My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

September 27, 2018
By Writergirl839 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Writergirl839 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name does not mean anything specific.  It means to put clothes together. A classic name. Very well organized and put together name, just like the way a tailor puts clothes together. Typed out with bold lettering and letters in Times New Roman font.

My sister’s name starts with a T and so does mine.  My name was almost Tiffany. Nope, too flowery and not put together.  Too purple, when Taylor is more of an orange. Taylor is a classic, rustic orange.  The orange crayola marker that all kids use in kindergarten.

Taylor is a business woman that wants to get things done and make it known.  She wants to make sure it is done the right way too. Organized and keeping things straight is the way she likes to do it.  

TayTay is inadequate.  It doesn’t fit me. Too girly for me.  It sounds like a cheerleader and Taylor is far from one.  Too snotty and little kiddish. Tay is fine. It is also more basic, like Taylor.  Only for people who are close though.

Everyone says it fast.  Angry too sometimes. It isn’t the happiest name.  Like an owner yelling to his dog. Very stern and serious.  A deep voice yelling. The name may be original, but it sounds like there's more to know about her.  A basic name yet deep.

I used to want my name to be something different.  Used to be too original for me. I wanted a more girly name.  But, I have grown to like it and see it fit me. Taylor is what fits me best.  I am always staying organized and making sure things are done the right way. My favorite color is also orange so it would only fit the best.  Put together and organized.

The author's comments:

Represents my name.  

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