The Crossing | Teen Ink

The Crossing

January 10, 2019
By NolaC BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
NolaC BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was raining and I knew he was waiting for me. I had to get back home, to see him. Suddenly my tires spin out and when I regain my place in the lanes I could see the lights come toward me and I could feel the steering wheel hit my chest.  I begin to hear the glass crack and then I feel it pierce my eyes, but the pain is numbed by the millions of other things happening. My vision began to blur, my eyes filling with hot tears. As I began to see red and I could hear sirens with what was left of my hearing, I closed my eyes and everything fades to black.

'I don't want to be alone.' I thought. I couldn't see anything but black, and it scared me.

'What's happening? I don't want to be here.'

Suddenly I heard a voice. A soft voice, calling for me. I tried to see through the blackness but I didn't have any luck. The voice began to get louder, pulling me further and further into my own fear. I tried to tear myself away but it called to me.

'Wake up.' It whispered.

'Wake up!' It shouted.

My eyes shot open and a blinding wide flooded through. I sat up breathing heavily and looked around. I wiped at my face but when I pulled my hands away bloody tears covered my hands. I gasps and scurried backwards as if I could escape my hands.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"Where is everyone?" I asked the void.

"Alec!" I screamed.

"Help! Someone!" I stood up and screamed as loud as I could.

A flash of light came from behind me. I turned and saw the figure of a women her hand raised.

"Don't be afraid my child." I dropped to my knees, my jaw dropped.

"Who are you? Please help me, I need to get home!" The women floated down and touched my face. She was warm. Her chocolate eyes smiled at me as her dark hair fell over her honey skin.

"My child, you must not be scared. But you can not go home as you were." I reached for her wrist but when I tried to grab her my hand went through. I started to breath hard and looked at my hands.

She grabbed my hand but this time it didn't go through. "Oh dear dear. You seem to be fading away, that long sleep of yours didn't do any good. You must go and fulfill your life my child."

"W-what's happening to me? Please I just want to go home! I have someone waiting for me!" She stood up and looked behind herself.

"Arabella, you died on January, 15th, six years ago, today. A run away Semi hit you on your way home. You have been dead for six years, and you, just now, are waking up. I am here to guide you on your path after death." I stared at her.

"I-I don't understand." I stuttered. "Who are you really?"

She kneeled down besides me and smiled. "I used to be like you. I had someone waiting for me, my little boy. But sickness took me all too soon. I didn't have someone to guide me, so I became on who guides the dead to their fates. To disappear as you are now, or to fulfill your life and pass peacefully."

"So, I can go back!"

She nodded. "If that is what you wish to do, I will wait here for you."

She put her hand on my back and led me to a door that appeared suddenly.

Before I went through the door, I looked back at the women. "You're an angel aren't you?"

She chuckled. "Mm, no. Just a mother waiting for the day I can see my son again."

"Now go before you have no more time." I nodded my head and smiled.

"Thank you, Miss-"


"Thank you." I said as I closed my eyes and stepped through the door.

I couldn't see anything but I could hear everything. The beating of a thousand hearts and the sweet song of the wind and the birds. The creaking trees and the voice of crowds squeaking like crows.

'I need to open my eyes.' I thought.

And so I did. I pried eyes opened daring to see where I might have landed. When I opened my eyes I saw leaves all around me. I realized I was sitting in a tree, I looked down and saw people passing by. I jumped down from the tree and looked around. People bustled around and ran in and out of shop.

"It's the plaza." I said, I smiled. It felt nice to be in such a familiar place.

'Wait, if I'm back home that means..Alec!' I thought. I began to run through the long walk way of shops to the apartments. I walked through the walls and up the stairs to Alec's apartment. I walked through the door and smiled, but my happiness soon faded away. Each room was completely empty, his art was still there though. I went to the extra room and traced my finger against the wall and found my hand print. I walked around the apartment for awhile and then an Idea struck me. I remembered Alec's friend Josh, he would know where he is.

I ran and ran as fast as I could. I could feel myself fading away, my limbs becoming less and less real every breath I took. My hands were becoming transparent and I began to take in less air every minute. I came to the house and stood looking at the door. I walked up to the door and went through it. The house was exactly as I remember it. I walked through the house looking for any sign of life. I heard giggling coming from the back of the house. I sneaked to the back even though I knew no one could hear me. In the orchard I saw three kids running around, weaving around the trees like a needle and thread through fabric. As I stepped on to the porch my eyes were drawn to a women sitting in one of two rocking chairs. She smiled at the kids, and then turned her head my way. I jumped, but then I realized she wasn't looking at me. I peeked over to the left to see who she was looking at. It was Josh. I was happy to see a familiar face.

"Your daughter is a very lovely girl, Josh. You are very lucky." He smiled and nodded.

"Yes, indeed she is. I just wished I could give her more, but I can't be a mother and a father to her."

The women looked back at the kids. "Mm, well you have raised her well so far."

"I've had a friend to help me with that. And you have two very intelligent boys as well Katie."

She laughed. "Well, they got everything from Mark. They don't resemble me at all." She said.

"That's not true." A soft but deep voice said behind me. I spun around.

Alec was standing before me. My lip quivered and I could feel myself beginning to cry. I felt a rush of warmth go through my body. He sat down on the steps, and I rushed to his side. I sat and listened to all three of them talk. The buzz of laughter filled the air. I listened to their stories and laughed. There was so much love and happiness. Alec's eyes were light and and no longer heavy. He was smiling so much. I looked at his hand, his long delicate fingers. They were much more beautiful than mine, like a piano players fingers as they say. I reached for his hand and touched it, and my hand didn't fall through. He was so warm, and I could feel his heartbeat under his skin. I wanted him all to myself. I wanted to hold this hand again and kiss him goodnight, only to wake up and say I love you. But just as I was thinking how much I wanted certain things, I looked around at all he had and at the people who are here to help him. My heart began to soften and I knew that I could never have what I wanted. But I was happy, I felt at peace to know that the man I loved so much, is happy and has people whom he can call family. Suddenly my heart skipped a beat. The first beat that I had felt all day, then I noticed my hands. They were no longer transparent but they were starting to crack apart, and through the cracks a white light leaked through. I looked up and I saw Evangeline, standing between the trees, looking at me. I smiled and stood up. I leaned down and kissed the top of Alec's forehead.

"I will always love you. Goodbye, love." He looked up and for a moment I could swear he really heard me.

"Alec? What's wrong." Josh asked.

Alec smiled. "Nothing."

I walked down the stairs to Evangeline and smiled at her. She extended her hand.

"I see you are ready to go?" She smiled.

I nodded. "Yes." I took her hand. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. I felt the wind begin to pick up and my body starting to crack apart, but it wasn't painful. I could feel a gust pick up and I looked to Alec and smiled. Then as I whispered goodbye to myself, I felt the wind carry me off with the leaves.

'I'm happy.' I thought.

'And now I can die, knowing you're ok.'

'Have a good life my love. And see the things that I couldn't.'

'I love you.'

The author's comments:

What comes after death?

No one really knows, but through this piece I travel through the idea of the after life as Arabella goes back to complete some unfinished business.

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