns and take groups with the van, but unfortunately, he already had a group with him, so we couldn't ride there, but at least now we had something to protect ourselves. Once he left, and because everyone was awake already, we decided to leave, so we went to the next town so we could get some supplies, steal some equipment like bags, food, ammunition for the weapons and some medical equipment. But in the way is when the first problem has came, we found a bunch of zombies that came in the opposite direction we were going, because we had a couple of people that are injured and use crutches and because there weren't too many zombies we decided that the best option was to kill them with the guns, that was a big mistake, the most of us hadn't shot a gun in our lives, so when the people who shot at them did it, some of them got hurt by the recoil, and the most of the bullets were wasted because their lack of aim, but luckily they finished dying and we could get to the next

town, where we have been able to get everything we needed, also we got to go into a motel and block every door so we could sleep safe.

Well… today in the morning I almost die, I woke up at the motel that I slept at, and outside my room it was all full of zombies, two friends and me were sleeping that room, so when I woke them up and we decided what to do, at the end we chose to use the shotgun to try to take as many as we could out of the way and run carrying an old trunk that was in there in front of us to push the zombies apart, but while we were running one of my friends felt, what made us fall too, a soon as we could we got up, but it was too late for my friends, luckily for me I was the fastest and I could escape with the gun. Then I could help some people escape from their rooms and we could steal a car and go to the safe zone, now we are really close, but without any ammunition and with less oil each moment, I do not know if we will survive, I guess that everything depends in if we have enough oil to get there or we will run out of oil at half of the way and finish dying for the zombies, the injuries or something else.


Chapter 1: Book

Hi, I am Frank Smith. I am 16 years old and I live in . I’ve decided to start this diary, so, if I die, people can know my story, and how I lived what could be the end of the world.
Everything started yesterday. It started as a normal day, I got up at 7 a.m., as I do every morning, and went to school. None of us could imagine what was going to happen in a few hours… I was in English, my second period class, when a voice sounded over all the school. It was the principal. He told us first to lock all the classes doors. Then he said what everybody thought that was a joke. “There are zombies in the school”... Well, we had just locked our class door when we saw one of them through the window. It was crazy. We couldn’t believe it, but there was actually zombies in the school! And as we discovered later we weren’t the only one that didn’t believe it because many of them didn’t lock the door thinking it was a joke and many others couldn’t escape so at the end we were the only class who survived of my high school.
Now I am with the rest of the class, after reading on internet what was going on and going out of the school by the class windows we are going to a “safe zone”, but we had to stop to sleep at the middle of nothing, with nothing to protect ourselves.


Yesterday night, while I was trying to sleep, I decided to do this: I would write every day until we get to the safe zone, if I stop before that, that means I am dead. I will write the date every morning in order to show that I am still alive at that time, then I will write about the day at night, so if there is only date that means I died during the day.
Today, we were woken up around 2:30 am by the guard, there was a van coming to us, inside it was Clint, a man around 50 years old that, decided to travel around to provide everybody that he can see with some guns and take groups with the van, but unfortunately, he already had a group with him, so we couldn't ride there, but at least now we had something to protect ourselves. Once he left, and because everyone was awake already, we decided to leave, so we went to the next town so we could get some supplies, steal some equipment like bags, food, ammunition for the weapons and some medical equipment. But in the way is when the first problem has came, we found a bunch of zombies that came in the opposite direction we were going, because we had a couple of people that are injured and use crutches and because there weren't too many zombies we decided that the best option was to kill them with the guns, that was a big mistake, the most of us hadn't shot a gun in our lives, so when the people who shot at them did it, some of them got hurt by the recoil, and the most of the bullets were wasted because their lack of aim, but luckily they finished dying and we could get to the next

town, where we have been able to get everything we needed, also we got to go into a motel and block every door so we could sleep safe.

Well… today in the morning I almost die, I woke up at the motel that I slept at, and outside my room it was all full of zombies, two friends and me were sleeping that room, so when I woke them up and we decided what to do, at the end we chose to use the shotgun to try to take as many as we could out of the way and run carrying an old trunk that was in there in front of us to push the zombies apart, but while we were running one of my friends felt, what made us fall too, a soon as we could we got up, but it was too late for my friends, luckily for me I was the fastest and I could escape with the gun. Then I could help some people escape from their rooms and we could steal a car and go to the safe zone, now we are really close, but without any ammunition and with less oil each moment, I do not know if we will survive, I guess that everything depends in if we have enough oil to get there or we will run out of oil at half of the way and finish dying for the zombies, the injuries or something else.


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