The Ordinary World | Teen Ink

The Ordinary World

March 28, 2021
By Anonymous

The Lost Game 
“My son, one day you will understand why your mother and I left you. One day you will understand.”  

Those were the last words Adrien’s parents ever said to him. Adrien was a boy not over sixteen, he had very average features. In a world in which everyone looked the same Adrien was considered charming. He was not charming because of his looks because everyone looked the same. Instead, he was charming for his personality.  

In this bland grey world, no one chose who they could marry or fall in love with. At birth the baby boys and baby girls were numbered off by their gender. Every male has a birth number that is identical to a female’s number. Meaning that whoever has the identical number to you is the person you will marry in the future. Since everyone was numbered off as a newborn, your spouse most likely had the same birthday as you having a few hours differ. At the age of twenty-one you were required to marry your identical number and at the age of twenty-five you must have one child and one child only. This was how the world ran, no one objected, and no one accepted, it was just a thing.  

After decades after decades of this system, everyone started to look identical to one another. All the male features were dark brown hair, six foot one, having broad shoulders, and having a flat nose. All the female features were light brown hair, around five foot five, dimples, sharp nose, and very defined cheekbones. Every single person looked like everyone else in their sex
Everybody had the same things as others, same house, same boring bland outfits, same income, same life. There was nothing interesting about life, everything was grey and white.  
But there was one thing different about Adrien Clarke, he must take a pill every single day at nine am sharp. So, every day during school he had to excuse himself to take the pill. He knew it was a necessity, but he did not understand why.  

All the kids in his class loved whenever Adrien put his hand up to asked to be excused as that was the only different thing, they experienced. Well usually they all use the toilet, eat, sleep, live in sync with every kid their age something different was like watching an animal at the zoo. Fascinating  
In the morning when the clock struck nine am, the boy asked to be excused from class and walked down to the water station. The water station gave him a cup of water from his “kids aged sixteen water bottle.” as kids their age only got a certain amount of water they must drink every day.  

Adrien looked down at the pill bottle and realized there was only one pill left, he was relieved until he saw that half the pill was just powder. Unknowingly the boy took half his pill and went back to class. 

A regular school day lasts eight hours to be exact, eight am sharp till four pm. Adrien's pills last him fourteen hours but since he took half of the pill, it will only last the boy seven hours. Not enough for the whole school day.  
As school went on for the seventh hour right at three pm, Adrien’s features started to change. He was starting to look different to the boys around him. As the class noticed, everyone acted like they had seen an alien.  

The word spread that Adrien was an alien from another planet, soon the words spread to the Ordinars (the police of the ordinary world) and they came to check it out themselves. The Ordinairs saw the boy and immediately took him away. 
They took him back to the Ordinary station, they station the Ordinairs take ordinary people to keep them normal. When they got there Adrien asked what was wrong with his face. A random Ordinair decided to speak and said “son, there seems to be a problem with your face. It is not of the ordinary.”  

“Sir please don’t, SIR PLEASE” Adrien pleaded as he knew that anyone with unordinary faces will be executed.  

“I'm sorry son, it is the only way” replied the Ordinair  

“TAKE HIM TO THE ROOM” another Odinair screamed.  

The way of execution was simply being left in a dark room till you die of dehydration or starvation. The Ordinairs believed that if they only lock you in the room, it does not count as a brutal way to go out but more “natural.” 

Days go by as Adrien sits there and simply waits for death. With nothing that can be done, the boy reflected on his whole life and how stupid life in general was. He thought to himself, if he could break out. He would save the ordinary world and change it for the better. 

The author's comments:

It is very Ordinary

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