curiosity kills | Teen Ink

curiosity kills

March 6, 2018
By Anonymous

Kris casually walked into class as usual, took his seat and waited patiently for Darcy to begin the morning meeting as she does everyday. She started this discussion regarding packages we needed to start, deadlines needing to be met, and new ideas to improve the show. Before the meeting was over Darcy had one thing to check up on. She asked the crew about how that years ghost of the P.A.C package was going. The young and curious boy kris had never heard of the ghost before then and was instantly intrigued. He expected the class to be more startled by what he had just heard but to his astonishment everyone looked as if nothing had happened. The crew responded with how the package was going and everyone moved on to preparing for show. Kris couldn't believe this so he decided to take matters into his own hands. Little did he know, this would be the biggest mistake he could have made.

Students were scrambling to get to their jobs to get practice shows started as soon as possible while Kris tried his best to push his way through to investigate. He approached his first victim to investigate about his newly found interest.

“Hey desmond,” Kris uttered while approaching. “Can i ask you about something?”

“Yeah what is it?” Desmond responded.

“So i've never heard about this ghost of the P.A.C until now, What's up with that? Is it real?” Kris questioned.
Chuckling Desmond replied “Come on man, everyone knows there's not really a ghost. It’s just a joke.”
Kris was confused about how this “joke” came to be. He turned around and went back to his desk. He began digging persistently through the wolfpackTV youtube channel to find the last ghost of the P.A.C video. He finally found the video posted on halloween the year before. The video was just as Desmond made it out to seem. It was clearly just some people in wolfpackTV trying to do something funny and spooky for show on halloween, but as he was just about to close the video he noticed something in the background as the camera panned. Repeatedly going back and watching that scene over and over again Kris’s curiosity was peaked once again. He couldn't make out what the object was but its pure white ominous glow had him convinced it was the ghost.

Kris’s determination to seek more information returned. He got everyone seated around him to look at what he had just discovered. Once again to his frustration they just shrugged it off as if it was just a camera glitch or some sort of coincidence. Kris grabbed Desmond and brought him to his desk to show him the clip to see if he recalled seeing the object when filming. Desmond didn’t remember this but along with everyone else he didn't believe it could really be the ghost.

“Come on Desmond you can’t just ignore it.” Kris said.

“I know i see it but do you really think there could be a ghost in here? Don't you think something serious would have happened by now?” Desmond replied.

“I don’t care what you think i’m going to investigate tonight whether you join or not.” Kris declared.

Walking away Desmond said “whatever man, you’re just wasting your time.”

Kris was determined to find whatever it was he saw in the video but he had no idea how to catch a ghost. He spent the rest of the day researching rituals and tools he’d need to catch this thing, unable to focus in his other classes the rest of the day. When school ended he went straight home and began packing for his quest that night.

This is where i come in to the story, Desmond showed up at my door at about 8pm with a concerned look on his face. When I opened the door I asked what was wrong and he began telling me about Kris’s plan to find the ghost and how he started to worry that Kris might be right and something might happen to him if he goes alone. He proposed we meet Kris at the school and try talking him out of what he was going to do. I agreed because this also had me concerned for him so we quickly drove to the school and waited for him to arrive. For what seemed like an eternity we waited for him to finally show up. Kris looked shocked as he approached us asking what we were doing there. Desmond and I told him that we were concerned and thought he shouldn't go in there but it was as if he wasn't even hearing us. Kris was unmoved by our concern, he pushed passed us and fearlessly entered the P.A.C. We both wanted to stop him but were too scared to follow.

The next day I met Desmond in the parking lot before school to ask if he had heard from Kris. He told me he had not heard anything so we walked into school where contrary to what we had hoped Kris never arrived. It had been a little over a week of Kris not showing up to school so we knew something must have happened that night. Desmond and I swore never to speak of what we knew about Kris and to never go in the P.A.C again.

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