The Path Taken | Teen Ink

The Path Taken

March 29, 2019
By afrosch BRONZE, Madisonville, Louisiana
afrosch BRONZE, Madisonville, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a little boy named Dandy. He was the only little boy in his whole class that had a true genuine heart. All he wanted was for everyone to be happy; so he gave everyone everything they wanted, including his bright green sparkling hair. His hair was his most prized possession, he even won an award for it in the second-grade school contest called “ Crazy Club”. His fellow peers eventually got jealous of him for winning the big teddy bear as a prize. They despised Dandy even though that is the complete opposite of what he wanted. Dandy only wanted what was best for everyone else.

He decided it was time for a change, he was tired of people not liking him. He gave his classmates exactly what he thought they wanted in order for them to be friends with him. Dandy gave away his prize-winning, bright green, sparkly hair. His classmates absolutely loved it and they felt like winners too. Dandy thought it was a success and was so happy.

Unfortunately, that happiness only lasted so long for him. He realized that even though he wants to spread love to others, he needs to stop and focus on learning how to love himself first. See that was the problem, he gave everyone what was most important and they did not accept him still. He did not notice soon enough that they are just truly upset with themselves and not Dandy. A very important lesson was learned by Dandy during that time, you can not love others to your fullest ability until you accept yourself for who you are.

The author's comments:

It is about the struggle of a little boy.

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