Greece | Teen Ink


March 12, 2018
By Tristan12345 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tristan12345 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's was a breezy February day; I had just gotten of the bus and was walking home. In about 20 min I would be on my way to Greece with my mom. The traveling required to get us there was no joke; 6 hours in car to the Newark airport, then 11 hours in a plane to Athens. I was somewhat anxious to find out what our hotel looked like, but was more interested in what our view was going to be. I was ready for the adventure; I was entering this new experience with an open mind, despite my lack of knowledge about the city. 
We were 4 hours into our trip when hunger struck. We decided to stop at Mcdonalds, and I got Quarter Pounder with medium fries. These greasy potatoes were the perfect thing to past time in the stale car ride. Days passed, so it seemed, and finally we were at the Newark airport. My legs could not handle all the walking to the gate after the brutal car ride. The airport was clean and simple, but felt like a maze. After finally making my way through the labyrinth, I was greeted onto the plane by a flight attendant from Dubai. The food on the flight was very tasty, quite a switch from the my last meal. I was served grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans, and it was the perfect meal fill you up on a 11 hour flight. The overhead compartment above me had little lights that reminded me of peaceful stars. The flight had many choices of movies that made the time go faster.
I was greeted in Athens Greece with a 45 min cab ride with my new friend Andrew the cab driver. He knew so much about uber and how they made the cab system in Greece lose a lot of money, which I found very interesting. As I looked out of the windows of the bright yellow cab, I saw the narrow streets of Athens. They were towered over by the sleek white buildings that had solar panels on top to catch the rays of sun. The streets were filled with many people. Mopeds were zooming past, and there was a huge amount of stray cats and dogs roaming the city. The hotel was pleasant with a lot of windows and a beautiful view of the park across the street. My mom and I decided to walk around and get a feel for the city, when we came across a bakery called Bread Factory. This was a popular destination for many people in Greece, and was highly recommended. The bakery was quite unique with bread and pastel colored cakes, followed by neat and organized rows of all different types of savory pastries that you couldn't find anywhere else. Food and breathtaking views is Greece’s specialty.
During the trip we traveled to many islands, which helped me to wind down after being in a city of a million people. Being on the boat that was coasting through the Aegean Sea made time fly. Before I knew it, we had arrived to one of the islands we visited called Ydra. It had blue crystal clear water, breathtaking sights, and collages of white houses along the rocky island. The air was so pure due to the fact that there were no vehicles on the island. However, to my surprise, the island was still overpopulated with tourists, cats, and selfie sticks.
My trip to Greece was truly one of kind. The time spent in new places, meeting new people, seeing new things, was impeccable. I will never forget how much this amazing country has to offer, and how it has changed my perspectives on my life and the lives of others. While I do love Mcdonalds, the grease it shares with me is nothing compared to the Greece that I shared with my mom on this adventure.

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