Name essay | Teen Ink

Name essay

February 28, 2019
By ajhev23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ajhev23 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Aidan Joshua Alan H. My first name means "little fire" or "fiery one" in Irish. If my name were a color it would be blue like a cloudless day in the summer. Aidan means very energetic. Playing video games and swirling in a chair. The texture of Aidan is rough and rugged like running your hand across the school carpet.
Aidan is a cloudless sky while AJ is a chaotic storm. Hail and lightning ripping apart the night’s sky. Only a select few call me Aidan. Those are close friends, teachers, or parents. When I’m older I will prefer to go by Aidan for business because it’s more mature and formal than AJ.
When I was born my mom asked everyone what my name should be and one of my brothers said Aidan and the other said Joshua, so my mom said Aidan as the first name and Joshua as one of my middle names. My brothers soon came to an agreement and said that I should go by AJ.
At my school, I’m the only AJ. All they have to know if my first name. I have lots of friends that don’t even know my last name, they have just always known me as AJ. AJ is very unique and one of a kind, I would never want to change my name if I had the chance.
Aidan means “fiery one” in irish, I’m very energetic in everything I do and love. AJ is very different, he does what others would think twice about doing, no regrets. I will always go by AJ because it fits me and who I am and a person. I’m very lucky that my parents blessed me with this name and I could never change it.

The author's comments:

I am not the best writer so when I was told to do this assingment I was nervous. But as I made more and more revisions, I found myself enjoying writing this piece.

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