Clash of the Tubbies | Teen Ink

Clash of the Tubbies

March 12, 2018
By TheTrain BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
TheTrain BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1 A voice
“We will come… and when we do there will be nothing left.” Said a mysterious voice.
“Who… are you?” I asked
“I?” “I… am the end.”
“And you will soon see Bob,”
    “How do you know my name?” I asked.
    “Bob… Bob… Bob…, The voice repeated.
    I covered my ears as the voices would not stop and were getting louder.
“Bob!” A familiar voice yelled.
I awakened in my rickety bed just as I always had. To the sounds of my mother making breakfast and a few streams of light peeking through the blinds. What was that? I clawed myself out of bed and greeted my mother.
“Good morning,” I said
“Good morning sweetie,” My mother replied.
I sat down at the kitchen table to find a plate of fresh eggs and ham sitting before me.
“Is something wrong honey?” My mom asked.
“No,” I said, “Its nothing.”
I dug into it and went outside afterward.
“Remember to feed the cat,” My mother said.
I nodded and went over to the house. Our grey and white cat crawled out of her den and stretched out.
“Slow morning?” I asked
She responded by flipping onto her side and purring. I'm Still wondering about that voice this morning. Was it just a dream? It had to be. I poured her a bowl of food and water and took my morning stroll to the market to by ingredients.
Chapter 2 A change
“Bob,” I heard someone yell from behind me.
I turned around to find my best friend Phil. I was startled at first because of the thought of those voices saying my naming over and over again.
“Hey, whats up Phil?” I asked
“Whats up?” He asked That's all you've got to say?”
“What else should I say?” I asked.
“Don't you remember the promise we made where if I could get my hands on one of the militias knives that you would buy me dinner?” Phil asked
“You didn't!” I said.
He smiled and held up one of the town militias curved knives. I was about to say something like “You idiot, I was only joking” but then I heard the voice again.
“Were here,” The voice said.
I looked over at the wall surrounding our village to see the militia stationed at the wall panicking. What's going on? They rang the alarm bell and everyone went into a panic.
“Dude lets go!” Phil yelled.
He then took off leaving me behind. I just stood there. Something began marching up toward the wall. Something big. It looked weird. Almost like it had a baby face with a green fluffy suit on. It was probably 15 meters tall though. The militia could do little to slow down a creature of that scale. It smashed down the wall, letting in countless human-sized versions of it. The militia was outnumbered more than ten to one and began getting slaughtered. I turned toward my house to see the wall by it torn down as well. I ran back toward my house but it was too late. My mother lay there on the ground. A pool of blood beside her as a black Teletubby with red eyes stood over her. It gave me a horrific smile.
“Mom!” I yelled.
Just then though a soldier on horseback rode by and picked me up.
“Stop!” I yelled, “I want to go back!”
“And what will you do?!” He asked.
I stuffed my face in my sleeve, trying to fight back tears.
Chapter 3 Recruitment
We rode for several days. I refused to eat anything due to my spoiled appetite. Once we had arrived at what I could only assume was the capital, we were presented directly to the king.
“...And they were Teletubbies you're certain?” Asked the King.
“Yes,” said the man.
“And who is this young man?” Asked the King.
“A boy whose mother was killed by none other than the demon himself... Malacoda,” Said the soldier.
    “Just like in the prophecy?” The king asked.
    “Yes,” Said the soldier.
    “Then it's time,” said the king.
    “Young man,” Said the King, “How would you like to be trained as a soldier?”
I looked up at the bearded man.
    “What's the point?” I asked, “My family is gone,“ “I have nothing,“ I whispered, tears still streaming down my face.
    The king smiled.
    “But the world is still here, and as I see it, everyone is your family,“ The King said. Only you can save the world,“ “It's only a matter of time before the Teletubbies begin there world conquest,“ “You probably don't know this but you're special,“
    Special? Could I really make a difference in this fight? I looked back up at him and nodded.
    “Then meet up with your new general outside, Sir Reginald von barls lee, or Regi for short,“
    I'll do anything to get stronger. I'll kill them all.
    Chapter 4 Training
    Today was the start of my training. Me along with a bunch of other men, all gathered together in a field. A man with an amazing blond beard walked in front of everyone.
    “My name is Reginald!“ The man yelled out. “Starting today I am your new commanding officer.“
    Everyone nodded their heads. He looked very dignified.
    “Hey!“ A voice yelled out.
We all turned to him. Not this guy. On the way here he wouldn't stop bragging about how he was at the top of his junior fighting class last year. He walked up right next to Reginald.
“I shouldn't have a superior,“ The man shouted. “Afterall I'm the strongest one here,“
    Reginald smiled.
    “Very well,“ Reginald said, “If you can defeat anyone I select from the crowd, you can be the new general.“
    Reginald looked off into the crowd. Once he spotted me, he pointed at me.
    “You,“ Reginald announced, “Step forward.“
    Oh no. I walked up next to the man who was now my opponent. This wasn't good. He was about a foot taller than me and from what I've heard, is pretty skilled. We both drew our practice, wooden swords. Once the horn sounded, he lunged at me. I jumped backward to create so space. I've got to think of something. He swung his sword downward at me. I turned sideways and climbed on his back, putting him in a chokehold. He slipped out and threw me to the ground. I got up as quick as I could but he was right up in my face by then and decked me.
    I slowly rouse this time and could see him walking toward me once again. I regained focus and looked at Regi. He was smiling. Was he expecting something of me? Well, I might as well give it my all. I ran at him and swung. My sword collided with his. It created a small electrical shock wave. It hit my opponent and he stumbled back. I, however, was unharmed. I looked at my hands. Electricity coursed through them. The man got back up in angry and ran at me once again. I held my two hands together and generated a ball of electricity in my hands. I shot my hands forward which sent the ball of electricity out like a projectile.
    It collided with my opponent and he shot back about a hundred feet and passed out. Everyone went silent.
    “It appears the king was right for once.“ Reginald said, “We finally found you. You are the fallen angel.“

    Chapter 5 The battle
It has been nearly six years since the first appearance of the Teletubbies and the death of my mother. I am apparently very special though as everyone has been calling me the fallen angel. Come to think of it, I never knew my dad and mom my rarely talked about him. A did read up on the legend. It does in fact state that the child has to have half angel blood. I have spent all six of those years training, establishing myself in Reginald's army. Some say that I am now on par with Reginald who is known as the armies best man. I have been in plenty of battles against the Teletubbies. These monstrosities have spread all over the world and created something that humanity could finally unite against. Though we have been on the losing end of the spectrum, being pushed back from all corners. We need a win. There is always hope though. And The King says that I'm not even approaching my fullest potential yet.
    “Bob,” Regi said as he walked into my camp tent.
    “What?” I asked.
    “It’s time,” He said.
    I froze for a second and then nodded. It was time.
    As we started up the final hill before engaging the enemy I took a moment to reflect back at the events that shaped my life. The death of my mother, my training with Reginald, today. Reginald walked up to me.
    “Are you alright?” He asked.
    “I'm fine,” I said.
    “Remember I've been through what you have. The death of my mother at a young age, the intense training… but you have to keep your cool,” Said Reginald.
    I sighed.
    “I understand,” I said.
    We finally made it to the top of the hill to see an army that far outnumbered ours. This is gonna get ugly.
    “Arise, arise, Men of Britannia! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! march now, march now! march to victory!"
    The men, inspired by Reginald speech, charged down the hill and clashed with the Teletubby army. The first conflicted lasted a while before the battlefield diminished into a bunch of small pockets of fighting. I was in the middle of slicing a Teletubby in half when I noticed Reginald dueling with a Teletubby. It wasn’t just any Teletubby though, it was him. The one that killed my mother. Malacoda. I finished things up in that area and went to join him.
    Before I could make it up to the top of the hill, Reginald was struck. Then again, and again. I only made it just in time to parry malasadas final blow, kick him away and lay Reginald down.
“Regi!” I yelled
He coughed up a round of blood.
“I want you to finish this,” He said.
I sat there silently for a moment but then nodded. He smiled at me and then his body fell limp. I slowly stood up and lifted his sword with mine on the other hand. I lunged at him and swung one of my swords sideways at him. He jumped back but I countered with a stab. It caught him off guard and grazed him. He swung back at me and our swords clashed. I swung upward but he caught my blade with his fist. His sword parried mine to the side and he swung at me.
I ripped my sword from his hand and held it to his blade. It had to much force behind it though and it skidded me back about 5 meters. I swung both blades at once causing him to intensively dodge them. He then pulled out a hidden blade and sliced into my abdomen. I fell to one knee and grabbed my stomach. This is it. I want revenge mom after all.
“Yes you will,” A Voice in my head said.
“You’ve never been one to quit and I don't think you will now,” she said.
“Now fight!”
I smiled. Well, I can't say no to my mother, can I? I swung my left sword upward, amputating his right arm. He stumbled back but recovered and swung at me. I caught his blade with mine and stabbed his heart with my other. As Malacoda fell to one knee he coughed up a stream of purple blood. Malacoda gave me one last smile before plummeting to the ground. I looked around to see that we had won. The Teletubbies were gone. We’ve won!
It's been about a month since our final battle against the Teletubbies and things seem like they have sort of returned to normal. I knelt down next to the grave I was visiting.
“You were always an aspiring leader Regi,” I said.
“Not as much as you,” I heard a voice say behind me.
The king walked up from behind me and planted a rose next to his grave. We both stood there for about a minute.
“You know Regis army needs a new general,” The king said.
I smiled.
Before he could say anything else I responded.
“Yes… I'll take it,” I said.
The king smiled.
“We're lucky to have you back Bob.”

The author's comments:

I was inspired by all of the different Japanese anime that I've watched. I also like joking about Teletubbies so I put two and two together.

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