Three Jubilant Waterfalls | Teen Ink

Three Jubilant Waterfalls

January 14, 2020
By N-Tiahnybik SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
N-Tiahnybik SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only things that are constant in my life. I am the only one who knows about them. Three jubilant waterfalls with clear water and endless amounts of fun. Three who are too special for me to let go. Three monsters formed from the Earth’s corrosion. From the beach, I can hear them, but no one else can.

Their beauty is hidden in the depths of the unknown. They send graceful waves of water down to the reservoir. They continue to send water down for as long as they live and do so without ever complaining. This is why they are truly beautiful.

Let one forget their importance, they’d shine but be hidden, each capable of changing lives. Please, please, please they say as I keep my mouth shut. They beg to help others..

When I realize what I have to do, when I realize that I have to reveal my findings, then I will be happy. When other people see the beauty of these falls. Three who helped me become the man I am. Three who give without expecting anything in return. Three whose only reason is to make others happy.

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